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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Try importing your database normally first. If it works, just use it as-is. If it fails, go here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/ Under "Error -2013 (Lost connection during query...) / Database error installing software / Error editing tables in PHPMyAdmin", try the solution for restoring backups. You'll need to unpack the gzip archive and edit the plain-text file. You can gzip it later if you wish.
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  3. I was suggesting that you find help at another website that's not related to heliohost or helionet. We do not have anybody here who knows ASP.NET, so you won't get any responses. If you can get help elsewhere with the code, it should run here just fine.
  4. Not likely. He only maintains the servers and fixes problems. He does not troubleshoot software that our users develop. The issues you're having are almost certainly related to bad code on your part, since the few others who use ASP.NET would be complaining as well if the server had broken. If you really need ASP.NET, I'd recommend finding one of the many web programming boards out there and asking for help there. Mention you're trying to develop ASP.NET code that needs to run on Linux under Mono so they know you're not using IIS (Microsoft's web server, which is the standard server for ASP.NET). Also mention it needs to be for .NET 3.5, since our version of Mono won't support .NET 4.0/4.5 code.
  5. I mentioned this over in the web section...very few people here know ASP.NET, so don't expect much help with it. If you're trying to build a stable site, I'd recommend using PHP instead, as the errors tend to be more helpful and easier to figure out with PHP. It's also a lot easier to learn, and there's no compatibility layer like with ASP.NET (Mono in our case). PHP is platform agnostic and version semi-agnostic. ASP.NET is made for Windows with zero effort made for supporting other platforms (Mono is a third-party effort that's far from perfect) and often won't work between versions.
  6. No idea. A lot of things in johnny are acting oddly lately...
  7. It was for 5 cron jobs... You can only have 2 runs per day, regardless of number of jobs. You can have 1 job running twice a day, 2 jobs that run once, etc. If you only have one job, it can't be set to run any more frequently than once every 12 hours. If you need more cron, use a service like setcronjob.com to schedule the jobs. I unsuspended you again.
  8. It's created correctly: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/19871-remove-dns-entries/
  9. We are not understanding because we consider security to be more important than a random person's website. We've had data thieves ask for their data, and we have no way of knowing that you're not just another one of them. The answer is no, and that is final. Locked.
  10. You were suspended for running 3 cron jobs. The limit is 2 per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  11. It sometimes takes us a few days to get set up since only one admin can do it, but yes, we are accepting and processing these. Please post the transaction ID once you've paid, and we will escalate it so it can be processed for you.
  12. No. It shouldn't exist anyway since creation failed. If you tried again and it worked, then the DNS issue is no longer a problem and you can just use your new account normally.
  13. Your data is not recoverable for any reason whatsoever because it may contain stolen information. Asking repeatedly or bothering mods by PM will not change that.
  14. They're fixing the DNS issue, which many people have after they delete an account. I separated them so they don't get confused and miss the DNS problem. They often leave topics with tons of replies to last since someone is already helping them.
  15. Re: DNS issues...I moved that here, separate issue: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/19871-remove-dns-entries/ An admin needs to fix that.
  16. Data from a phishing account is not retrievable for the reason I described above. If you don't have backups, your data is lost and you will need to start over (since your account had some sort of security issue and got malware, it's best to start over with clean updated software). If you're curious as to how this might have happened, I'd be willing to bet that the malware you didn't remove fast enough was used by the attacker to set up a phishing site in your account. Said phishing site was then reported and we suspended it.
  17. It doesn't exist as far as I can see...try signing up for Stevie when you can.
  18. Since the account is active, just create an new request for java. Make sure it stays active the entire time you're waiting or he might skip you again.
  19. I can't say if that's right or not, I don't know asp.net. I don't see anything obviously wrong though, and the HTML looks fine.
  20. That looks like it was suspended for inactivity...did you renew it at any point? Especially right before/after that post? If it is inactive/suspended when krydos gets to it, he skips it and moves on and you lose your spot in line. Your account was definitely not suspended for any other reasons when I checked it, it was working fine, so inactivity is the only reason I can think of.
  21. The code is bad. I saw in another topic of yours a specific error, which said you gave something a bad value. Also, code must be compiled for .net 3.5, as we don't support .net 4+... Be aware that as far as i know, few (or quite possibly nobody) here knows how to develop in asp.net, so you won't get much (if any) help. Most of us are PHP guys.
  22. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account When creating the stevie account, registration opens everyday at midnight pacific time.
  23. Innodb is hosed on Johnny now as well as Stevie. In fact, Johnny's MySQL reportedly has problems with myisam too... Best solution to guarantee it'll work is to move to Stevie and convert the database to myisam.
  24. We do not unsuspend accounts flagged for phishing, as this would allow the user to retrieve any stolen data that may have been collected.
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