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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Johnny can take up to 24 hours to configure a domain. If you just added it, you'll need to wait.
  2. I see an empty directory listing, which means the domain is configured properly. Did you upload files into the public_html folder? The park/alias function automatically points your domain to public_html, so if you put your files elsewhere, you'll need to move them.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  4. This is probably the big one here. It hasn't happened on Tommy yet since he's in private beta, but as a former Stevie user of 5 years, there was more than one instance on that server where I was down due to a shared IP null route caused by Phishing that HE reported and we didn't get cleaned up fast enough. The SSL benefit is sort of moot now as Krydos explained. You've gotten 6 years out of a 1 year dedicated IP rental. If you want/need your dedicated IP, you're welcome to send us $12 and you'll get a Tommy account with a dedicated IP. Odds are you'll get several years out of that payment too since as Krydos said, we rarely charge for subsequent years. If you just want the Tommy account on the shared IP, any amount $1 or more will do (and that's a one-time donation, the Tommy account never expires as long as you keep it active).
  5. We currently do not sadly. Paypal is free though, so you could create one, fund it with one of those Visa gift cards (contrary to what they try to push, a bank account is not required to send money), then send the money from the gift card through it. We're also discussing the possibility of supporting a second service (Skrill) in the near future, but that's mainly going to be for countries where Paypal doesn't operate.
  6. I've noticed some oddities with the new site as well. My rax2 account doesn't always log in properly through it. The classic site has never given a problem for me either the few times I've used it to log in. You can also always log into Tommy directly: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ Escalating to get atto.bg removed.
  7. It should be available. His message says he cleared the -old one though, so it's possible he didn't fully clear it. Hopefully he'll see this and check on it for you. We can always change your domain later too if you want to just set up with a different one for now so you can at least start rebuilding your site.
  8. It's because the account creation software changed to now create a forum account with the same name during sign up. If the forum account fails to create due to it already existing, the hosting account also fails to create. It was a change that was implemented with the release of our new website.
  9. The disk just stops responding and disappears entirely from the OS and hypervisor (Johnny is actually a VM on Charlie, which is running ESXi). Rebooting the server sometimes wakes it up, other times it needs to be fully powered off and on again (in which case we have to wait for a technician to do that for us since we're on the other side of the country from the server) in order for the server to see the disk again. The short periods of downtime seen in the past few days were not crashes, but excessive load just bogging him down to the point where he stopped responding to requests. Only the 12 hour downtime from last night was a disk issue.
  10. Johnny crashed last night (the July failure that killed the old Johnny has reared its head again). He's up again.
  11. You're on Stevie, which has crashed. Please see http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26726-stevie-didnt-boot/ for details.
  12. You're on Stevie, which has crashed. Please see http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26726-stevie-didnt-boot/ for details.
  13. Johnny crashed last night. Krydos is working on it.
  14. Stevie crashed a few weeks ago, and Johnny crashed yesterday. The only option right now is to move to Tommy, which requires an invite. You can donate to get one (any amount $1 or more is appreciated and will get you a Tommy invite sent to your paypal email address), or hope you receive a free one (odds of 1 in ~20,000). If you need your email/domain/username removed so you can reuse them, please let us know and we can do that for you. Also, if you decide to donate and your paypal email address is the same as your Stevie account email, the email address on the Stevie account will need to be changed, and if your Stevie username and forum username match, the forum username will need to be renamed if you want to reuse your username.
  15. We're waiving that right now since two of the servers are down (reports suggest hard disk issues). At some point, you'll likely either be asked to post if you want a backup sent to you, or if we get cPanel or FTP running again, an opportunity to log into it and back it up yourself. In the meantime, if you want to reuse your domain/username/email address, post your account's username and a root admin can rename the account and remove the email address and DNS entries for you so you can sign up again. Note that we currently only have Tommy available by invitation since Johnny seems to have died again last night. You can donate to get one (any amount $1 or more is appreciated and will get you an invite sent to your paypal email address), or hope you receive a random one (odds are 1 in ~20,000).
  16. Escalating so the Tommy invite can be sent and your email address/domain/username can be removed from Johnny. Your forum account will also need to be renamed since it's the same as your Johnny account username. Is there a specific name you want, or should we just add a 1 to the end of it (wotsup1)?
  17. OK. Krydos will send you an invite when he sees your donation Watch your Paypal email address for the invite. (If for some reason you haven't gotten it by tomorrow, post your Paypal Transaction ID and I'll escalate for you to get the invite sent). You'll like Tommy...crazy fast, tons of features, 5 versions of PHP to pick from, and built-in CloudFlare support. And oh yeah, domains set themselves up nearly instantly, no waiting for queued pages to go away. I moved there when Stevie died, no regrets and probably should've moved sooner. One question: Is your Paypal email address already used by your Johnny account? If so, Krydos needs to delete your Johnny account or change the email address so the invite works.
  18. You have to be invited to Tommy, but yes. You can get an invite by donating $1 or more (any amount is appreciated, if we end up needing to buy new disks even more so). Krydos will send an invite to your Paypal email address. Alternatively, we randomly send them out sometimes, odds of winning a free one are 1 in ~20,000.
  19. Yeah, at this point, Tommy is the only server that works reliably. Stevie and Johnny are reportedly both suffering from hard disk problems (if I had to guess, due to age seeing they've been in service for 6+ years).
  20. What server are you on? Stevie and Johnny are both down at the moment.
  21. You need to change your nameservers and add it. cPanel actually supports configuring CloudFlare's records for you now too (there's an option under the "Software" section of paper lantern). After you get it added to cPanel, go to the CloudFlare option and set it up. It takes several minutes the first time you use it. Once it loads, your domain will probably show as being set up as a "Full DNS Zone". cPanel should send updated and missing records to CF for you. After that, just make sure the records shown are correct, then change your nameservers back to CloudFlare.
  22. We're making progress on him. There's no official news yet, but Krydos did manage to get it booted off a flash drive with HE's help, and the good news is we now know the accounts appear to still be there.
  23. You'll likely get one today or tomorrow. Krydos manually sends them when he sees the notifications we received a donation. If you don't get one by tomorrow afternoon, start a new topic for your invite (be sure to include that number you posted) and I'll escalate. Also, be aware the invite goes to your paypal email address, so that's the address you need to check. Check the spam bin too, a few users reported the invite ended up there.
  24. It's worth noting that the above link will not work and the options are invisible if you use the x3 theme. If that's the case, switch to paper lantern and try again. The icon for Krydos' link shows up under the Software section IIRC.
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