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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It was experiencing extremely high load earlier...I couldn't even reach it. It seems to be back to normal now though.
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  3. No. These functions are disabled for a reason. If we let people use their own php.ini, they'd do things like enable passthru and exec (security risk, not to mention load...imagine if people used it to start things like game servers), turn up the memory limit (which would make the server slow for everyone else since they'd be hogging the RAM), or disable the script timeout (they'd run scripts that take minutes or hours, hogging the CPU). You cannot override the limits and restrictions, nor can you provide your own php.ini. You need to find software that does not rely on passthru, exec, or any similar function that runs commands on the server.
  4. We disabled the ability to change or override anything in php.ini. Passthru will not work here because we don't allow server commands (it's basically exec with the output being returned...) If your software requires this to work, you'll need to find another host.
  5. If you don't understand what I wrote, you likely won't be able to fix it. I don't know what "it crashes" means. so I can't give anything more specific. Do you mean a 500 error? If so, your software is broken. Is it a mysql error? If so, it's likely our broken database server which we likely won't be fixing in the near future (move to Johnny or find another host). If it's an error related to mail not sending, try again later.
  6. The software is trying to use innodb database tables. It's been broken since February and we don't when or if it will be fixed. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/
  7. The reason was because we received an abuse report from our provider for your account. We're obligated by our provider to suspend accounts that get reported. The report itself suggests that it's for sending spam...in some cases you can get unsuspended if you fix the source of the spam (often it comes from hacked software on your account, Joomla and WordPress and dubious themes/plugins for them are a leading cause for instance), but its up to Krydos to decide that. Krydos has been known to disappear for long periods due to lack of time, and it's worth noting that everybody here is volunteer too. Back in November we had people who waited close to 2 weeks for him.
  8. It was granted 12 days ago. You can see what it is in cpanel. It's on the left side where it says "shared IP". There is nothing you need to do to use it, DNS takes care of that for you. If you're trying to get a secure connection, the next step is to install certificates. cPanel can generate a self-signed one, but it will make browsers display a warning when you visit your site. To get rid of that, you need to buy an SSL certificate from a certificate authority.
  9. PHPPgAdmin has been broken for months. Use a PC program like pgadmin III to manage your postgres databases instead.
  10. Krydos sometimes takes several days or even a week to respond to these posts. Please be patient.
  11. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  12. Phishing accounts typically cannot be deleted. I'll escalate this, but I suspect krydos will tell you the same.
  13. The mysql server is damaged (has been since February). The best you can do is not use innodb tables in your own databases, and hope others don't crash the server trying to use them.
  14. Since I'm not sure what error you're getting... Does the form use mail() to send an email by any chance? Sending mail when exim is crashed will make some scripts choke and spew 500 errors. Also, does your database use innodb tables (these need to be converted to myisam)? Trying to write to/alter/drop those is a good way to crash MySQL and get various errors (-1 from storage engine, lost connection during query, and a few others).
  15. The 500 errors on your site when using cpanel, FTP or phpmyadmin are normal due to the process limit. Solution is to use them only when you can afford to have those 500 errors (e.g. when your site isn't busy). As for MySQL being unreliable, the mysql server isn't exactly stable because of the crash in February. It goes down pretty often (although its been better in recent months), and that 5 minutes is how long it takes for cpanel to restart it when it fails.
  16. Your DNS entries are wrong. You need to use an NS record with a value of NS1.heliohost.org, not an A record and IP.
  17. That account cannot be unsuspended or deleted, nor can its data be recovered. I'm not sure of the reason since I cannot find an abuse report, but that message usually means illegal activity or other major abuse that's not something we distinguish separately.
  18. No. 500mb shared. That disk limit is actually the main reason why we only let people have one account, as many try to get more space with extra accounts.
  19. There is no way to reset an account. You should delete your account and recreate it if you really need that drastic if a reset. Normally, you can get back to a relatively clean account by just removing all your domains, deleting everything in public_html, and dropping all your databases.
  20. You already have an active account...indyaaa2...so not being able to create another account is normal. We cannot unsuspend the original account because we received an abuse report for it. Even if we would unsuspend it, we would immediately resuspend you for multiple accounts anyway.
  21. Sounds like innodb issues...ignore old database since there probably is no way to drop it. When creating tables, use myisam as the storage engine. Creating innodb tables and adding/editing data in innodb tables is currently broken.
  22. The servers are both up. Stevie's MySQL does crash sometimes, but its sporadic and usually comes back up quite quickly. Softaculous on Stevie is broken (related to the database server issues we've had since February). It should work over on Johnny though. Install the software manually.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. I'm surprised to hear it worked at all. Others have had issues with Johnny's FP extensions that as far as I know were not resolved. The fact that we still offer them is kind of amazing, but I guess people still use them. For what it's worth, Frontpage was obsolete when Office 2007 came out, and MS dropped all support for its final version of Frontpage back in 2011. I'd recommend finding different software at this point. Krydos probably needs to look at it based on the error.
  25. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 1 file(s). Perl.Small FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
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