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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Thats odd, the reason i ask is there's an account hahaha18 from 4/8 that's keeping you from registering. The username is very similar to yours, and at least one other piece of info matches identically. It's showing as inactive and doesn't appear to have been logged into after creation. Any idea on that account? If not I'll escalate this for you.
  2. That account cannot be unsuspended.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  4. That normally is a result of something illegal running on the account. It's usually due to hackers breaking into insecure/outdated software you were running, then setting up things like botnet control scripts. I'll escalate it, but I wouldn't expect much to be done. I can't recall one of these being unsuspended.
  5. Please clear your cache. I see PHP errors. Your site is now available, but the software installed on that website is not functioning.
  6. You were suspended for running 12 cron jobs. The limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  7. Do you have another account? That error is most commonly caused by trying to create more than one account (we only allow one per person).
  8. Phppgadmin hasn't worked on Stevie in almost 2 years. Use a tool for your PC like pgadmin to manage them instead.
  9. Use a tool in your PC like pgadmin to manage them. You can back it up by exporting it through such a program.
  10. The database server on Johnny is currently down. In fact, as of this post, the entire Johnny server is down. /var is full, which is likely to blame for the mysql issues and possibly the problems with cPanel as well. An admin will need to fix the issue.
  11. Johnny's cPanel has been down for much of the last 24 hours... http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ Appears correlated to high load, as it came up briefly when his load was reasonable. The load is normal at times for Johnny, but this downtime isn't. Can somebody check on this? Also, the server does not seem to be creating accounts properly. There's 52 showing queued in the ACP as of this posting. The queue is moving extremely slowly (or likely not at all), and at least once (sometime Saturday or Sunday) the accounts in there disappeared without being created. I know at least one user here has posted about it. He re-registered and is showing as queued again. Any ideas here? On top of this, /var was full (could this be the cause?) the last time I managed to get into cpanel. Finally, Johnny FTP doesn't seem to be working very well. It's up right now, but it was down for much of yesterday along with cPanel. EDIT: As of 5:05PM PDT, Johnny has been down entirely for 3 hours...
  12. The cron jobs likely deleted themselves, so I wouldn't worry about them. All crons that are scheduled to run too frequently will self-delete. cPanel looks broken on Johnny. Notice the lovely red bar for Johnny cPanel: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  13. You were suspended for running 12 cron jobs. The limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  14. You were suspended for running 11 cron jobs. The limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  15. That account does not exist. Was this a new account or one that you've had for a while? If you've had it for a while, it likely expired due to inactivity because you didn't log in to cPanel. They become inactive after 30 days, and are deleted shortly thereafter if not renewed. If this was a new account, I think Johnny is/was having trouble creating accounts. His queue was backed up almost 100 accounts on Saturday, and someone else reported a new account that disappeared and never became active (he re-registered today).
  16. What was the username, domain, and server for the account?
  17. @Krydos: The account tiar was showing as QUEUED on Saturday, now it doesn't show up at all (no longer exists from what I can see). Also, the domain seems to have gone from a queued page to nothing (DNS timed out). I see the NS records (http://byrondallas.h...ar.cz.cc&rec=NS), but I can't resolve anything when I do an NSLOOKUP.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. Johnny appears to be having trouble creating accounts for some reason. There's almost 50 accounts pending creation. I'll escalate it. Also, for future reference, please do not bump posts. It actually makes you less likely to be helped since we work lists from the bottom up.
  20. Our database server crashes sometimes. The server then takes some time to restart itself. That error will go away on its own within a few minutes after it happens. Your site is functioning normally.
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  22. We've been blocked for almost 2 weeks: http://www.helionet....ie-blacklisted/ Not sure why Krydos hasn't cleaned this up yet. We probably got CryptPHP again...
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. We have no plans to update at this time. A large number of our users' rely on software and features that no longer work or are deprecated in PHP 5.5, and there are also compatibility issues with cPanel. If we ever do update, it will occur on Johnny first, likely to whatever version cPanel comes with (probably 5.4.x)... I personally would recommend that you target 5.4 since it's quite compatible with 5.3 and your 5.4 app would likely run here with few/no changes. Major paid hosts like HostMonster are running 5.4 by default as well, so developing for 5.4 will give you the most choices for a host. Also: The MySQL server does not support InnoDB, so most major software requires the install script be modified to change the database engine to MyISAM.
  25. It's two executions a day, not two jobs. The most you can have is one job running every 12 hours, two jobs running once a day, etc... The server deletes jobs that run too often, and a suspension will usually follow. If you need more cron, use a service like setcronjob.com
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