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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Added. Since you're using Cloudflare make sure you create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the values 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  2. If you're not too familiar with SSH command lines we can install a control panel for you. Plesk, like you have on Johnny is not free though, and would add $13.50 per month to whatever VPS plan you choose. So a Mercury VPS running Plesk with 1 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB storage would be $17.50 per month total. We can also install a free control panel for you. The two most popular free control panels that people use are Hestia and KeyHelp. As far as moving your sites over you would basically just need to create a backup of your Johnny account and then extract the files and databases and whatever you need to upload to the VPS. We can help you with your DNS settings for moving your domains over.
  3. Your subscription has been canceled so you won't be charged again, and your VPS has been deleted. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  4. Oh wow, sorry about that baymin. Not sure how that one slipped through the cracks. We've actually been discussing the best way to make sure no posts get forgotten like this. The domain has been added.
  5. Your VPS has been powered back on so you can take whatever backups you need. Let us know when you're done so we can delete it.
  6. What user would you like to have remote access?
  7. The most common issue I've seen with Hestia autoupdates is when the old Hestia process refuses to exit for the new process to start. This is the type of error you will see when that happens. The old process is already using the 8083 port so the new process can't bind to it. Yes, all Linux systems have a user named root.
  8. I haven't used Hestia enough to know if it does automatic updates or not, but I'm guessing even if it does update automatically it only updates its own components, not the rest of the operating system. Running apt update && apt upgrade should be done yourself maybe once a month at the least. Be ready to fix something if it breaks though so don't run the update unless you've got an hour or two to fix anything that goes wrong. When the VPS is created the VPS admins, currently only Yashrs and myself, have root access to the system. You can remove access if you want, but if you ask for support we can get root access again easily enough. Leaving the access we currently have allows us to save about 15 minutes though per support request. As we get more VPS subscriptions we may train another admin to help, but for now it's just the two of us. Technically all of the root admins, Ashoat, Byron, Wolstech, and myself, have access, but since they're not all trained it's unlikely they'll ever need to. Our policy is we don't log in to VPS unless we have a good reason to believe that they are breaking our terms of service, their VPS has been hacked, or if someone asks for help.
  9. There you go [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 21600 IN CNAME 154.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 154.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR mail.eason.email. [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::71 14400IN PTR mail.eason.email.
  10. I ran the updates for your VPS. There were 150 packages that needed to be updated. I logged in via SSH and ran the commands sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Which you can do yourself occasionally in the future if you want to. If the update asks you to keep your existing config or overwrite it I would select N for keep your existing config.
  11. We don't currently have any other option other than PayPal. Even the one-time payment links are processed by PayPal. We've had a lot of issues with PayPal in India so we're thinking about setting up a new account. Two of our staff live in India and they assure us that PayPal works perfectly fine for Indians. One of the things I've heard is that you may need to get a special card that allows foreign transactions. Apparently some Indian cards only work within India. I've also heard that with some cards foreign payments are disabled by default, but if you call your bank they can enable them for you without getting a new card. I've heard that the unusual banking regulation in India that Wolstech is referring to is PayPal isn't allowed to keep your card information on file to bill you automatically each month. We've had two Indian VPS customers let us know that the subscriptions won't work for them. Every other country in the world allows subscriptions like that. I don't live in India so I can only tell you the various things I've heard. I've never done any of this myself. If you can get PayPal to work you can use this link to pay $21.60 USD for 6 months of Mercury VPS. Like Wolstech already said we don't currently accept one-time payments for 1 month VPS because it requires manual verification and I don't want to have to verify 85 one-time payments each month. We are planning on implementing a non-recurring payment system where you would receive an email reminding you to pay each month and giving you the link to do so, but that isn't done yet. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=PVMKBAM8A7TDL If you get the payment to work next go to https://heliohost.org/vps/username/?mem=1&cpu=2&hdd=50&os=ubuntu22&sub=6month and submit a username, password, and agree to the terms. When it asks you to pay again just close your browser and reply to this forum post to let us know the username you picked. Then I can link the payment to the VPS and get it built for you.
  12. The domain stoickwd.helioho.st has been created and pointed at your VPS. Whichever control panel you decide to go with, just add that domain to the control panel, and it should work. If you decide to go SSH only you can add it to your Apache, Nginx, or whatever webserver config you decide to go with. Let us know if you need any help.
  13. I skimmed the above a bit, but didn't read it very thoroughly. This URL seems to be working now https://vps43.heliohost.us:8083/login/ Is anything else broken still?
  14. There you go [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 21600 IN CNAME 2.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 2.subnet0.153.71.64.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR amazinggracefellowship.org. [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::24 14400IN PTR amazinggracefellowship.org.
  15. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  16. Remote access enabled.
  17. Your subscription has been canceled. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  18. To remove the Plesk default page you need to go to home/baotran.art and delete the index.html file, and then upload your content there.
  19. SPF, DKIM, and DMARC have been set up for you. I recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure everything is set up correctly. If the score is anything less than 10/10 post the report so we can fix any other issues that you might have.
  20. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
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