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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  2. There is no VPS associated with the email address of this forum account. In order to prevent someone from pretending to be you to cancel your VPS we require cancel requests to be verified from the email address that created the VPS. The easiest way to verify your email is to send the cancel request to support@heliohost.org from the email address we have on file for your VPS, or post the request to this forum using a forum account with the same email address as the VPS.
  3. The Mercury VPS comes with 1 GB memory. In my experience image analysis can use quite a bit of memory so you might be better off going with the $7 Venus plan. On your development system you could open a task manager and try to see how much memory the script uses while analyzing images. The OS uses about 300 MB so you'll have about 700 MB to work with before your VPS starts to swap and gets much slower. Depending on whether your image analysis is multithreaded you might benefit from more than 2 CPUs as well. Yeah, upgrading a VPS is pretty easy. I'm actually working on a new VPS upgrade billing system so that will make it even easier. The servers run Linux, not Windows, so the main thing you need to do is use an editor that can save files into Linux format. I use the free visual studio code and set line endings to \n instead of the default \r\n. There are tons of tutorials on the internet depending on what you want to do. The VPS just come as a bare operating system with no web server or anything. If you're not too familiar with Linux SSH we can install a free control panel such as Hestia for you as well. Plesk is not free so if you want to use that on your VPS it will be $13.50 extra on top of your VPS price per month. So a Mercury with Plesk would be $17.50 per month total.
  4. The Python module tensorflow isn't support on the Johnny or Tommy plan. VPS and Morty will support tensorflow though. VPS start at $4 per month, and Morty will start at $1 per month. VPS are available immediately, and Morty will be released in the next few months.
  5. The additional domain was added via Discord support.
  6. Cool. I hate installing multiple modules that do the exact same thing.
  7. That domain has been cleaned up as well. Thanks.
  8. Go to https://heliohost.org/ Click login. Enter your username and password. Click continue to Plesk. Click mail in the left navigation. Click mail settings in the top navigation. Click the domain you want to see the DKIM for. Scroll to the bottom, make sure DKIM is checked and then click the "How to configure external DNS" link. Copy paste the DKIM code into your DNS provider.
  9. I removed it and added the new one. Do you want me to remove stamphaus.stamphaus.heliohost.org too, or do you use that one for anything? It's mostly because of all these useless cPanel domains that we had to set a limit for people.
  10. You're currently at your maximum of 10 domains. Which domain would you like to remove in order to add shop.cj7limited.nl? We may offer a donation package that allows for more domains in the future, but we haven't determined a pricing level for it yet. We had to enact a limit because there were so many domains on Tommy that it was starting to affect the uptime.
  11. The module django-environ has been installed on Johnny's Python 3.10. You can see the currently installed modules and their versions at https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  12. Yes, the example you listed where Lily has a subdomain of the main domain on the Plesk server would work. Yes. In the past year or so Tommy got a little too overcrowded, but that is balancing out now, and Tommy is the better option again. Since all the free accounts are going on Johnny it makes it much less likely to have someone donate to be on Tommy and then do something to to make the server unstable.
  13. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domain dagounlock.tk, but it will only work if you change your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  14. Your DNS is screwed up. If you want to use our nameservers you need to login to your registrar's website and delete all existing NS records and then add only the 2 NS records ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If you want to use external DNS you need to delete ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org and use whatever your DNS providers says to use. You can't do both at the same time. You can check if it's correct with this link https://dnschecker.org/#NS/bharat.hacked.us
  15. It looks like you found your invite in your spam box and created your account. I'm going to mark this solved. In the future if you need help I recommend communicating in English because none of us speak that language and the translation that Google came up with seems odd. Not sure what "empty high school" means.
  16. You'll have to restore it from your most recent backup.
  17. A password reset link has been emailed to you. Let us know if you're still unable to login.
  18. This person also sent this same image to us on Facebook DM, but for some reason either blocked us immediately afterwards, or has some permissions messed up so we can't even reply to them.
  19. For anyone who is having a similar issue here is the Discord news post I made
  20. This was solved on Discord https://discord.com/channels/398197622168616962/398538798994161664/1147242688064798841
  21. We received $24.61 worth of ETH which is close enough to $25 to get you upgraded to 6000 MB. Thanks for all the donations over the years. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  22. Both Johnny and Tommy now have SSL enabled on MariaDB (MySQL) connections. We recommend updating your remote code to use SSL to connect to your database. SSL was already enabled on PostgreSQL so now you can use encryption for all of your database connections regardless of which you choose to use. Let us know if you run into issues or have any questions about anything.
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