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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Merged. Do you want the domain changed, or do you want your account reset (deleted and reinvited)? There's no point in doing the former if you want your account reset since a reset deletes your account entirely and we reinvite you (and you could just sign up with the new domain when setting up the replacement account...)
  2. Krydos should be able to remove that and use its slot. Those weird subdomains are a relic of cPanel, which created a subdomain for each addon domain, then parked the addon domain on top of it. Plesk doesn't do this.
  3. I’ll let krydos answer this as I don’t know enough about Django to answer. That said you’re the first ask for this that I’m aware of, so it’s quite possible a solution needs to be developed or that it’s not supported…
  4. Changed. Please set the domain’s name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or create A and AAAA records pontes to the IPs shown in Plesk. The domain can take up to two hours to start working.
  5. Tommy is donor only, but a free Johnny account works as well. The disk space will not carry over to Lily if you get one of the larger accounts, but Lily comes with 1000MB of space of its own, so you end up with 2000MB across the two accounts assuming you have a 1000MB plesk account. We run the LTS versions of .net typically, so 6.0 is the current version. I'll try to install that this weekend as someone else actually asked for it yesterday as well.
  6. Do you want this set as your main domain or added as an additional one?
  7. Also, do you need all of those domains on your account? Several of them don't even resolve. If not, we can remove them for you.
  8. An email has been sent to you containing a link to reset your password.
  9. Krydos has to create this for you if you want to use our DNS.
  10. An email has been sent to you with a link to reset your password.
  11. Lily supports .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0 and the older 4.8 CLR. Can you target against one of these? If not, I can see if it's possible to install .NET 6 for you. Also, what is your username on Johnny or Tommy? (You're supposed to have one an account on one of those servers because some of Lily's functionality like email depends on it...that said it is possible to create a Lily account independent of them if need be).
  12. Did you turn DKIM off and on at any point after setting it up? So, you need to get the new DNS record from Plesk and update it since it regenerates the key when you turn it off and on again. Krydos may have more input on this issue.
  13. If the recipient is on gmail, that’s normal. Even our own emails like invites go to spam because our IP ranges have a poor reputation. You can try sending a message to mail tester (https://www.mail-tester.com/) and fix anything causing a mess than 10/10 score but even then mail from our servers usually goes to spam.
  14. An invite was sent for that donation 15 hours ago and has not been used. Since it's gmail, it's likely in his spam folder and he missed it.
  15. Your account has been deleted and an invite for a new account has been sent to you.
  16. Domain has been changed. It can take up to 2 hours for it to start working.
  17. I'm not sure how you tried to reset your password as we do not have a "forgot password" tool for hosting accounts (the Plesk one has never worked, and your forum password is not connected to your hosting account). The only way to get one reset is to post here as you did. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  18. Added. Please make sure DNS is pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or A and AAAA records are pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  19. He can't log in because he's suspended for having multiple accounts...
  20. You're suspended for creating two accounts. Users are only allowed one. Which one do you want to keep?
  21. Let’s see if Krydos can find it.
  22. @Unknown025It has a subscription suspension, not a customer suspension. A typical suspension that most people think of is a "customer suspension" in Plesk. These weird "half-suspensions" where only the subscription is suspended occur as a result of overusing resources, notably disk space. They don't show up in the admin tools as a suspension, but sometimes appear as a user being over quota on disk space. However, this one was not over quota, and doesn't seem to have any obvious reason he should've been suspended to start with. Unsuspended.
  23. Your account has been deleted and you've been reinvited. Transaction 0YK24229TD003500N doesn't come up in Paypal when looking at the available 3 years of history, so it's either too old, or was made through something like gofundme. Krydos would need to check on it if it was a gofundme donation. As for the plesk queue one, do you have the transaction info for that?
  24. Invite sent. It might end up in his spam folder since he uses gmail.
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