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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We currently do not have an estimate for when this will be restored. It's being actively worked on.
  2. As Byron said, we don't keep backups. You have to make them yourself if you want them. In the same boat myself...I made a backup before an update I did over the holiday last week, then forgot to actually download the thing when it finished... I'm now missing that backup, plus all the work I did Thursday and Friday, and all the new data that got collected by my software on Monday and Tuesday. Oh well...I always preach "make backups!", and didn't follow my own advice.
  3. how to move to tommy You can't unless you were invited since he's invitation only right now (he's not released). I just have an unused account on tommy since I'm an admin here...I finally have reason to put it to use. Wait for Stevie to come back up. Not sure what's going on with the second crash. Byron said krydos is aware of it.
  4. Yeah, cPanel seems to have broken in the crash earlier. The websites themselves are back up, but cP and NS1 are still not working correctly. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Websites should be back up. cPanel seem to still be down though (returns a 500 error for no such file or directory in the sessions directory), and NS1 is also still not back yet. EDIT: Looks like he crashed again. If he comes back up enough for me to get into cP, I think I'll grab a backup and consider moving to Tommy.
  6. No, the server is down. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26650-stevie-down/?view=getnewpost
  7. It's already been rebooted as of a half hour ago: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26650-stevie-down/?view=getnewpost It takes quite some time for him to come back up though (disk checking and the like have to run).
  8. Got 4 reds on the monitor and a pile of timeout alerts by email...
  9. That domain is already configured as the main domain for that account. Is this the domain you want? It's showing queued, but they do take 24-48 hours to start working, so that's normal if you just changed it. Give it a day or so to finish setting up, then clear your cache. If it still doesn't work after that, let me know and we'll look into it further. EDIT: Byron beat me to it.
  10. What account needs the domain changed?
  11. 3 cron jobs. As you're aware, the limit is 2 per day. Unsuspended.
  12. Tommy is invitation only. Our public offering is currently only php 5.3.8. Please find an older version of your software.
  13. I can't think of any time we lost files. InnoDB database tables are the most likely thing to get lost. InnoDB is horrible at fault-tolerance, its basically a 50/50 chance every time the database server shuts down improperly as to whether your InnoDB tables will still be there when it comes back.
  14. Looks like the whole server crashed. I can't even think of the last time this happened. He sees load spikes and SQL issues rather regularly due to overloading, but it looks like this time the whole server fell over under the load.
  15. Looks like he crashed...even the NS is down. Escalating. For the interested (maybe Krydos will better understand what I saw): Right before the crash I was on SSH editing some code of mine since I updated my main software today. I noticed HTTP slow then start timing out while testing. Top showed PostgreSQL and recquota (linux disk quota service) beating on the CPU (both pegging it). I left the SSH open with top running, and 10-15 minutes later the session died abruptly. Haven't reached Stevie since.
  16. Stevie is suffering from some type of excessive load or abuse at the moment. cPanel has been down for over an hour: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ My attempts at logging in give me a network error. And for what its worth, MySQL appears to have crashed for the third time today as well...
  17. i hope too, and soon coz' im gonna be in big trouble! Y_Y admin its not yet solved, a few minutes ago yes i can access again my database, but now its offline again Looks like it's fixed again. Why would we ban you? Thanks for letting us know it was broken
  18. Unmarked as solved seeing the email link doesn't work for you.
  19. MySQL crashed again...second (third?) time in 3 weeks Escalating.
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