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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Bandwidth is unlimited, but we do monitor memory and CPU usage. Generally the more bandwidth you use the more memory and CPU you use as well. Well designed websites can have 100 GB of bandwidth and not get suspended, but poorly designed websites, such as Wordpress, can get suspended for 100 MB of bandwidth since Wordpress is so bloated and resource hungry.
  2. Unsuspended. Please stop trying to cram 20 GB of database into a 5 GB account. I'm actually a little disappointed in Plesk for not stopping you before you even started importing the data.
  3. The email came from support@heliohost.org 2 days ago.
  4. Yeah, we can help you transfer your database to a VPS if you want. They start at $4 per month, and would handle a 20 GB database just fine. Like Wolstech already said our largest Tommy or Johnny account can hold 6 GB so you're never going to fit a 20 GB database into that. You crashed PostgreSQL and caused several hours of downtime for thousands of other users so I fixed it, and then emailed you to let you know about it. You ignored my email, and proceeded to crash MySQL and Plesk for several more hours for thousands of users instead of talking to us. If someone accidentally causes downtime I tend to give them a second chance and let them know what they did wrong, but since you ignored us and made things 10 times worse you definitely deserve a suspension.
  5. We stopped using cPanel about 2 years ago because they hijacked our servers with no warning whatsoever and tried to extort us for $17k per year. Added. If they use an external DNS, such as Cloudflare, they can copy/paste the Plesk SSL verification text to get wildcard SSL.
  6. Since you listed way more than 10 domains I just added the first 10 which are sgnetworks.heliohost.us sgnetworks.in.eu.org estatehunt.in.eu.org (not hosted by us) sgsoft.in.eu.org (not hosted by us) sgads.in.eu.org questry.in.eu.org (not hosted by us) ceramic.eu.org (not hosted by us) cdn.sgnetworks.in.eu.org accounts.sgnetworks.in.eu.org myaccount.sgnetworks.in.eu.org Regarding the document roots, you will be able to change those yourself once domain adding/removing is implemented. Also, be aware that if limiting domains to 10 doesn't improve the uptime enough we may lower the limit even further. We are planning on allowing people to have more than 10 domains with a donation, but we haven't finalized the pricing yet. We'll make a news post once that is decided.
  7. Krydos

    Farewell Ricky

    We sent the last transfer invite on May 11th, and all of our old cPanel accounts have had at least 46 days to transfer their accounts to Plesk. We will be shutting down Ricky, our last cPanel server, in one week on July 2nd. If you've been putting off moving your account over, or haven't received your transfer invite yet, this is your last chance. Let us know if you need help with anything.
  8. No, because your post is extremely long and confusing and I don't want to waste my time trying to figure it out. If you need subdomains please state the full domain, and it can be added.
  9. The domain has been added, but in order to actually host it with us you must do 1 of the following 2 options. Use our nameservers by logging in to your registrar and setting your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS that you want, Cloudflare is a popular free option, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  10. Added. Please limit yourself to 10 domains total. You have 4 right now so you can have up to 6 more.
  11. Since you still haven't paid for your upgrade, your VPS has been returned to 2 GB memory, 4 CPUs, and 100 GB storage. The resources have been freed up for paying customers. If you're interested in trying to upgrade your VPS again please open a new ticket.
  12. PostGIS has been enabled on the database yourvick_test
  13. Over the past 5 days Tommy's main IP has been getting hit by occasional DDoS attacks. These bursts of traffic can cause our main website, the forums, VPS, and Johnny accounts to be slow or timeout for a bit too. We've been null routing the affected IP as quickly as possible to reduce the downtime for HelioHost services. If your account is located on Tommy and using our nameservers, ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, we have moved you to another unaffected IP address to keep your website online. If you're using some external DNS service, such as Cloudflare, we have no way of updating your A record so your website will remain on the IP address that is being targeted by the DDoS and you will see much more downtime. If you contact support we can manually move your account to another IP, and you can update your DNS settings yourself. Let us know if you have any questions.
  14. I took a quick look around your account on Ricky and I don't see any malware. Your invite to move to Plesk was sent on 2022-11-14. I have resent the invite. Since you use Gmail it might get delivered to your spam box. If it is in spam please report it as "not spam" so future emails will be delivered to your inbox.
  15. Creating extensions require superuser privileges so we have to create it for you on shared hosting. If you switch to a VPS plan, which start at $4 per month you can create extensions yourself. If you'd like postgis to be enabled on a database please post the database name.
  16. Alright, your VPS has been upgraded. Here is your payment link for 4 GB memory, 8 CPUs, and 100 GB storage is $15.00 per month. https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=6UPEctvrsMto1Qbf
  17. I could upgrade you to 4 GB memory, 8 CPUs, and 100 GB storage immediately if you want.
  18. We currently have -4 GB of memory including the requests that are in front of you. We are going to be setting up a new server with VPS space in late June so maybe sometime in early July we can get you upgraded.
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