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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. It should operate fine in port 80. It doesn't look like /home/sehrguey/public_html/rails_apps/blog was created. Create it manually, then run the script. After all this trouble, it may be easier to use the cron method.
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  3. <?php $username = "sehrguey"; $appname = "rails_apps/blog"; $symlink = symlink("/home/" . $username . "/" . $appname . "/public","/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); if (!$symlink) { die("Creating link failed. Check your error_log."); } else { echo "Link created successfully!"; echo readlink("/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); } ?> You are correct. I always seem to forget, both the target and link directories must exist before creating a symlink. You will have to create /home/sehrguey/public_html/rails_apps/blog in either FTP or cPanel's file manager, then run the script. Hopefully it works this round!
  4. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  5. Stevie is the best way to go, unless your eCommerce site is built in ASP, Java, or Ruby on Rails.
  6. They all cooperate as far as I know I haven't heard of anything breaking so far when using those services together.
  7. Aha! Sorry, I must have misread something. Okay, that makes a lot of sense now. <?php $username = "sehrguey"; $appname = "rails_apps/blog"; $link = "blog"; $symlink = symlink("/home/" . $username . "/" . $appname . "/public","/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $link); if (!$symlink) { die("Creating link failed. Check your error_log."); } else { echo "Link created successfully!"; echo readlink("/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $link); } ?> Try that. Now visiting maht.heliohost.org/blog will respond with the contents of /home/sehrguey/rails_apps/blog/public. I apologize for my misunderstanding.
  8. Are you sure /home/sehrguey/blog/public exists?
  9. Please describe the problem the best you can in English. Are you asking to have that IP unblocked in our firewall? We do not have any IP addresses blocked as far as I know. What issues are you having?
  10. When visiting the link you provided (maht.heliohost.org/rails_apps/blog), I am given a 404 Not Found error. I am curious where you got the port 12231 from on That port isn't open on our servers, which would be why you got the 502 error. Also, I see symlink.php isn't working according to your error_log. Try this code in symlink.php: <?php $username = "username"; $appname = "app_name"; $symlink = symlink("/home/" . $username . "/" . $appname . "/public","/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); if (!$symlink) { die("Creating link failed. Check your error_log."); } else { echo "Link created successfully!"; echo readlink("/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); } ?> Be sure to change username and app_name with your information.
  11. You can monitor the status of signups using http://krydos.tk/sign-up.php. I did not find any accounts in our database with your HelioNet username, but I found an account on Johnny registered with the IP address from this post. Perhaps this is you?
  12. You were suspended for I have unsuspended your account so you may fix this issue. Please remove these files in 24 hours, or your account will be re-suspended until an admin can delete them for you.
  13. This is the message I get upon visiting your site (zapear.heliohost.org) Check your header() in your index.php. Be sure the header() function is placed before the <html> tag.
  14. Your account was suspended for: I have unsuspended your account so you may solve this issue. Please remove these files within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in a re-suspension until an admin can delete them for you.
  15. First step is to plan where you will keep your server(s). At your home or office? Were you considering colocation at a datacenter? If you were thinking from your home or office, the first and foremost thing is having a static IP address and ISP contract that allows you to host services. ISPs often charge fees for static IPs. You will also need to test bandwidth, upload and download speeds, and any port filtering that may exist on your network. Some ISPs filter port 25 (SMTP/email), but that should be easily disabled by giving them a call or using their online control panel. Colocation will take some research. We use Connex Internet Services. Of course, you will need a server with lots of memory, disk space, and a fast (2.7GHz or greater) at least dual-core processor. A Linux distribution is the best operating system to use on a webserver. Knowledge of DNS, web programming languages, the Linux terminal, the Internet, will all be very necessary. All of that is if you want to own and/or host your machines. Many webhosting companies offer reseller packages, details on those vary by provider.
  16. Yes, unfortunately this is normal for Johnny. To move to Stevie, follow the instructions at http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account. However, if you do not want to delete your site, it is possible to have an account on both servers. You must request it in our Customer Service forum.
  17. Yes, users are able to access direct links.
  18. If it was a code error, you would most likely get a 500 Internal Server Error. Could you post a link to your script?
  19. Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the MySQL load you put on our servers as it slows down MySQL for not only your site, but MySQL for all of the other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  20. A message has been sent to the email address you registered with your account.
  21. Please be more specific. What error are you getting? What is your cPanel username and server name?
  22. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  23. It is still queued on my end, must not have been 24 hours yet.
  24. If you need a lot of space but want to stay with HelioHost, there are always free storage services such as Dropbox available.
  25. Money could also be sent through Paypal to admin@heliohost.org. I think if you create a Paypal account and link your debit card to it, then send money that way... don't take my word for it. I'm not familiar with Paypal.
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