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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Please check your email for an invite to set up a fresh account.
  2. It looks like you decided to move to Tommy and created cen4021 over there. Hosting account cop4610 has been deleted.
  3. This is already set up and there is nothing more we can do to make this work if it does not function for you. It is working when we test it. You will need to upload a tool such as Adminer (https://www.adminer.org/) and use that to edit your database if you are still unable to connect.
  4. See https://helionet.org/index/topic/57459-krydos-character-encoding/?do=getNewComment
  5. You can't change the server encoding because it would affect everyone and likely break other users. If the server encoding needs to be changed, you'd need to buy a VPS instead so you have your own server to run with a different encoding. That said, I'm not sure if there is another way to make this work. Krydos would be the one to answer.
  6. Additional space is not free and must be purchased. It costs $5/1000MB and there is a maximum of 6000MB for any one person on the shared hosting service. If you've donated, please provide the transaction IDs of the donations and we can add the space to your account.
  7. The upload_max_size and post_max_size have been increased to 50M. It may take up to 2 hours to take effect. I'm not sure why this was still on 8M and 2M for your domain...these two values should've automatically defaulted to 50M for both based on the service plan for the 2000MB account.
  8. Duplicate request. https://helionet.org/index/topic/57458-your-account-is-ready-to-transfer-to-plesk/?do=getNewComment
  9. A replacement invite has been sent to you. Please check your spam folder for it, gmail is known to mark them as spam.
  10. Yes. Just be aware Postgres has no admin tools provided here. You will have to either request remote access on the forum after you create a database and database user then use something like pgadmin on your PC to manage it, or you have to upload a tool like adminer to your account if you want to manage postgres databases through your browser. Django is supported, but sometimes is challenging to get running. If you have issues getting that working, feel free to ask for help and we can take a look.
  11. https://helionet.org/index/topic/57221-website-offline/
  12. Invite sent. Note that it is for a Johnny account due to Tommy being rather full at the moment (and Johnny is faster at the moment anyway).
  13. It was for failed SFTP logins. Unblocked.
  14. Multiple accounts. See mrmaru88 jxtrunk and udumyid. You're suspended because we have reason to believe you have 3 accounts. You're only allowed to have one. Since you're posting from mrmaru88, I'll assume that's the one you want to keep. Unsuspended.
  15. The links to reset passwords expire quickly. I've sent you a new one to try again.
  16. I'll have Krydos check this one more time, but it's possible if not likely that this issue is on your end. Some networks (notably schools and workplaces) block the ports required for postgres remote access to function. If you cannot get this to work and Krydos doesn't find anything wrong, you will need to upload a script like adminer and use that to work on your database instead.
  17. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  18. Domain changed. It may take up to 2 hours to work. Please ensure DNS is configured.
  19. Krydos would be the one to do this, but I'm not sure anyone has asked for this one before though, so not sure if it's supported.
  20. Domains added. They may take up to 2 hours to work. Please make sure you set DNS to the IPs shown in Plesk since you're using Cloudflare.
  21. Please see your existing case for this here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57406-krydos-abilitare-accesso-remoto-al-database/ More information was needed. We need both the database user as well as the database name to set this up. Please answer the questions in that topic.
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