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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You're better off not putting the pictures in the database, this being one of many reasons. Storing stuff like pictures in a database is also widely frowned upon. Save the pictures as files and put the file names in the database. That said, there's a few ways to do it. Easiest is to read the value, send headers, and spit it out with echo. You can also use GD. I'm on an iPad so I can't give code right now, but I'm sure someone can post an example.
  2. Please clear your cache and check larocheent.ml again, I see the install wizard for concrete5. As for the coyotebuddy.ml...check under the Subdomains section of cPanel for any subdomains related to coyotebuddy and remove them if found. If not, post back and I'll escalate it.
  3. Your login probably didn't count. Use the form on the bottom of heliohost.org. You can also log in through http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 or http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082 (pick the one for the server you're on).
  4. You're probably logging in through an unsupported link. After you log in, be sure the cpanel URL you see in your browser's address bar ends in .phpcp, not in .html. The receommended ways to log in are to use the form on heliohost.org, or to log in through http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 to be sure your login is counted.
  5. We do not offer paid services other than SSL, which is the same exact service as the free one, but with a dedicated IP address. The issue occurs either way.
  6. FTP and cpanel are working fine on Stevie. The problem is likely on your end (perhaps whatever network you're on blocks non-web traffic).
  7. Yes. Your username will never change unless you manually delete and recreate your account. Your password won't change unless you change it. Your main domain has no effect on either...in fact, it can be invalid or (in theory) blank and the rest of your account will still work fine. If you want to make skullythepirate.com your main domain, remove it from addon domains, then remove the related subdomain under the subdomains page (cP might remove them on its own, but make sure they're gone), then change your main domain and wait 24 hours.
  8. A regular domain cannot be added as a subdomain...do you mean it's a parked domain or an addon domain? If it truly is a subdomain, it'd be skullythepirate.skully.com...and the opposite you're planning would be skully.skullythepirate.com. Neither makes sense. You need to remove any reference to the new domain if you want to make it your main domain. I'd recommend you use something like skully.heliohost.org as your main domain though, and just add skullythepirate.com as a "Parked Domain". A parked domain is functionally the same as your main domain, it shows the same content, and you can access cpanel through it.
  9. Please clear your cache.
  10. If you're selling your .com domain, you're probably best off changing it to something like skully.heliohost.org. Any domains you get later can be added as parked/addon later on. The main domain cannot be a subdomain that's already in your account unless you remove it first. Skully.com itself will show an indefinite Queued page if you change your main domain since the server won't know what it belongs to anymore. Any subdomains in your account that's of the form "subdomain.skully.com" might or might not work once you change the main domain, I've never tried that. If they do, I can say that cP won't let you add new ones since the parent is not on your account. The domain and its subdomains definitely won't work once you sell the domain since the new owner will likely change the NS's.
  11. You created the account today...give it 24 hours to finish being set up.
  12. There is no control panel for java. Just upload your jsp files. If you have a .war package that you want to use, upload it to your home folder and post here so an admin can deploy it for you.
  13. You were suspended for running 4 cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  14. We support cgi. Just be sure to put it in the cgi-bin folder and set the permissions correctly. We don't explicitly ban proxies, but they very frequently get you suspended for high load, so I'd recommend against running them here.
  15. For the host name, try using phl.heliohost.org or ftp.phl.heliohost.org. Tell FileZilla to use plain FTP on port 21, not secure FTP (I've had trouble with it). Also, make sure the password is correct (can you get into cPanel?).
  16. PHPPgAdmin hasn't worked in almost a year. You can use a PC program like PGAdmin III to manage Postgres databases. Use stevie.heliohost.org as the host, and your cPanel username and password.
  17. What account / Domain (send it in a PM)?
  18. What error are you getting?
  19. You're getting that error because it is suspended for malware (CryptPHP). I've deleted the account for you, so you should be able to sign up again.
  20. You're welcome Glad to hear it's working for you.
  21. Deleted. I also removed and re-added your main domain on the Stevie account so the system will (hopefully) create the proper DNS records for camino.bo. Give it 24 hours for the queue and DNS. If it still doesn't work after that, post back and I'll escalate it so an admin can manually fix it.
  22. Nope. Still not right. You need to click the "Management Tools" menu, select "Nameservers", then choose "Use custom nameservers" and put them in there. A correct configuration looks like this:
  23. That "CNAME" in the type column on the registrar page is wrong. It needs be of type "NS". Seeing that the pictures suggest you can't change that, you probably need to select an option to use your own dns servers somewhere else in the registrar's control panel. If you can't find it, contact the registrar and ask them to set the nameservers for you.
  24. You have two accounts with the same main domain. As you guessed, the Johnny account is inactive (last login June 24, 2014). Do you want me to delete the Johnny account so you can use the Stevie account?
  25. Please clear your cache. However, instead of a queued page, I now see an internal server error. The most common causes are broken software or a bad htaccess file.
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