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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You can't log into a server that's down, nor can you reset the password for accounts on servers that are down. As of right now, Tommy is the only server that is up. Stevie crashed (currently down, comes up after he restarts, but isn't stable, and so far has just crashed again a few hours later) and Johnny is in the middle of a rebuild.
  2. We have no way of getting to Stevie while he's down, so not right now. We actually have to call HE and have them reboot it and tell us what's on the screen to see what it's doing. If he comes back up tonight and I happen to catch him online I could reset your password and run a full backup for you if you want. Do you want me to do this if I can?
  3. He crashed again ~5 hours after coming back up. I'm not sure how many people got invites for Tommy, but if you have one, I'd recommend it. I moved my production site there last night...no regrets. If you don't have one, you can donate any amount $1 and up to get one the next time Krydos sends them out (I'm not sure how often this is). Either way, any amount as little as a $1 helps since our only other source of money is ads, which barely covers the colo bills.
  4. We're working on it. We don't know why it keeps crashing. We tried a few things with cron, but that didn't seem to stop it from falling over a few hours after it came up last night.
  5. He's got a long way to go configuration-wise. Cpanel has been reinstalled, some initial tasks have been done, but that's about it. Johnny will be worked on as time allows. We're currently more concerned about Stevie crashing repeatedly.
  6. Indeed it does, but despite its drawbacks, HE is also the only colo we've found that can offer the service we have for the price we pay. We did get quotes from others quite recently (when we moved to our dedicated cabinet), and none of the other companies could even come close to HE. Ashoat also has personal business in California, so we do usually have at least one trip to the servers every year if we need it. He actually visited HE in August to look at Johnny.
  7. It's not that HE doesn't let us access it, it's that the server is on the other side of the country. Ashoat and Krydos are the only two who deal with HE. Both live on the East Coast. The servers are in California...
  8. We're waiting for our provider to reboot it for us last I heard. Then it'll probably spend a few hours doing an fsck (file system check) as it usually does after a crash, then it should come back up.
  9. Tommy is in an invite-only beta, Johnny is under construction, and Stevie crashed again last night. Krydos is looking into the Stevie issue though, and thinks he might know what's going on with the repeated crashes, so once we get that mess sorted out, I'd suggest Stevie if you want reliability.
  10. Johnny is in the middle of being rebuilt. He's had cP reinstalled, but nothing's configured and there's no accounts on him right now. As for Stevie, we're not quite sure why he keeps crashing and it's being looked into, though we have an idea. It does seem to always be in the evening (US Eastern time) though.
  11. We're still trying to determine why he keeps crashing, but as r0nmlt said, this is very much the exception for Stevie. He's been stable for years, and then crashed 4 times in a week... Krydos reached out to our provider last night to work on getting him running again.
  12. That might be on your end since it works for me. Tunnel failed is usually an SSL issue with setting up the secure connection, often a firewall or even just an issue with your PC (check your clock and try rebooting, those have fixed many SSL issues for me before). Try http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/ too, that's the one I usually recommend for Stevie. The one you linked will work too, but port 80 doesn't count for inactivity tracking.
  13. No problem. By the way, we finally started the rebuild on Johnny yesterday as well, so in a few weeks that server will hopefully be an option again And we're still testing out Tommy. I've been impressed with the performance and it's been a smooth ride so far in my experience. I haven't been using him heavily, but that Stevie downtime really made me consider moving my primary site there...that's saying something seeing I've been using Stevie since 2011 with virtually no issues!
  14. cPanel appears to be working now. I just logged in without an issue.
  15. I'm not seeing any issues and can see your site as well as cPanel normally.
  16. The server is working fine for me, and I see the login page for your forum just fine. There have been some...strange...things happening randomly, but they're transient issues (they go away just as quickly as they come, likely leftover issues from the 3 crashes). It should smooth out as time passes and we put that downtime behind us. Three is a lot for Stevie by the way, especially considering he's been fully stable for over a year before this happened. Also, that last squid error is not ours. We don't use squid here (squid is a caching proxy, often used on corporate networks and some smaller ISPs for performance).
  17. It's not hijacked. We're rebuilding Johnny. What you're seeing is the unbranded cPanel default queued page. Eventually that'll turn into our queued page once we configure it. As part of that process, we backed up the accounts on Johnny, then wiped the server. Since there's no accounts on johnny right now, you cant log in either. I'm not sure whether it'll go back to your content or not when the rebuild is done, but I do know most of the user data was backed up at the beginning of the process.
  18. Johnny isn't actually online. He's being rebuilt, and what you're seeing is a brand new, unconfigured install of cpanel, since we backed up the data and nuked the server yesterday. There are actually no accounts on Johnny right now. Once it's configured, krydos will probably restore all the user backups. Our account system still thinks all the Johnny accounts exist though, since they should be coming back concerned the server is rebuilt, which is why you can't reuse the name. Not sure why support@heliohost.org is bouncing for you. Doesn't matter in terms of actual support, since emailing that address actually just posts your email on the forum, but I'd guess the spam filters are being a little oversensitive. I'll check the log when I get a chance and see if the raw email even made it to us. Tommy isn't released yet, hence why he's always "full". It's currently an invite-only beta. Your best bet for now is to pick a different username and sign up in Stevie. If you had domains associated with your Johnny account you want to reuse, let me know and I'll have a root admin remove them for you.
  19. The server basically froze. Your files should be there when it comes back up. The only thing I'd worry about is InnoDB database tables...those have a history of going corrupt after crashes.
  20. You're not suspended, the server crashed. It's been rebooted and is currently running a disk check.
  21. Thanks for the update Byron. Any idea on what happened to Charlie/Johnny in the meantime? He seems to have also died late last night.
  22. We currently do not have an estimate for when this will be restored. It's being actively worked on.
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