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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I did eventually get all the email addresses and donation information. It was a mess for a few weeks though trying to figure out which donation went with which person. I had to contact GoFundMe support and get them to give me access or something. It's been a few years so I'm not sure what the problem was exactly.
  2. Oh, sorry about that. I assumed you would be able to enable the domain again yourself if there was a mistake like this.
  3. I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect that address is Ashoat's parents house which is where he was living when he was 15 years old and started HelioHost. We do receive official mail there from the government, etc. so we'd eventually get it if a check was mailed there, but that would be a huge hassle for Ashoat, who currently lives in New York, to fly to Seattle, to visit his parents, pick up the check, go to a Chase bank where we have our main bank account, and deposit the check. The donation would have to be several thousand dollars for that to be worth the effort.
  4. You can donate directly to the giving fund if you want. Here's the link https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/2598664 It usually takes us several months to actually get the money though so it can't be used for most stuff like donating to get a Tommy account, donating to get more storage, signing up for a VPS, or anything like that. There is also a minimum amount that they'll transfer so if everyone donates like $1 at a time it could take months before it accumulates to the point where they'll send us the money so it's really slow. The main thing we use the giving fund for is our GoFundMe fundraisers. Basically people donate through GoFundMe, but it's actually PayPal Giving Fund that moves the money for us in the background, and like I already said it can take months for us to get the money. On our actual PayPal account we have non-profit status too which gives us slightly better fees. For small donations of $1 or $5 etc it's kind of pointless, but when people donate $50 or $100 at a time it makes a significantly larger percentage of the money go to us instead of going to fees. Donations made directly to this account are basically instantaneous so they can be used for getting a Tommy account, or increasing your storage, or paying for a VPS, etc. Honestly most people who donate to us only do it because they want something from us, so we post the regular instant link, but yeah as long as people don't want anything in return and don't mind their money taking months (or maybe years) to get to us the giving fund is a great option to eliminate all the fees. Either instant or giving fund is tax deductible for you.
  5. Your account has been deleted and an invite to recreate your account has been emailed to you. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  6. I'm assuming this is a duplicate because I already rebuilt this VPS a few hours ago. You only need to request it once.
  7. Krydos

    Domain Cleanup

    As we mentioned in an earlier news post, Tommy is 100% full right now, because his uptime is starting to dip to an unacceptably low value. Our goal is to keep Tommy's uptime above 99.5%. It looks like the main issue is there are too many domains hosted on this server at the moment. Most of the accounts on Tommy are transferred from cPanel, and cPanel makes tons of useless domains that are no longer needed on Plesk. For instance, if your main domain is domain.heliohost.us and on cPanel you add the domain example.com it creates the useless subdomain example.domain.heliohost.us. That subdomain isn't needed on Plesk so we may as well delete it to get better uptime. If everyone on Tommy can take a moment to look at their account and let us know if there are any domains that you don't need anymore we can delete them for you and improve the overall uptime of the server. We are also going through all of the domains on the server and disabling any websites that aren't currently hosted on Tommy. If one of your domains gets disabled by mistake, or if you want to start hosting the domain on our server again you can re-enable it yourself through your control panel. If one of the disabled domains is never going to be used again please let us know so we can delete it entirely and clear up the clutter. Thanks!
  8. You can create email addresses yourself. Login > Continue to Plesk > Mail > Create email address.
  9. Fixed. It was a permissions issue. Thanks for reporting it.
  10. Added. Since you're using Cloudflare you'll need to create the subdomains there too and set your A record to and your AAAA record to 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  11. Reverse IPv6 has been added as well root@johnny [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::2009 14400 IN PTR johnny.heliohost.org.
  12. Reverse DNS for Johnny has been fixed root@johnny [/home/krydos]# dig +noall +answer -x 86242 IN CNAME 67.subnet64.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 67.subnet64.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR johnny.heliohost.org. Thanks for pointing it out.
  13. Does it work now? It looks like mail piping is something that Plesk can do, but it requires root access to set up.
  14. One of the changes on Plesk is your home directory is your main domain, not your username. So try this /home/mail2ftp.heliohost.org/public_html/server/mail2ftp.pl
  15. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  16. It's basically just pip3 install django And then follow this guide https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/intro/tutorial01/ You can, and probably should, complicate it a bit by creating a Python virtual environment. A virtual environment helps in the future if you end up wanting to run multiple Python projects on the same server because you can have different modules and different versions installed specifically for that project without breaking anything else. Let us know if you need more help, or can't figure it out yourself.
  17. No, you definitely don't need to rebuild if you don't want to. I was just offering you a free service that you may not have been aware of. Yes, it is possible to spoof an IP address as long as you don't care whether you receive the results to the webpage you access. It's also possible your script was posted on a website or something and a lot of people read the post and tried it out. That sort of thing happens sometimes. A few years back a user on our free hosting made it to the front page of 9gag.com and literally hundreds of thousands of people were trying to access his website at the same time. We had to suspend his account and remove the A record from his DNS records to keep everyone else's website online. They call that sort of thing the "hug of death" on the internet.
  18. Your main domain has been changed. In order for your domain to start working you have to do 1 of the following 2 options: Login to Freenom and change your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Use any external DNS provider -- Cloudflare is a popular free choice -- by creating an A record pointed to, and optionally if you want to support IPv6 as well an AAAA record pointed to 2001:470:1:1ee::2009.
  19. Can you provide the transaction ID of the donation?
  20. A password reset link has been emailed to you from no-reply@heliohost.org. Please make sure you check your spam box and mark it as "not spam" if you find it in there. Let us know if you're still unable to login. Also for the record, Plex is software for watching streaming video https://www.plex.tv/ Plesk is a control panel for webhosting https://www.plesk.com/ Common mistake though. A lot of people get the two mixed up.
  21. The VPS was sitting on the login prompt and everything looked normal on the console so I was thinking it might be a firewall issue. I reset the password and logged in to check out the firewall and port settings. For some reason after the reboot it all started working on its own though. SSH and port 8090 for your control panel are responding for me. Let us know if you still need help with anything.
  22. Never even heard of KeyHelp before reading this post. I'll start suggesting that to people when they ask about free VPS control panels.
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