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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The queued page when visiting that IP is normal. For your domain, the proper configuration is to use two NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If you can't set NS records on your domain, contact the registrar and ask them to do it. Alternately, change your heliohost account main domain to your domain and set an A record pointed to Regardless of method used, wait 24 hours after you make the changes for it to take effect.
  2. That site is up and running, but whatever software you installed on your account is broken. It's serving the website improperly (it incorrectly serves it as a download containing HTML so my browser pops up a download window for a file with a random name). You'll need to fix that yourself. The slow speed and downtime is normal. You're on Johnny, which is experiemental. His performance is rather poor and his up-time is like 70%. If you need something faster and more reliable, you should consider deleting your account and moving to Stevie.
  3. Roundcube does not work on Stevie due to MySQL damage. Use another mail client.
  4. What is your account's username and domain?
  5. Yeah. It had a modified date of 10/12/2010. The messages in it look to be from when joomla was installed. It was in the folder with the joomla install that makes up heliohost.org.
  6. Softaculous isn't capable of understanding the limit, so it's very possible for it (or the software you install with it) to automatically create cron jobs that will get you suspended. There are likely programs on softaculous that come by default with crons that run too frequently. When installing them skip the cron job install or adjust the cron job to run less.
  7. Just be aware that it's not number of jobs, but the number of executions that we count. You can have 2 executions per day between all of your jobs. How you use those two executions is up to you. One job running twice, 2 different jobs each running once, etc.
  8. Actually, you were suspended for running too many cron jobs. You had 3, but the limit is 2 per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  9. This user has like 10+ accounts, all suspended for high load or multiple accounts. When he gets suspended, he sometimes just creates another account. The script he's running is a Facebook like bot (basically a tool to artificially increase rankings/# of likes) which is against the Facebook TOS. This user is also known as arestame, afuldi, and adandi## (where the pounds are numbers, he has 8 or so of these accounts, all suspended).
  10. Your Dns settings are incorrect. You used .tk's forwarder which is not compatible with heliohost. On .tk's websites, edit your domain, select "custom dns", and enter our name servers (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) in the two host name boxes. Leave the IP addresses boxes blank. Save the changes. Then wait 24 hours and it should work.
  11. Deleting your account isn't instant. It will get deleted shortly, but until then, it shows up as suspended. It shouldn't be an issue. When did you try signing up for Stevie and what message do you get when you try? Also, what was the name of the Johnny account you deleted?
  12. I run my own. For friends, I'd recommend either joining an existing server or running it yourself. If you want, you can join mine http://www.acmine.tk. We have 4 players besides myself, so everyone is welcome. It's usually pretty quiet, so you and your friends would probably have it to yourself quite a bit.
  13. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  14. I've wondered the same thing. What I do know is that he got suspended for high load again already, and data suggests that this may be the same user as two others aliases that got multiple account suspensions.
  15. Add an A record or CNAME record in cpanel under the DNS editor. For instance, I have minecraft.raxsoft.tk, which is an A record that points the game server's IP address.
  16. We'll probably move to 5.5 at some point. That's what Johnny has already. cPanel is due to be upgraded again on Stevie at some point in the near future. Whether it brings a newer version, I don't know.
  17. Your username cannot start with a number. Your new username logica10 is showing up as created though, so that appears to have worked. It should start working in a day or so.
  18. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  19. The twitter won't be an issue assuming it doesn't need anything special like special ports. The emails it generates can get you suspended rather easily though. You can send at most 50 per day for your entire account. Password reset emails should be fine, but account activation mails (even if you don't expect a lot of users, since these are generated for spambots too), new post/followed topic notifications, etc. could easily generate a lot mail. I'd disable these functions or use an external mail server for them.
  20. The Stevie and Stevie SSL accounts are the same aside from the dedicated IP address needed for SSL. In fact, when you first register, the account created for Stevie and for Stevie SSL are identical. They're different only once we verify the payment and assign you the dedicated IP address. Because the two are the same aside, we can add the dedicated IP to your current account if you want. If you decide you want a new account on Stevie, you'll need to delete your current one. EDIT: Didn't see Byron's post...should've refreshed first
  21. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because you haven't logged into your account in the last 30 days. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. To prevent this from happening in the future please remember to visit http://heliohost.org/ to log into your account at least once every 30 days. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  22. Those are unrelated issues caused by ongoing software upgrades. Everybody is experiencing the data error message in most of cPanel's tools. As for Phpmyadmin, try again later. The database server goes down a lot.
  23. I don't know if classic ASP is even supported. Normally, everyone uses ASP.NET, and the most common issue is targeting the wrong framework version. Someone else might know more about this issue.
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