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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It was high load. Not sure how bad it was as the suspender did not log it, but I do remember seeing your account floating right around the 10000 mark last week. You can monitor your own load at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Please keep the CPU under 10000 per day and the memory usage under 100GB per day to avoid being suspended for load. Unsuspended.
  2. That website is on Lily. Your Lily account still exists and was never deleted because Lily was not affected by the Plesk migration (Lily does not run a control panel). The Johnny account contents are inside that cpmove file, you have to unpack it with a tool like 7zip, there should be a folder inside called mysql that has the database files. There will also be a folder called homedir with the files from your account.
  3. The Lily account is still active. That never went away, only the Tommy account was deleted. The backup link is to recover the Tommy account content.
  4. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  5. This is by design. Plesk puts each domain in its own folder, unlike cPanel which required them all be inside public_html. That said, since you have a legacy account and prefer the old structure, I've moved the document root for you. It'll take 2 hours to take effect.
  6. The Tommy account never migrated because they ignored the email (likely lost in a spam filter). Also, there's an orphaned Lily account for this user. An invite for a replacement account has been sent (note that it will be on Johnny for capacity reasons, this is intentional). A copy of the old account's content can be downloaded from https://heliohost.org/backup/ Please let us know if the Lily account is no longer needed or if you plan to continue using it, as it needs to either be reassociated with you or deleted.
  7. This has already been added and is already working. There's nothing more to do.
  8. The cgi-bin folder needs to be 750, not 777. I changed the permissions for you and the script is working now.
  9. That message is what you get when the remote access is not enabled on our end. It hasn't been set up yet. Krydos will post here when it's been completed. I'm not sure how quickly this will be worked as he has been dealing with a server outage for some of our VPS customers.
  10. I'll have Krydos take a look for you, but if you'd prefer to move to Tommy instead or even just cancel your account altogether, let us know and we can accommodate that as well.
  11. You will need to be much more specific in what exactly isn't working (such as posting error messages, examples of incorrect data, etc.) if you would like assistance as we don't know what's broken. Your site appears to be working to us, but we cannot tell if the content is correct or not since nobody on our team can speak or understand Arabic. A VPS would allow you to change the server character encoding if that's what you're asking, but I don't know if that will solve the problem you're experiencing since we don't know what the problem is.
  12. Krydos can cancel your VPS and we can remove the forum account once complete.
  13. This domain is now working on my end. Marking solved.
  14. Have you logged into the VPS and checked if httpd is still running? Might be as simple as apache having crashed and needing to be restarted. That VPS is on Sparkie and is not affected by a current partial VPS outage (which affects users on Katie), so it's something to do with the software on the VPS.
  15. Changed, though you will need to change the name servers or set up DNS. It may take 2 hours to work. Also, be advised that Afraid/FreeDNS has a history of being incompatible with our service. As a result, you may encounter issues or the domain may not work as expected.
  16. A missing DNS zone has been corrected for this domain (if an account gets archived then is restored, the DNS zones for added domains get lost). That said the NS records still need to be fixed. I see both CF and our name servers together on an nslookup. You need to use one or the other. Please remove the CF entries and verify the name servers are set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org as described above, then wait a few hours. Non-authoritative answer: nabin-adhikari.com.np nameserver = ns2.heliohost.org nabin-adhikari.com.np nameserver = princess.ns.cloudflare.com ns2.heliohost.org internet address = princess.ns.cloudflare.com internet address = princess.ns.cloudflare.com internet address = princess.ns.cloudflare.com internet address =
  17. Nope. It's due to using Wordpress. Domain roko.com only had 183MB of bandwidth used this month. We have non-WP sites that can push 100GB/month and not get suspended. WordPress is infamous for being one of the most poorly written and inefficient CMSes available, and also one of the most insecure. Your best solution will likely be to replace Wordpress with something else, but if you can't do that, removing unnecessary extensions (some like Elementor, WordFence, and WooCommerce are extremely bloated) can help with performance. You might also want to consider extensions that convert the site to static pages where possible. Static pages cause little to no load to serve.
  18. Escalating...this account gave us trouble suspending yesterday as well...
  19. I just spoke to Krydos. This is a manual process that can take up to 24 hours to be completed. He confirmed it's already been completed and you should have received an email about it at this point.
  20. I'll have Krydos check on this for you.
  21. Unsuspended. Please remove the source of the load quickly. Also, as above, if you do not have a license for that travel script, please remove that within 24 hours as well. Nulled software is not permitted.
  22. Krydos is the one who will need to figure this out.
  23. Added. Please ensure DNS is configured properly. It may take up to 2 hours to start working.
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