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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You indeed did. Suspended for 8 cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  3. Usually that reason means you were doing something illegal. I'll escalate this to see what Krydos says about it since we generally do not delete accounts like this.
  4. That's because phpmyadmin (or the version we have anyway) is running on the old library. All that message is saying is that phpmyadmin itself is using the legacy library and isn't happy about it. It does not mean that mysqli is not available. The message can be safely ignored since we still run an older php version where the legacy MySQL library is not deprecated. If we had php 5.5, it would be accurate.
  5. The time you wait depends upon how many others are in front of you in line. Our estimate times are long because they assume that everybody in line will get it, but only X people per day lose it. Many people get it sooner because a lot of accounts are inactive or suspended when it's their turn and get skipped over.
  6. Did the account get suspended or become inactive at any point? If so, you lost the java on that account and need to request it again. I see unprocessed code in that page.
  7. There is no default. Php uses whatever your software is coded to use. If your software is coded with the old MySQL functions in it, that's what it will use regardless of what we have available, and if what it wants is not available, the program dies with undefined function errors instead. TL;DR: Your program must be rewritten if you want to use the newer library.
  8. Both extensions are already installed. It's up to you to develop or deploy code that uses the new one (tjoene explained what you need to do). We cannot and will not remove the old extension because many users run legacy applications that depend upon it.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @krydos: He has 4 accounts and claims three are for friends. How do we handle this?
  10. Um, they're all registered to you...and the domain names and content all suggest you're the one using them. I'll escalate this, but krydos will likely want your friends to prove they are theirs and that you're not the one using them. As for the java, I can't tell since you have a custom error page and no content. If you disable the custom errors and see a 404 from tomcat (error has navy blue bars, top and bottom) you have java.
  11. Cloudflare has the ability to cache your site. You won't be able to use any applications (e.g. post to a forum, edit blog, etc.), but content like normal web pages and existing blog posts will still be available. When we are down, the public will see a slightly-outdated version of your site instead of an error message. You might want to create a new topic asking how to set up CloudFlare correctly. I don't use it myself, so I can't explain the procedure, but I know there's at least one other moderator here who knows a bit more about it than I do.
  12. The main reason is because our nameservers keep failing. NS2 hasn't worked in over 6 months, and NS1 goes down a lot (it was down earlier today for ~1 hour). Much of the downtime is when both NS's become unavailable. If you're on Johnny, then it's even worse since he frequently goes down from high load as well. I find it frustrating too. The good news is that there's been some talk about much-needed server upgrades in recent weeks. It'll probably be a little while before we get anything, but we're definitely considering it. You might want to consider setting up cloudflare in the meantime...that way a cached version of your site will be available even if we're down.
  13. It means the line moved faster than we expected. Your bigger issue though is that you have four accounts. You're only allowed one account. Which one do you want to keep? Please let me know within the next 24 hours.
  14. As yashrs said, the account mylund does not exist. However, there are two other accounts with that domain, youman and manish1. That domain was suspended because youman was inactive. You can only have one account though. Which do you want to keep?
  15. Host should be Stevie.heliohost.org Username and password are fine (your cpanel username and password).
  16. Phppgadmin hasn't worked for months. Use a tool for your PC like pgadmin or adminer to manage pgsql databases.
  17. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  18. I'll let Krydos do his thing and decide, but I will say we received an abuse report from AA419, which has listed you as a fake bank. AA419 is a rather reputable anti-scam organization. Your site's listing can be found here: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=93211
  19. In that case, use Stevie.heliohost.org or Johnny.heliohost.org depending on which server your account is on.
  20. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  21. Krydos can likely tell you which file caused the load and might be able to tell you your CPU and RAM usage for the past few days. I'll escalate this.
  22. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  23. Your intermittent database errors are almost certainly a result of server damage causing the mysql server to crash. That X showing is because it is down. cPanel restarts it on its own after a few minutes when it crashes, and it will show as up again shortly after.
  24. No. That would be 1440 in a day. The limit is 2, so if you only have one job, the most frequently it can be run is every 12 hours. If you really need something to run that frequently, use a service like setcronjob.com to schedule it.
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