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  1. How do I run a script as soon as the server is operating again?
  2. Please shut down scripts on softspider.heliohost.us; going to https://softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop like a mod told me to doesn't seem to do anything but write some text.
  3. Edit: I've found the code on the wayback machine but it seems to need libraries that are no longer importable Edit 2: The code should now be killable from within so just killing the 2 running processes should be fine, that being said going to softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop still does nothing; suggestion: please add an emergency kill all button Going to index.sh?action=stop seems to do nothing other than write "Stopping new.py.". Is there an archive of the previous version of this(https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot) guide written in python so I can understand what the stop script is even doing + possibly fix it?
  4. I have no clue how to stop a script and it's eating all the memory. softspider.heliohost.us
  5. Python modules request for softspider.heliohost.us, python 3.10; needs telebot v0.0.5 Thank you in advance
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