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  1. Where is the game in it? I mean, what types of games are being discussed?
  2. Thank you. I found the comprehensive Heliohost-Wiki for it: A domain name registrar is a service used to purchase top level domains (TLDs) - i.e. a .com, .org, .net, or similar website name. HelioHost DOES NOT offer domain registration. When you sign up with HelioHost, you can use a free .heliohost.org subdomain (your domain would be yourwebsite.heliohost.org where "yourwebsite" is replaced with whatever you choose), use a domain purchased from another registrar (such as GoDaddy or Network Solutions), or a free .tk domain (which you can register at dot.tk)*. HelioHost does not offer, support, or maintain any domain names. -Please note that as a sign of thanks for HelioHost's most active members, HelioHost will purchase a domain for you with our own funds if you meet the requirements outlined here
  3. It's already beyond 24 hours. It was added two days ago... Does that rule apply to all domains or only to the Stevie server?
  4. solved (deleted former entry due to recent hacking of information contained therein)
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