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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Your payment has been credited to your VPS and your new expiration date is 2023-07-07. We've had a few other people have issues with the auto-billing so we plan on adding a system so you can just make one-time payments eventually.
  2. An invite to create a Tommy account has been sent to you. Let us know if you have any issues creating your account.
  3. I have deleted your Johnny account and sent you an invite to create a Tommy account. Let us know if you run into any issues. Once your account is created let me know and I can add the subdomains for you.
  4. You missed the dot. It's #!/usr/bin/python3.6 Python 3.10 will be installed soon.
  5. Johnny took considerably less time to set up than Tommy because all of the backend stuff was already rewritten to work with Plesk, and we had a fairly good idea of what we were doing the second time around since we'd already set up one server. Morty should go even quicker and smoother.
  6. We are still letting new donors create accounts on Tommy, and all of our donors from 2020-07-14 through today are already on Tommy. The issue right now is Tommy Plesk is sharing resources with Tommy cPanel, and not everyone is off Tommy cPanel yet so we can't shut it down, but Tommy Plesk can't hold any more accounts. We can't sit like this in limbo forever. We need to shut down cPanel and give full resources to Plesk in order to fit more accounts onto Tommy Plesk. The only way to get the rest of the accounts off Tommy cPanel is to move them to Johnny. Once Tommy cPanel is shut down we'll be able to move old Tommy users from Johnny back on to Tommy Plesk for free if there is space, otherwise Tommy Plesk might remain donor only for a while until enough people abandon their accounts. We also plan on releasing a new server named Morty that has no free accounts at all and only donors to help relieve the overcrowdedness of Tommy Plesk. So, if you want to make a new donation we can put you back on Tommy immediately, but Tommy Plesk is overcrowded right now so the uptime is only 97% and the speed is a lot slower than Johnny that you're already on so that's why we're encouraging you to stay where you are at least for a while. Also be aware that Plesk to Plesk transfers aren't implemented yet so your option would be to download your backup and delete your Johnny account and create a new Tommy Plesk account and restore your backup, so it'd be a bit of work for you too. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  7. Tommy has /usr/bin/python = Python 2.7 /usr/bin/python36 = Python 3.6 /usr/bin/python310 = Python 3.10 Where did you see that Tommy doesn't have Python so I can fix the wrong information.
  8. Just so you know what happened, the invite was sent to your @abv.bg email address, not this @hotmail.com address, because that is what you created your PayPal account with. I have deleted the @abv.bg invite and resent it to this @hotmail.com address that you have on your forum account. Let us know if you still can't find it.
  9. My wifi isn't nearly that fast. It's probably these 80 other wifi networks that I can see right now slowing me down a bit.
  10. This particular example is for Flask in a subdirectory, but it is possible to run flask at the webroot so it's just domain.com instead of domain.com/subdirectory. You have to make some slight changes to .htaccess, flask.wsgi, and myapp.py. The reason the default example uses a subdirectory is so people can host different projects in different subdirectories rather than dedicating the whole domain to one Flask app. Let me know if you'd like to see the changes, and I can post the code that you would use to make Flask run at the web root.
  11. Added. It looks like you're using Cloudflare so make sure you create an A record for and an AAAA record for 2001:470:1:1ee::2009 in order to host the domain on your account.
  12. Here's your link for 2 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB storage for another 6 months for $37.80 https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=nsy13vgkn8jpMQIF Let us know if the email address of your sponsor's PayPal account has changed since last time so we can make sure it gets credited to your VPS. Also if I recall correctly you like to cancel the subscription after it's created to make sure it doesn't auto bill again in 6 months so let us know if you'd like to do that again and we can cancel it for you but keep your VPS active.
  13. Added. Generally subdomains don't have their own NS records. Where ever you're hosting msbsurfi.me just create an A record for the subdomain content with the value and the AAAA record 2001:470:1:1ee::2009. If you want to host msbsurfi.me with us too we can add that domain to your account create the DNS record for you.
  14. The password reset link has been emailed to you. Let us know if you're still having trouble getting logged in.
  15. Yeah, we transferred as many accounts on to Tommy as we could, but that server is 100% full now so all new accounts and transfers are going to Johnny. The only other option is you can stay on cPanel until that server is taken offline, and if there's still not room on Tommy your website will just be offline entirely. Johnny will have Python 3.10 and Django and Flask soon. I'll make a news post when it's ready.
  16. Thanks for the donation. Moving between servers hasn't been implemented yet for Plesk. Is it alright with you if I just delete the Johnny account and send you an invite to create a new Tommy account? I took a look at your Johnny account and I don't think you've uploaded anything yet anyways.
  17. The domain flyrutacavirtual.ml has been replaced with flyrutacavirtual.site.
  18. Deleted. What about f--i.eu? It looks like that domain is hosted elsewhere. Want me to delete that from your account as well?
  19. Your subscription ends on 2023-01-07. Like we mentioned in this news post the sale price you've been enjoying for 18 months ended in December 2021, and you were grandfathered in to the old price for an additional year, but that has ended now too. To refresh your memory, the sale was you get 1 GB free memory with any VPS purchase. If you want to keep the extra 1 GB memory it will now cost $37.80 per 6 months with the 10% discount, or you can continue paying the $21.60 every 6 months it will be for 1 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB storage. Let us know how you'd like to proceed and I'll generate the link to pay.
  20. Merged. The flyrutacavirtual.ml domain appears to have expired so you probably need to log in to your Freenom account and renew it. Once it's renewed you can host it with us by setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
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