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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. Stevie doesn't run Oracle. I highly recommend using MySQL on Stevie as an alternative.
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. NOTICE: This is your second suspension for high server load. A third suspension for this reason will be permanent.
  3. I believe we support connections to remote Access databases, assuming you are on Johnny and using ASP. Not 100% positive though.
  4. Your site is loading fine for me, and the database looks correct. It is possible your ISP has caching enabled, so it's something in between you and our server. Let us know if you still have issues. By the way, your account is on Johnny.
  5. This code connects to a database and executes a command $oracledb["host"] = "MYSERVICE"; # service name in the tnsnames.ora file $oracledb["user"] = "myuser"; # username $oracledb["pass"] = "mypass"; # password $oracledb["library"] = "OCI"; $connect_id = ocilogon($oracledb["user"], $oracledb["pass"], $oracledb["host"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM table"; $statement = ociparse($connect_id, $query); ociexecute($statement); $result = array(); while(ocifetchinto($statement, $tmp, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS + OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) { array_push($result, $tmp); } ocifreestatement($statement); var_dump($result); # result is here From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4583962/connect-to-an-oracle-database-using-php
  6. An administrator needs to look into this issue.
  7. Please clear your cache. It's loading for me.
  8. Follow these steps to change your home page to main.php: Login to cPanel Scroll down to the Files section and click on the File Manager icon (it says File Manager under it) A window pops up with options. Select the Web Root option, and check the Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) checkbox Click OK Create a file named main.php using the New File button in the top left corner of your screen (if it does not yet exist) Now look for a file named .htaccess If it does not exist, create it with the New File button Select your .htaccess file and click on Edit above In the window that opens, type (or paste) DirectoryIndex main.php Click Save Changes in the top right Your site will now go to main.php instead of index.php
  9. It should be ENGINE, and the DEFAULT CHARSET should also be defined: ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;
  10. Create a file named .htaccess in your public_html directory. You would place that line of text in that file.
  11. QuickTime on iOS will only play the video if it is in a video format, at least in Safari. I don't know if that can be modified on a jailbroken device. Perhaps try it using the Chrome web browser app.
  12. Your account was suspended for running 4 cron jobs in one day. Users are limited to two cron jobs per day. If you need more cron, I recommend using a free service such as setcronjob.com. Your account has been unsuspended.
  13. Your account was suspended for too much cron. Users are limited to two cron jobs per day. If you need more, I suggest using a free service such as setcronjob.com. Your account has been unsuspended.
  14. I'm sorry, this account cannot be unsuspended.
  15. Have you included the jQuery file? <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
  16. Nope, this time was for sending too many emails. Please limit your email usage to 50 messages per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  17. Sounds like brute force is enabled on your account. Please give it some time, or wait for an admin to manually disable brute force on your account.
  18. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache. -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  19. I'm sorry, I cannot understand that. The website URL is usually located at the top of your browser window. That takes you directly to that page. Your home page can simply be accessed by typing your domain name into the address bar (at the top of your browser window). If this doesn't answer your question, please try to be more specific.
  20. Oh! Silly mistake on my end. The MySQL query isn't working because of special characters. <?php include('config.php'); $value = addslashes(' <font color=green><u>Test.....</u> </font>'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `message` (`message`) VALUES ('$value')") or exit(mysql_error()); ?>
  21. What are your current configuration settings?
  22. Username? Domain? Server? Also, be sure you use the full address (example: username@domain.com).
  23. Try this: <?php include('config.php'); mysql_select_db('username_dbname'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `message` (`message`) VALUES (' <font color=green><u>Test.....</u> </font>')") or exit(mysql_error()); ?> Be sure to change username_dbname to your values.
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