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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Here is the error we're getting when the forum tries to send an email to Zoho: 2022-12-06 00:20:49 1p2LhX-0003r3-IX ** <removed>@fasouza.eu.org R=dkim_lookuphost T=dkim_remote_smtp H=mx.zoho.com [] X=TLS1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256 CV=yes: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<<removed>@fasouza.eu.org>: 541 5.7.1 Mail rejected due to antispam policy We're not listed in any of these 82 blacklists https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a65.19.141.66&run=toolpage so Zoho must have their own blacklist or something. Sometimes these error messages have a link to their website where you can request your IP to be delisted, but Zoho doesn't provide that apparently. You'd have to contact Zoho support and ask them why the email isn't being delivered. Perhaps you could change your Plesk email to match your forum email instead?
  2. Done. It isn't letting me make a subdomain of an alias domain. I can delete fasouza.eu.org and readd it as a normal domain and then I should be able to recreate the blog subdomain. Make sure you have a backup of all of your files before I start deleting and readding domains. We had one person's files get deleted when we did this before. Just edit the .htaccess file and comment out any lines that start with "Options". I plan on enabling this eventually, but most of the time the Options lines aren't needed anyways.
  3. Your account has been wiped, and you have been sent an invite via email to recreate your account. You can change your username, and domain during account creation if you wish. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  4. You subscription has been canceled, and you won't be charged again. Thank you for using our VPS service.
  5. Yep, another DDoS... I just booked my flight to Russia. I'm going to start punching faces until the DDoS stops.
  6. Another DDoS is happening right now.
  7. There is another DDoS happening right now so that would explain the emails.
  8. There was a DDoS so we skipped a day because if we had sent out invites they probably wouldn't have worked while the server was down anyways.
  9. The server is back up again. Let us know if you're still having issues connecting.
  10. The server is back up again. If you can figure out who is DDoSing it I can solve it by going to their house and punching them in the face. Haha.
  11. The server is back up again. Can you login now?
  12. Your VPS has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thank you for using our VPS service.
  13. These domains are now pointed at Plesk. Let us know if you have any other issues.
  14. Your subscription has been canceled, but your VPS is paid through 2022-12-21 and will remain powered on if you want. You will receive a reminder email asking if you want to renew your VPS after it expires on 2022-12-24. If at any time you don't need your VPS anymore please let us know so we can delete it and give the space to someone else because we're 100% full on VPS right now.
  15. 138 people have donated to move in front of you, so your ETA has moved back by at least 13 days. Donors get priority over free users. If we moved free users before donors it would discourage donations. If we don't get enough donations we will go out of business and no one will get any hosting, free or otherwise. If you don't like accounts being moved in front of you the only logical solution is to become a donor yourself.
  16. Invite sent. I also fixed a bug that was causing some of these errors to happen in the first place. Thanks for the donation.
  17. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  18. I also updated the saved action to ask Plesk instead of cPanel.
  19. Try switching to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to rule out the issue being Cloudflare. If it works with our nameservers we can isolate the problem to your Cloudflare settings. If it doesn't work with our nameservers then we can figure out what is going on, and then have Cloudflare copy our working settings.
  20. What is your A record in Cloudflare? I'm guessing it's still pointing at cPanel which is, and it should be pointed at Plesk instead which is
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