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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. The answer is still no. You were suspended three times for high load. It appears you made no effort to correct the issue. We will not unsuspend your account.
  2. The account in question is not banned that I am aware. If you wish to continue using it, please create a topic in Suspended and Queued Accounts. Otherwise, I can delete it if you are certain.
  3. That account is not suspended. However, the domain androidz.tk is not pointed to HelioHost. Please set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  4. Your account was suspended for sending too many emails. Please limit your email usage to 50 messages per day. Your account has been unsuspended. An account may be suspended up to three times per issue.
  5. Sending email through PHP is certainly not illegal. However, some spam filters, such as Gmail, will be suspicious of mail at first. Simply click the "Not Spam" button and it should figure it out. This is beyond our control, and is not related to account suspension.
  6. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  7. Your account is listed as active in our database. Upon visiting your main domain (hazeron.norway174.com) I see If you still can't access your account, please try a password reset.
  8. Done. A backup has been sent to the email registered with the account mnk.
  9. This account has been suspended for violation of our one account per user policy which is clearly stated during the creation process of each and every account on Heliohost. A common misconception is that you need a separate account for each website that you want to host, but since Heliohost differs from most free hosts and even most paid hosting by offering unlimited addon domains, unlimited parked domains, and unlimited sub domains one can easily and conveniently host as many separate websites as they wish all from your one free hosting account. If multiple accounts were created to get around our disk space limit we strongly suggest using a free service such as dropbox to host your large images, videos, and downloads while continuing to host your website with us if you wish. If you understand that each user is only allowed to have one active account please let us know which account you would like to use and it can be unsuspended for you. Also let us know if you need backups of any of the data on the other accounts, and if there are any domains on the suspended accounts that you would like to host on your main account because we will need to remove them from the suspended account before you will be able to host them on your unsuspended account. For example: user1: unsuspend user2: backup user3: backup, idontreadrules.com user4: thoughticouldgetawaywithit.org
  10. That username and/or domain is not located on our system. Most likely it was deleted due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new account and restore any backup data you may have, because Heliohost does not keep any backups of your data once your account has been deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to automatically delete inactive accounts to make room for users who are still active otherwise our servers would soon be overloaded. To prevent this from happening again in the future don't forget to log into your account at least once every 30 days.
  11. This is your third suspension for high server load. I'm sorry, I cannot unsuspend your account.
  12. A message has been sent to the email you registered your account with.
  13. Follow the steps for Connecting Remotely: http://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases#Connecting_Remotely
  14. The process described in the wiki is currently the only method available. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  15. Your site is loading fine for me. Please clear your cache.
  16. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  17. http://heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete
  18. In my.dot.tk, click "Edit" for the domain. Select "Custom DNS". Enter ns1.heliohost.org in the host name field, and leave the IP field blank. Repeat this for ns2.heliohost.org in the next row. Then click Save Changes.
  19. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
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