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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We only allow a few processes per account, and cPanel uses nearly all of them when you log into it. They exit a few minutes later if cPanel sits idle. Most free hosts don't have this restriction, and instead have a huge amount of servers and resources (paid for by upselling). We currently have one working box with 11,000+ users on it whose bills are barely covered by the ads on our pages. I've been here for 5 years, and Stevie has always worked this way.
  2. This is normal due to the process limit.
  3. That domain works fine without the . for me. If you need a non-standard outbound port that is open, please use 58070.
  4. Probably need to wait longer. I'm seeing larpfloripa.com.br as the main domain, so it went through. cPanel probably hasn't updated yet, it can take 48 hours.
  5. Outbound connections on Stevie originate from If you're trying to whitelist Stevie on a remote service, this is the IP you need to unblock. If the subnet mask cannot be omitted, try /32. That's the same as, and means "this exact IP address only". If that doesn't work, I'll escalate and see if Krydos knows what the correct value would be.
  6. Registro.br has a (non-standard) requirement that we configure the domain first, when we normally require the registrar do it first. Because of this, we don't properly support them. You must change your main domain to your registro.br domain, then wait for it to set up (usually a few hours is sufficient to get Registro to see it), then change your NS records at Registro, then change your main domain back to something else, then add the registro.br domain you bought as a parked domain, and wait 48 hours. The proper solution though, is to transfer your domain to a normal registrar. Registro.br is one of only two we know of that has this odd requirement (the other was some tiny company in India if I remember right).
  7. Usually 1-3 days. He usually logs on overnight, but as with all of us, he volunteers. All of us run HelioHost in our free time. We don't make anything for doing this, so it's done as time allows. The only reason this needs to be escalated is because filling /tmp is often disastrous. If /tmp is entirely full, MySQL crashes and PHP programs stop having space for uploads and session data, among other things. It effectively knocks 11,000+ websites offline. This usually happens as a result of a user trying to run broken or poorly-coded software that's not cleaning up after itself, but has from time to time been caused by abuse.
  8. Not a typo. They got larger. If you still have 500MB, log into our new website https://heliohost.org/?_=new and verify your email address to get a quota increase. If the increase fails after you validate, post back and I'll have Krydos increase it manually for you.
  9. We don't support joining domains using A or CNAME records. You'll need to use our nameservers unless you want to make admin.blogginglolly.com your main domain on your heliohost account. If you do this, your A record to will be sufficient. Be aware that blogginglolly.heliohost.org will stop working and admin.blogginglolly.com will show the content that used to show blogginglolly.heliohost.org. To change your main domain: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain Changes take about 48 hours (plus or minus a day) to start working after you submit them.
  10. You have to wait for Krydos to decide how he wants to handle this.
  11. You were suspended for filling the /tmp partition. Escalating.
  12. Correct at least for now. We have no way of recovering innoDB databases from Johnny at this time. We HIGHLY recommend MyISAM for exactly this reason. InnoDB offers a bunch of advanced features, but makes disaster recovery extremely difficult to impossible. Down the road (I.e. months or years), we might be able to get them once johnny is fixed, but I wouldn't count on it.
  13. While we wait for an official response from krydos, I'll add my input. Stevie will likely never support it, at least for free, since his OS cannot support SNI (required for SSL without dedicated IP). This also got asked in one of the Tommy threads, and I believe the answer there was that tommy will eventually support it, though probably not at release. Johnny will probably end up being like tommy, seeing he needs to be rebuilt anyway...
  14. Stevie is being slow on domains right now due to the increased load from being the only server around. I saw a domain yesterday that took 3 days. Mail will start as soon as the MX is created for it. The actual config updates usually happen rather quickly. It's Apache that hasn't restarted, so it hasn't loaded the updated config and thus doesn't know about the new domain yet (it restarts during low load, so a busy server means a longer wait). The Queued page is Apache's default page for domains it doesn't know what to do with.
  15. @Byron: I just realized it's the main domain of the account that he doesn't want to keep (he had two, the one with moud.tk is suspended)...that's probably the reason.
  16. You need to add moud.tk as a parked domain, not use a redirect. Until you add it as a parked domain (also called "alias"), the system has no idea the domain moud.tk even exists. Once it's added, you need to wait 24-48 hours from the time you add it for the domain to work. A redirect just drops an .htaccess file in the folder to redirect traffic.
  17. We don't configure it, the server does it on its own when load is low. Stevie has been taking an abnormally long time to set up domains lately due to load. If it hasn't set up by tomorrow, let me know and I'll escalate it.
  18. Moud2k and moud are on the same server, so there's no difference in performance. Also, you just registered moud on 11/9 and moud2k on 11/10, so they're both new. The fact that two nearly identical accounts were registered resulted in your suspension. I've unsuspended moud2k and suspended moud. The domain still hasn't set up yet though. If you still see queued in 24 hours, let me know.
  19. You're only allowed one account. The account moud2k isn't working because it's suspended for having two accounts. Your other account moud is not working because your domain is configured incorrectly on dot.tk's website. See this tutorial for proper configuration instructions: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26236-tutorial-setting-up-tk-domain-alias-to-your-hostnameheliohostorg/ (You only need to do STEP 1 since it's your main domain).
  20. I can't, but Krydos can see the logs if they exist. What I don't know, is if the logging is even on...we turned off a lot of logs for performance reasons (with 11,000+ users on the server, logs can get large, fast).
  21. I do the same when I install a new version of my main application. Set the software up, load dummy data in whatever new feature I added, play with it, check data, debug if needed, truncate the tables, repeat with different data a few times. That definitely won't bother anything.
  22. I doubt it, but there's no real way of knowing. It could've been any of the 11,000+ users that we have on the server, and sometimes it's not a user's fault at all (data corruption for instance). Out of curiosity, what were you doing at the time it crashed?
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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