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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. Users are limited to two cron jobs per day. Running a job every five minutes clearly exceeds that limit. If you require greater cron usage, I suggest a service such as setcronjob.com
  2. This is most likely due to DNS caching. The DNS server(s) at your home ISP have refreshed their cache after the DNS issues, while other places retain old data. Try a hard refresh on your web browser and clearing your machine's DNS cache (ipconfig /flushdns for Windows). If you provide your domain name, cPanel username, and server, I could further assist you to connect while our DNS is being repaired.
  3. The ModCP doesn't seem to have an effect. I apologize for the extended wait. Please be patient for an admin help us out.
  4. NS records for HelioHost.org subdomains cannot be changed.
  5. Your account was suspended for using too much /tmp. Please test your script on a local machine or server before uploading to HelioHost. If you need to store temporary files, store them in your home folder, such as /home/revspher/apptemp/, etc. Your account has been unsuspended.
  6. You do not need to use a cron job to move/copy folders, cPanel's file manager will do the job.
  7. Stevie DNS is currently operating as expected. Try clearing your cache.
  8. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  9. Moved gourav's post to new topic, it is not related to this thread. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/14211-solved-able-to-login-cpanel-but-website-is-in-accessable/
  10. Your A record is set to the IP (ns2.heliohost.org). We recommend setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If you prefer to use A records, set it to the IP of your server, which can be found in the left-hand column of cPanel.
  11. Can you login successfully to cPanel? Try typing your username in all lowercase, this has been a common solution to the issue.
  12. I'm sorry, I cannot unsuspend your account. You were given information on the files here http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/14136-solved-suspended-fabianof/ You will have to wait for an admin to unsuspend your account.
  13. 24 hours is typically the amount of time it takes for DNS changes to propogate (update all over the Internet). I'm guessing this is the 'Account Queued' page. Apache has to be restarted to load the new configuration (with new domains/subdomains), which is done during least traffic times (usually between 12am to 3am Pacific Time).
  14. Did you try your username in all lowercase?
  15. Make sure all your statements (if, else, for, etc.) are closed with a bracket } (if they were opened with { ) and your documents end with ?> Example: <?php echo "Hello world!"; if ($enemy == "ninja") { runAway(); } ?> And yes, make sure you don't have infinite loops
  16. Your account is listed as active, try again now.
  17. You can use http://heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain to change your main domain.
  18. It would not surprise me if such a system exists to prevent abuse or malicious use, but I cannot say for certain such a system is in place. The best way to back up your site is using cPanel's backup tools, then downloading the zip archive it creates.
  19. That username and/or domain is not located on our system. Most likely it was deleted due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new account and restore any backup data you may have, because Heliohost does not keep any backups of your data once your account has been deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to automatically delete inactive accounts to make room for users who are still active otherwise our servers would soon be overloaded. To prevent this from happening again in the future don't forget to log into your account at least once every 30 days.
  20. I'm sorry, I cannot unsuspend your account. We must wait for the admin who suspended your account to reply.
  21. A suspension isn't the end of the world, it is our way of saying, "Hey, you need to calm down a bit." A suspension is our way of notifying you. The problem is we can't tell legit content from malicious content, so a suspension may seem harsh to some, but it really is not. My suggestion is to try it. If there is a problem, we will let you know. No harm done, no big deal.
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