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Found 10 results

  1. Hi i am requesting wgi control for User name : csargin csargin.helioho.st
  2. Admin can you update all the apps that are on my server to the newest, please !
  3. I've just finish updating nextcloud from 17.0.0 to 17.0.1 through the updating built in. But after it finishing updating, I got the following error Error PHP module iconv not installed. Please ask your server administrator to install the module. PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing? Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server. I'm currently on Tommy with PHP 7.3 installed
  4. Hi admin friends i try to update extensions stated by the Joomla back end as revised but i can't, i get following message JFolder::create: Could not create folder.Path: /public_html Update path does not exist. I check in the Jm Global setting, temporary path is /public_html/tmp This folder exist in the website with 0755 rights So please help, where did it go wrong PS: Just correct the path of tmp with home directory path, then .. of course can install, my lack of knowledge. Thanks for reading.
  5. While installing owncloud from softaculous...(Steve server) The following errors were found : The PHP Version is less than the required 5.4+ :tick: Continue anyway ? (Might not work due to PHP version compatibility.) Then The following errors were found : Required PHP version greater than equal to 5.4.0 AND found version is : 5.3.8 Can I request that small update? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I'm developing a web application in PHP 5.5, and was wondering if and upgrade would be possible, given that the current PHP version on HelioHost is PHP 5.3. If anyone can do this, that would be great.
  7. Hello ! I was just wondering how often you guys update PHP? I would like to be able to use function array dereferencing, but unfortunately that's a feature native to PHP 5.4+
  8. The old Document Root of the wildcard "*.firm.tk" subdomain is "/public_html/domains". And I've change it now to "/public_html" and the system print such as its document root has been updated. But until now, when I visit the URL "blog.firm.tk", it looks like its document root is still at "/public_html/domains" because I'm still seeing its subdirectory "cgi-bin/" that's listed therein the main web page. Could any admin fix it? Could you please really update the document root of the wildcard "*.firm.tk" subdomain to the "/public_html" directory? Thanks!
  9. Hi, Does anyone have any good recommendations for creating a test enviroment for WordPress? Ideally, I would like to have my main domain example.com access my live site, and have a test.example.com access my test site. I would like the test site to be live. For example, if any of my users use test.example.com they can make post etc, and they will be displayed on the live site. However, I would like any changes. In terms of themes, plugins, widgets, etc on the test site to not effect the live site. After I've made changes to the test site that I'm happy with, I would like to be able to propergate thoses changes to the live site. If this is at all possible then this could be layerd. For example, I could have a test site that I would on. Then a beta site that I can use to get other people to test, and the finally my live site. Any ideas?
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