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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yes you can. https://heliohost.org/donate/ Please let us know amount, time, and coin when you donate. Krydos can verify the payment. Please note that if you use Aeon or XMR the validation process and addition of disk space may take a week or longer to be processed. If you use a regular non-privacy coin like BTC or ETH, it can be verified within a few hours in most cases. Also, since you mention being in Nigeria, please remember that HelioHost is based in the USA and as such users must host and operate websites that conform to US laws. Please keep this mind when designing your site. We frequently see users from your country try to host things that, while common in your country, are illegal in the USA (notably phishing, piracy, and high yield investment programs). Hosting of any content that is illegal in the USA will result in a permanent ban without a refund.
  2. Changed. Please make sure to set NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. It can take up to 2 hours to start working.
  3. Since you're using our name servers, Krydos needs to set SPF and DKIM up for you before anyone is going to accept your email... Escalating.
  4. I'll let Krydos answer this as I'm not sure.
  5. Added. It may take up to 2 hours to work. Please make sure DNS is set up by either using NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk.
  6. Added. It may take up to 2 hours to work. Please make sure DNS is set up by either using NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk.
  7. Account has been deleted and an invite has been sent to you. Please note that it may be in your spam folder.
  8. You can't "upgrade" an account...we currently have to manually delete the account and invite you again on the other server to move severs. If you have a hosting account under that email address, you won't receive the invite because the system does not support automatically moving accounts and the TOS prohibits having more than one account. Would you like your account deleted and the invite sent to you for Tommy? If so, please back your data up and then let us know when you're ready.
  9. Yep, usually in the spam folder on most providers. Note that if you have an account already you will not receive one since you're not allowed to have more than one account. If you can't find it, please post the donation transaction ID or the email address and we can resend it.
  10. I'm not sure if the timezone can be set per database in PG or not... The extension will need to be created by Krydos if it's supported.
  11. I'll let Krydos do this since I'm on mobile at the moment...
  12. If you don't want to stay up late, you can donate instead to get an invite: https://heliohost.org/tommy/ We don't provide free invites for timezone-related inconvenience.
  13. Change the host to tommy2.heliohost.org and the port to 1373.
  14. Your numbers are off by a factor of 1000...it's a 1000MB limit (about 1GB), and you're using 1212MB, just over 1GB. You ran out of disk space. Our accounts aren't meaningfully large enough to run nextcloud with any actual data stored in it. The software itself is nearly half of the account. You can buy additional disk space if you'd like, but the max is 6000MB (just shy of 6GB) for $25. For capacity beyond that you'd need to buy a VPS instead (starts at $4/month for 50GB, though less is actually usable due to space needed for the OS). I'll let Krydos figure out how to bring you below the limit since I can't find anything aside from httpdocs/latest.zip and the nextcloud instance itself to delete, and that won't bring it down enough to matter. Trash is already empty it looks like.
  15. Something is weird with this account. I'm going to guess an unarchive failure as you unarchived it on the 19th... It's active in the admin tools but suspended with all domains disabled in Plesk (which is why you can't log in). I have no idea how that would happen other than a bug in the restore process... Escalating so Krydos can take a look.
  16. It was sent and lost long ago. I just resent you a new invite, it'll probably be in spam (which is likely what happened to your last one as well).
  17. Added. It may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  18. I forgot that Afraid/FreeDNS domains don't work properly with LE (they're almost always over quota for certificates because Lets Encrypt did not give them an exception). This is another reason we recommend not using that domain provider. You're going to keep running into trouble with that domain. Please consider getting a domain from a different provider. That said, I've installed the zerossl one that's on your account since all the pieces are there. Give it 2 hours to start working. Note that our servers do not redirect HTTP to HTTPS by default. You should not expect that behavior unless you specifically turn it on in Plesk (though I'm not sure users can even have change option). Do you want me to turn that on for you?
  19. As moneybrz stated, just use the button in plesk to generate one. Make sure you uncheck the box for wildcard certificate hen doing it as we don't support those yet. ZeroSSL has been obsolete for years on our service. Back in the day it was a requirement before automatic SSL certificates were a thing on cpanel, but it died when that was added, and Plesk now has the same functionality.
  20. Sent. The invite will probably be in your spam folder...
  21. What was the username on your old account?
  22. You do it on the registrar's website. That domain is from Afraid though isn't it? IIRC they didn't support NS records unless you contact them to have that support enabled. Check for an option to set up external name servers / NS on their site, but if you don't see it you'll need to ask them how to do that. Their service has historically been known for not being the most compatible thing in the world due to its nonstandard nature...
  23. Assuming this runs on the server side, a user can't see it anyway. Pretty much every server side app just puts the info in plain text in a config file. If it runs on the client, your app is badly designed. You shouldn't be doing raw SQL from the client if you can help it, as all it will take is someone debugging the program to pull the info from memory and dump (or worse) your DB.
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