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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Are you allowed to use cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in Singapore? Another idea is if you have a friend that lives in a country that is allowed to send money to the US you could have them donate to us on your behalf, and then you can pay them back.
  2. I did find the donation for $5 on 2022-07-05 to increase your position in the Plesk queue, but that donation isn't eligible to increase your storage space as well because we can't go back in time and move your account to Tommy later. If the $5 donation didn't already grant you some benefit and you just gave it because you felt like donating then we could retroactively give you the benefit of extra storage for it. If you want to increase your storage it is $5 per 1000 MB up to a maximum of 6000 MB. You can donate with any of the options listed at https://heliohost.org/donate/ or by sending the $5 to https://paypal.me/heliohost/
  3. Your VPS has been canceled and deleted. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  4. Added. Your A record is correct, but you might want to add an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009 as well to support IPv6.
  5. You were suspended because you used 150.46 GB of memory and over 40k CPU in 24 hours. Try to keep those number under 100 GB memory and 10k CPU to avoid being suspended. 98.41% of your memory usage and 94.70% of your CPU usage is coming from the Wordpress .com domain which is pretty typical for Wordpress. We recommend switching to literally anything other than Wordpress, converting your Wordpress site to a static site, or if you don't want to get rid of Wordpress for some reason we recommend switching to a VPS plan. The $4 per month Mercury VPS should be able to handle your site much better than Johnny with basically no chance of being suspended, plus it will be a lot faster for you too. Unsuspended.
  6. There you go [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 21600 IN CNAME 152.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 152.subnet144.191.19.65.in-addr.arpa. 14400 IN PTR pizzabeer.club. [root@control ~]# dig +noall +answer -x 2001:470:1:1ee::69 14400IN PTR pizzabeer.club.
  7. You can't use mysqlclient or mysql-connector-python? https://krydos.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  8. No, you didn't do anything wrong. Every year around August 1st we have to contact Plesk and renew our licenses for another year. Last year they were pretty quick to approve our renewal, but this year their legal department had a few questions for us, and of course anything involving lawyers takes forever. Our licenses expired while they were pushing paper around and went into a grace period mode. During that grace period a lot of SSL certificates got messed up, and all sorts of stuff broke. It has been causing some downtime for Nginx last week while we cleaned up the mess. This storage engine error was similar because dovecot, the mail server software, was refusing to restart because there was a missing mail SSL certificate. Once I fixed the config files it restarted without any problems. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  9. The postgis extension has been installed on this database. Plesk, like most control panels, has very limited support for PostgreSQL. We recommend installing Adminer https://www.adminer.org/ in your httpdocs directory for managing your PostgreSQL databases through your browser. It's basically just a single file that you configure to connect to your database. Since you mentioned Pgadmin I have also enabled remote connections to your database, but be aware that this reduces the security of your database considerably because it gives hackers access to remotely bruteforce your password. Using Adminer is much more secure.
  10. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  11. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domain realvanyek.eu.org. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure everything is set up correctly. If the score is less than 10/10 post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be.
  12. Sounds good. Let us know if you need help with anything else. Marking this request as solved.
  13. Yes, it's only $1 per rebuild. This fee is just there because one person abused our unlimited free rebuild policy. Plesk is $13.50 per month in addition to what you're already paying for the VPS. You can see their pricing at https://www.plesk.com/pricing/ If you want to try Plesk out for free on your VPS you can use it for 14 days as a trial before you have to pay. We can of course install the control panel for you for free. Wolstech is correct about control panels needing a fresh OS to install. Plesk is no different, and if you try to install it on a server that has already had a control panel installed, even if you try to remove the previous control panel as best as you can, you will undoubtedly run into issues. If you're interested in going forward with the rebuild you can use this link to pay https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=FTKFZ6KXS9DR2 Once the payment has been made reply to this thread and let us know the transaction ID.
  14. The rebuild has been started an you will get an email in a bit when it is done. Please be aware that we only offer 1 free rebuild per month. Previously we allowed people to have as many free rebuilds as they wanted, but one user ruined it for everyone by requesting about 50 rebuilds in less than a month so we had to make a limit.
  15. Yeah, it looks like your additional SFTP account got messed up. Please go to https://heliohost.org/password/ and submit the password again. Reply to this thread once the password is submitted and I can fix your SFTP account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Your VPS has been deleted. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  17. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  18. Yep. Just signup again like normal using the same PayPal account. Each VPS has to have a unique username so you can login to the dashboard with rayd (Tommy), rayzou (VPS69), raywhatever (VPSXX), but if you try to login to the dashboard with the email address, since it's the same for all accounts, it will login to Tommy. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  19. Yeah, it seems like a few people's SSL got broken even though Plesk says that it's secured, and doesn't expire for months. Just click reissue and generate a new SSL certificate and then wait for up to 2 hours for it to start working. If your site still says it's not secure after reissuing the SSL and waiting 2 hours let us know and we can take a closer look.
  20. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
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