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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. Then it is probably a mistake on our part unless something changed. We don't allow shell functions. I'll have Krydos comment on this, but I suspect the solution will actually be to turn it off for Johnny as opposed to enabling it on Stevie.
  3. This account has been suspended for violation of our one account per user policy which is clearly stated during the creation process of each and every account on Heliohost. A common misconception is that you need a separate account for each website that you want to host, but since Heliohost differs from most free hosts and even most paid hosting by offering unlimited addon domains, unlimited parked domains, and unlimited sub domains one can easily and conveniently host as many separate websites as they wish all from your one free hosting account. If multiple accounts were created to get around our disk space limit we strongly suggest using a free service such as dropbox to host your large images, videos, and downloads while continuing to host your website with us if you wish. If you understand that each user is only allowed to have one active account please let us know which account you would like to use and it can be unsuspended for you. Also let us know if you need backups of any of the data on the other accounts, and if there are any domains on the suspended accounts that you would like to host on your main account because we will need to remove them from the suspended account before you will be able to host them on your unsuspended account. For example: user1: unsuspend user2: backup user3: backup, idontreadrules.com user4: thoughticouldgetawaywithit.org
  4. The account is not suspended or inactive, so that's not the issue. The reason you see the IP Change message is probably because it is (or at one point was) accurate. Your device's IP address has changed between each of your 3 posts by a few digits. Are you on a mobile device of some form? My iPhone sometimes has this issue if I'm not on Wi-fi. Try another device (preferably a PC on a different internet connection, so possibly use a friend's PC) and see if it works.
  5. Yes. It's broken on both servers. One of Johnny's many crashes caused it. To convert your tables, just export them, then open the .sql file in a text editor and do a find and replace. Find all references to InnoDB, replace with MyISAM. Save. Import.
  6. You were suspended for running 9 cron jobs, the limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  7. Softaculous is broken on Stevie because we don't support innodb, so any application that needs innodb MySQL tables won't run. Phpmyadmin broke last week sometime. I'll have that looked into since you're the third person to mention it now.
  8. ...and turning it off makes innodb tables go from read only to unavailable. That's the main reason it's still on. I agree though, we should consider turning it off at some point if we're not going to fix it.
  9. It does that automatically for any domain pointed to our servers. Do note that you have the port number wrong. The port is 2082, not 2802.
  10. The account mnanibeats does not exist. The queued page is normal for domains that are not associated with an account. If you recently signed up, check for an email with an error message in it, and also try signing up again.
  11. Johnny is working fine right now, though he does experience quite a bit of downtime due to load. There was also some abnormally long downtime last week because the disk was full. If you need a more stable server, I would recommend moving to Stevie.
  12. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  13. Merged since they're the same person. You're suspended for multiple accounts...again. There's also a Stevie account (sgs) that I decided to leave alone this time since you are allowed one on each server and you asked for permission the last time this happened. If you or a friend want to use an additional domain to work on something together, you can add that domain as an addon on one of the two accounts. If you need more disk space, we cap all users at 500MB. You and your friends (I believe that was the excuse given last time) are not allowed multiple accounts. If anything with sagnikganguly or sg in its information or contents gets suspended for multiple accounts again, the accounts won't be unsuspended. Do you want to keep sgcl or sgjava?
  14. You can't delete the main domain, only change it to something else. Your main domain is the one you entered during signup. The script I provided above lets you change the domain entered during signup.once you change it, wait 24 hours and the original main domain will stop working and the new will start working.
  15. You're probably blocked by the firewall on the server. An admin can check and unblock you.
  16. You can use this script to do that: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain
  17. That account is queued but the queued page is erroring out on Johnny...probably load related. Not an issue with your account, you just need to wait until it comes out of queue. Also, be aware that Johnny accounts do not support Java by default. You will need to request it and wait in line. The server can't handle many accounts with it, so we give Java to people as others lose it from inactivity or suspension, first come first served. We're one of the only free Java hosts around, so there is a significant demand for the service. There is a multiple month wait right now. I'd recommend writing your code in one of the other languages supported by Johnny (PHP, ASP.NET 3.5, Ruby on Rails, Python, Perl, etc.) if you need the site up and running soon.
  18. Bumping your topic actually lowers your chances of being helped in a timely manner, as we work from the bottom up. It may take some time for Krydos to look at this...I've seen waits as long as 2-3 weeks, so please be patient. I'm sorry about the inconvenience caused by the long wait times, but we are an all-volunteer staff that donates our free time, and Krydos is extremely busy. He is the only person who is able to explain/fix an account suspended with this reason listed, so you will need to wait until he checks this forum.
  19. Byron mentioned this elsewhere...you likely didn't do anything wrong. We had a recent mass-suspension of a bunch of accounts for 12 or 24 jobs. Our cron suspension script was malfunctioning. I was suspended for it, and I know Byron got suspended for it too. This happened a while back as well, with a mass suspension for 28 jobs. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  20. It was inactive, so it's strange that it didn't unsuspend for you... Your account has been manually unsuspended.
  21. We don't control what Softaculous offers, so we can't. They update the products they offer when they choose. We don't update our servers for a whole bunch of reasons, mostly compatibility with the 4000+ accounts we already have hosted here. You will need to download 1.1.16 and install it manually from their site. It's available at the bottom here: http://www.yiiframework.com/download/
  22. We have no plan to upgrade at this time, so the framework is just not supported. Your best option is to see if there's an older version that uses 5.3.
  23. I suspect the cron suspenson script was broken again based on a few other topics. We had a bunch of suspensions for exactly 12 jobs that never existed. It likely wasn't anything you did but a malfunction on our end. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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