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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It's 2 executions. You can have 1 job that runs every 12 hours, 2 jobs that each run once a day, etc. No more than two runs in a day, regardless of what job actually runs.
  2. It's 2 executions, not 2 jobs. So you can have one job running every 12 hours, two jobs that each run once daily, etc. If you need them to run more frequently than that, use a service like setcronjob.com to schedule them.
  3. You were suspended for running 56 cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. If you need more cron, use a service like setcronjob.com. Your account has been unsuspended.
  4. You were suspended for running 28 cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. If you need more cron, use a service like setcronjob.com Your account has been unsuspended.
  5. Then you get suspended again... I suggest you do not install a proxy on our service. They almost always lead to a suspension for high load.
  6. You can delete your account here: http://www.heliohost.../scripts/delete After deleting, wait 24 hours then sign up again.
  7. Yes, Johnny is more tolerant before we suspend you. However, proxies will still get you suspended quite easily. My advice is to remove CGIProxy entirely and not run a proxy on our server.
  8. If you're paying for a CMS, you're doing it wrong. Something like joomla or Drupal will do rather nicely here. I'd avoid Wordpress as it tends to get hacked easily even if up to date, since there's a lot of malicious extensions and themes for it. A search function is usually built into many bigger content management systems. If you want to make one, you need to be using a database for your content so it can be searched (hence why I recommended a CMS). That actual search code is in SQL and php. The front end would be in html and sends a get request that is processed by the php. If you want to talk about this more, perhaps post up in the website management and coding forum.
  9. Johnny is more tolerant of load before you get suspended, but be aware that downtime is higher. If you want to switch, delete your account and sign up again on Johnny.
  10. It suspended a second time for high load. Please remove whatever script you're running, as it is impacting everyone else (at least until you get suspended...). If you get suspended a third time, we may not unsuspend you.
  11. I';ll assume you mean the site in your signature...I won't comment on content as a matter of practice, but for the layout / style: I'd remove the big floating picture on the left side (looks horrible, and also breaks mobile support), your footer says Link 1 Link 2 Link 3, and the copyright year needs an update. The Links page is empty. I'd recommend doing away with the dependency on Flash Player. The Search page does not work on mobile, and all pages show a big "Get Flash Player" button above the header text when on mobile. Works fine on a PC though. All those buttons for monitors / counters / SEO snake-oil aren't exactly nice-looking, and most are useless anyway. I'd remove the Submit Express, reputation, and InternetSeer ones. Speaking of InternetSeer, switch to Uptime Robot...free, no spam/promos, and far better service (InternetSeer misses like 90% of the outages here on Heliohost since it doesn't check often enough). Put the SiteMeter and StatCounter icons below the footer. Remove the QR code (which is invalid according to my phone). Seeing this appears to be made in plain HTML, a proper CMS might not be a bad idea...you might want to look at something like Joomla. Tons of templates available and far easier to manage than manually coding things.
  12. We get people who set up phishing sites, malware C&Cs, spambots, etc. all the time, so that's probably right unfortunately. We suspend these threats as we find them or they get reported to us, and we run antivirus periodically (which suspends infected accounts). If you ever stumble upon such an account, you can post it here or email abuse@heliohost.org and we'll suspend it. I just suspended two phishing accounts this morning... The reason it flags the heliohost.org domain is because 99% of these accounts have a main domain of somesubdomain.heliohost.org. AVG doesn't know that the content on our subdomains is actually our user's content, and since there are probably multiple actively abusing our service at any one time, it flags the whole thing.
  13. This is not fully supported here. You can use sockets (fsock, etc) to make connections outbound to other servers on standard web ports (21,80,443,3306,8080, the mail ports, and maybe a few others) only. Inbound connections are not allowed. You can't run a server that listens for connections on a custom port, which it sounds like you're trying to do.
  14. You can use CGI if you want (we support Perl and Python I believe). The problem is that whatever script you uploaded used too many resources. The server's memory and processor are shared by 1000s of users. If someone uses too much everyone slows down, so we suspend said user to keep everyone else's account performing well. Note: If you uploaded a proxy, I highly recommend NOT running that here. They're one of the leading causes for high load suspensions.
  15. It was for high load again. Please remove the proxy and any other scripts that might use a lot of resources. If you get suspended a third time for this, you might not be unsuspended again.
  16. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  17. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  18. You were suspended for high load. Glype and other proxies are one of the most common ways to get suspended for this. They tend to use a lot of resources I'd recommend you remove the proxy. Your account has been unsuspended.
  19. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  20. That error means the software needs innodb, which we don't support due to server damage. You'll need to modify the installer to use myisam tables. (How you do that varies, by program, you'd be better asking that on a board for concrete5 users). See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/ for details
  21. You're better off not putting the pictures in the database, this being one of many reasons. Storing stuff like pictures in a database is also widely frowned upon. Save the pictures as files and put the file names in the database. That said, there's a few ways to do it. Easiest is to read the value, send headers, and spit it out with echo. You can also use GD. I'm on an iPad so I can't give code right now, but I'm sure someone can post an example.
  22. Please clear your cache and check larocheent.ml again, I see the install wizard for concrete5. As for the coyotebuddy.ml...check under the Subdomains section of cPanel for any subdomains related to coyotebuddy and remove them if found. If not, post back and I'll escalate it.
  23. Your login probably didn't count. Use the form on the bottom of heliohost.org. You can also log in through http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 or http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082 (pick the one for the server you're on).
  24. You're probably logging in through an unsupported link. After you log in, be sure the cpanel URL you see in your browser's address bar ends in .phpcp, not in .html. The receommended ways to log in are to use the form on heliohost.org, or to log in through http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 to be sure your login is counted.
  25. We do not offer paid services other than SSL, which is the same exact service as the free one, but with a dedicated IP address. The issue occurs either way.
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