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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. 1. Your site is working for me. The default page and downtime are related to mitigations for repeated DDoS attacks, and should resolve within a few hours on their own when they occur. 2. What files and programs are you referring to? 3. See #2. 4. Krydos can set external MX records for you if you want. If you want to use the mail server on Tommy, you only need the default MX records which point the mail to the same server as your domain. You should have Krydos set up SPF and DKIM if you plan to send email though (please open a new topic for this if you want it).
  2. We cannot troubleshoot this because the domains are currently aimed at Weebly. Keep in mind that accounts are subject to downtime with a default page showing as part of DDoS mitigation while we work to resolve the repeated cyberattacks. Each time these mitigations kick in, accounts may experience outages or default webpages as the mitigations take effect. The site should recover on its own when the mitigations are fully applied, provided you're using our name servers.
  3. It's working for me and has already corrected itself just as before. We were hit again this morning around 12:30PM EDT, mitigations kicked in about an hour later. These default pages are a side effect of the mitigations kicking in and last until Apache restarts and stale DNS caches expire (about 2 hours for most people). As long as the idiot that keeps DDoSing us decides to keep it up, this may happen when his attacks succeed. We're working on determining what is being targeted so we can deal with it more permanently, but each step requires we wait and be attacked again to gather more data. If you need something that won't shows these screens after an attack, you'd need to buy a VPS or move to Johnny (which is not currently a target). It will still see downtime during the initial attack, but once the mitigations stop the traffic, your account would come back more quickly.
  4. I can't find anything wrong with this one. It's not even suspended on my end, and is only using 293MB. Are you still seeing this message?
  5. As above, please pick ONE, not two accounts. Also, you can host more than one site in a single account and can buy extra disk space if that's a concern, so there is never a good reason to need two.
  6. We are not able to create the account for you. We've all dealt with this though (back when I joined here, I had to get up at 3am to get mine). If you don't want to worry about getting one when the registration is open at night, you can get one without the wait and time by donating a dollar instead.
  7. Your account is on that IP because we have not finished moving everyone to the other IP (we're moving them in batches trying to find the account that's the target of the recent DDoSes). Your account is still on that IP in Plesk as well. If you use ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org as your name servers, your domains will automatically change IPs when the account is moved.
  8. Same user as https://helionet.org/index/topic/56546-account-suspended-request-to-revert-decision/
  9. Users are only allowed one account. You have 4 (gopio, jiongo, gopiogram, asterwind). Which one do you want to keep? The other 3 will be suspended. Also, since you have 2 active accounts, if you don't answer within 24 hours, we'll suspend both of the active ones until you decide.
  10. Added. You'll need to either set that domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or create A and AAAA records pointed to the IP addresses shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  11. This website is working properly for me. It does look like it may have moved IP addresses this morning for DDOS mitigation though (we had moved all sites to a different IP the other day and now it's back on the original IP). When this happens, it is normal for the site to be unavailable for a short period (until DNS caches expire and apache restarts). For most users this would be up to 2 hours, though some smaller ISPs and enterprise networks may cache the stale DNS for longer.
  12. The system didn't send the invite because an account already belongs to that email address. That said, he really needs to be registering and using his own account. If you create or maintain it for him, there's a very good chance you'll end up suspended for having two accounts because our systems won't be able to tell you and your friend apart. If you already donated, please post the donation transaction and your friend's email address and we can send the invite directly to him.
  13. Weird. The only person who should receive an email from a support request is the original sender when someone replies to it. Even if you reply to one yourself, you don't get added to the email addresses that receive responses. Escalating so Krydos can check this.
  14. Changed. Please make sure you either set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or if you use external DNS that you create an A record and AAAA pointed to the IP addresses shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  15. No problem. A lot of people with external DNS have been seeing this lately due to the server IP change. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  16. We don't block any email intentionally. I would suggest checking to make sure you don't have any of the email spam filter options turned on for the mailbox, and since you're on Tommy, I would also suggest you verify that the IP addresses you have set in CF for your domains are correct. Tommy's IP address changed recently. If your domains are set up with an A record using an IP that ends in .77, it's outdated, and will no longer work. The new IP address for your account can be found in Plesk. At least one of your domains is showing a 522 error which suggests you may need to update this. Also verify that the MX record is pointed to tommy2.heliohost.org for each of your domains, and if you're sending email, that SPF and DKIM records are also set up.
  17. Krydos has done trials for people in the past. Escalating to see if this is an option for you.
  18. That .77 IP is no longer valid. Please update your DNS records to the IP address shown in Plesk.
  19. Added. It may take up to 2 hours to work. Please make sure the domain has NS set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or that an A record and AAAA record are created in your external DNS pointing to the IP addresses shown in Plesk.
  20. Please update your A records in Cloudflare. You can obtain the new one in Plesk (it's shown at the bottom of the options for your domain). All accounts were moved to new IPs yesterday as a result of a DDoS attack, and the old .77 IP is null routed.
  21. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  22. Correct. The account has not moved yet and will probably take a little while to do so. Once it happens (and Apache restarts), the account will show its normal content again.
  23. The .77 IP is down again due to another DDoS attack. We're in the process of moving everyone back to the other IP. Please change back to the .106 IP and wait, your site will come online automatically over the next few hours when it moves on our end.
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