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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Alright, I disabled deflate and enabled broccoli. It took me quite a bit of screwing around before I finally realized that it wasn't compressing text/html mime types, but it is enabled for text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript I created this test file <?php header("Content-Type: text/plain"); echo "Does it work?"; And it reports the correct compression root@brody [/home/krydos]# curl --silent -IL https://krydos.heliohost.org/br.php -H "Accept-Encoding: br"|grep 'Content-Encoding' Content-Encoding: br You can also see that Chrome is using the compression This page reports it's working too https://www.ipvoid.com/brotli-test/
  2. The only way to change your username is to wipe the account and start over. You've been sent an invite via email to recreate your account. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  3. There was a mistake in the service plan definitions. For some reason CGI was disabled on the 3000 MB plans, but enabled on the 1000 MB plans, etc. Sorry about that. It's been fixed. Does it work for you now? There are two supported ways to log in to Plesk: 1) https://heliohost.org/login/ and 2) https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ any other method probably will give errors or possibly not count your logins and get you suspended for inactivity. The preferred method for logging in is option 1 so you can see the news and other notifications regarding your account.
  4. Since you have a VPS and a shared hosting account with the same email address you have to log in with the username misc. I changed your password and tested logging in and it worked fine. It also updated the last login date correctly. I tested the login script on your username and however you logged in at 2022-12-10 21:26:27 UTC counted and updated your last login date. Everything is working as expected. Logins at heliohost.org/login were counted for his account, and logins via tommy2.heliohost.org or however he logged in 4 hours and 38 minutes ago, were counted too.
  5. Your storage has been increased to 2000 MB. Thanks for the donation. Not possible to create an alias of a sudomain. It's also not possible to create a subdomain on an alias. What I could do is convert felipeamorim.eu.org to a normal domain and then create a blog subdomain on it pointed to the same webroot as blog.fasouza.eu.org. Gzip should be enabled already, but it'd be a good idea to switch to Brotli. I'll take a look at it tomorrow maybe.
  6. Yeah, you've got a lot of spam emails in there. One domain has 705 MB of emails, and another had 180 MB. I can't clean that up for you so I just temporarily increased your storage space to 2000 MB and reactivated your account. Once you get back under 1000 MB let us know and we can restore the original limit. The other option is you can keep the 2000 MB if you make a donation of $5. https://heliohost.org/donate/
  7. port 5432 Remote access to any IP is already allowed.
  8. 60 seconds was the same timeout that cPanel had. The reason the limit is there is to help prevent load from getting too high if people run insane php scripts that run forever. This value can be raised for just your one domain if you want, but it might cause your load to get too high which may cause your account to be suspended. Let us know the domain if you'd like to proceed. Eventually you'll have graphs and warning emails to alert you that your load is high. For now I've just been pinging people on Discord or emailing them manually if there's an issue. If they don't respond and don't fix it then we suspend them. The PHP function proc_open is a security vulnerability on shared hosting. It has never been enabled on cPanel either, and it won't ever be enabled on any of our shared hosting servers. If you need this function you have to host it on a VPS.
  9. Krydos

    Recent DDoS

    You may have noticed some downtime off and on over the last few weeks. Someone on Tommy has been getting targeted by some intermittent DDoS attacks. Due to the nature of the attack it's not possible to tell which of the about 2000 websites on Tommy is being attacked. These attacks have caused short downtimes for Ricky, all of our VPS, our main website, and forum as well, until the DDoS protection kicks in and takes the targeted IP offline. We've been moving accounts around between different IP addresses to help narrow down who is being targeted, and mitigate the downtime for domains that are being attacked. If you use HelioHost's nameservers, ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, your A record will be automatically updated to follow the move, but if you use Cloudflare or some other external DNS we have no way of updating it for you so your website will show the Plesk default page until you update the IP manually or your account gets moved back to the original IP that it was on. If your website is currently showing the Plesk default page please let us know so we can get it fixed as soon as possible. Our ISP has been working with us to help keep everything online, and we have been moved to a new upgraded network hardware that should help reduce congestion during an attack. We've also purchased a bunch of new ipv4 that we can use to split users on Tommy into groups to help narrow down which group is being attacked. This should all result in better uptime for everyone. If you think you are being targeted, or may be targeted in the future please contact us so we can work with you to help keep your website online, and eliminate the number of innocent accounts that are experiencing downtime because of this. Let us know if you have any questions or comments.
  10. That's pretty funny. You can test if your outbound port 1342 is open by going to this website http://portquiz.net:1342/ If you see text then it's working. If it times out in your browser it means your computer's firewall, or your router, or your ISP, or something is blocking that port.
  11. Remote access enabled. Note to self: We might need to set a limit to the number of remote access per account until we implement a way for users to enable remote access themselves. 😂
  12. That is a known issue if you change your main domain. I intend to fix it eventually. Does it work now?
  13. This is what I see Maybe try clearing your browser cache?
  14. Remote access enabled. I know for cPanel PostgreSQL usernames had to be different from database names. So when I saw a database named tomaszrozko97_db I just assumed it wasn't possible to have a user with that same name. Maybe Plesk doesn't have that limitation anymore.
  15. Yes, just let us know the PostgreSQL database and the database username and we can enable remote access. Remote access to MySQL databases can be enabled yourself through Plesk, but Plesk doesn't provide any way for you to do that yourself for PostgreSQL databases so we have to do it for you on the command line.
  16. The old cPanel version of Tommy is still online and files can be changed via SFTP with the host and port 1342. The new Plesk version of Tommy can also be accessed via SFTP with the host and port 1373.
  17. Thanks for letting us know. It looks like it locked up, possibly due to the DDoS since it had been running for like a year without locking up prior to that.
  18. Your domain was pointed at the wrong ip address. It should start working in the next hour or so.
  19. For now just put an index.html file on any directories you don't want a file listing to show up for. Eventually when I'm not busy with a million other things I'll see about getting options to work in .htaccess.
  20. There is no database user with this username. There is a second database with that name though. Before I can enable remote access you need to create a database user.
  21. Hmmm, that's really weird. I tested this same thing on my account and it doesn't show a directory listing. It must be some strangeness that copied over from cPanel. I'm seeing a 404 error when it redirects to admin.
  22. Gmail has been delivering our emails fine for a month or so now so it's safe to use it again.
  23. Done. It can take up to 2 hours for your domains to start working right after a change like this.
  24. Directory listings are disabled by default on Plesk. If I enabled Options permissions in .htaccess it would be for people who want to enable directory index.
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