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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. https://www.gofundme.com/f/heliohosts-morty-server Apparently GoFundMe has changed their terms of service, and you can no longer mention thank you gifts on their website. We had to remove all mentions of the rewards you get from donating various amounts in order to get the fundraiser reactivated. We'll have to look for another fundraiser platform to use after this one is complete. Here's a reminder of what you get for various donation amounts since it's no longer listed on the actual fundraiser website: $5 = +1000 MB to a max of 6000 MB on Johnny or Tommy $10 = +2000 MB to a max of 6000 MB on Johnny or Tommy $15 = +3000 MB to a max of 6000 MB on Johnny or Tommy $20 = +4000 MB to a max of 6000 MB on Johnny or Tommy $25 = +5000 MB to a max of 6000 MB on Johnny or Tommy $30 = 1000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit $35 = 2000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit $40 = 3000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit $50 = 4000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit $55 = 5000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit $60 = 6000 MB early access beta invite for Morty server plus $24 worth of Morty credit If you want to get your thank you gifts please don't uncheck the box that reads, "I'm happy to provide this charity my name and email, so they can notify me about other ways that I can help. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the charity." If you uncheck that box your donation is anonymous and we have no way to link the donation to your HelioHost account.
  2. GoFundMe has paused our fundraiser for some reason. I've already contacted PayPal and they say everything is fine on their end. Waiting for a response from GoFundMe support now.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I think you're only the second person in the last 18 years that has tried to run a C++ cgi, but if you want you can write up a guide for our wiki in case anyone else wants to do the same thing. https://github.com/HelioNetworks/heliohost-wiki/blob/master/misc/contributing.md
  4. Your $4.00 per month subscription has been canceled so you won't get double charged, and your $7.50 per month subscription is active. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  5. Oh, I've never actually used the Plesk task scheduler before. I just assumed it worked the same way as cPanel did. That's actually really nice security on Plesk's part. Thanks for letting us know. Here's an alternate way to compile your C++ executable. In httpdocs/cgi-bin/ create a file named .htaccess with 644 permissions with these contents Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .py .sh Also in httpdocs/cgi-bin/ create a file named compile.sh with 755 permissions with these contents #!/bin/bash exec 2>&1 echo -e "Content-type: text/plain\n" /usr/bin/gcc /home/z0n1n0z.helioho.st/httpdocs/cgi-bin/test.cpp -o /home/z0n1n0z.helioho.st/httpdocs/cgi-bin/test.cgi Then execute the compile in your browser by going to z0n1n0z.helioho.st/cgi-bin/compile.sh After the C++ executable is compiled I recommend changing the compile.sh script to non-executable, for instance 644 permissions, so that people can't run it over and over and cause high load on your account. I haven't tested the above, but it should work. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  6. Your VPS33 has been upgraded to 2 GB memory, 4 CPUs, and 50 GB storage for $7.50 per month. Here is the payment link to set up the new subscription https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=7VRolIU9tptvw86X
  7. Not sure why you think it doesn't exist root@tommy2 [~]# /usr/bin/gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
  8. The compiler is located at /usr/bin/gcc
  9. C++ executables generally have to be compiled on the system that they are intended to run on. It is technically possible to build a CentOS 7 system on your home PC running Plesk and all the rest of our software with the same paths as we use, but that's going to be very difficult if not impossible to get correct. Therefore if you want to have any remote possibility of a C/C++ executable actually working you're going to need to compile it on Tommy. You can accomplish this via cronjob, but make sure you delete your cronjob after it runs once otherwise it's possible it could continue compiling it over and over until you get suspended. The reason perl wasn't working is because you changed the permissions of cgi-bin for some reason. It all works fine when I changed it back to 755 like it was when your account was created. https://z0n1n0z.helioho.st/cgi-bin/test.pl Like I already touched upon, this is only a valid argument if you're running CentOS 7 with Plesk and everything else set up exactly the same we have it.
  10. If you issue a certificate that covers just maindomain.helioho.st and then later reissue it for some reason such as to cover www.maindomain.helioho.st and maindomain.helioho.st you will still get notifications about the first certificate expiring soon even though the domains are still secured. It happens to me all the time too with reissues on my VPS and shared hosting accounts. I just double check the domain to make sure the notification isn't correct and then ignore the email.
  11. Did you compile the C++ executable on Tommy, or on some other system?
  12. I have emailed you a password reset link. After resetting your password are you able to login?
  13. Created. Requests for subdomains will be handled by the webroot home/wildcard/
  14. Installed. You can see the current list of modules and their versions at https://tommy.kairion.eu.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  15. Are you able to login now? I've made some changes that should hopefully prevent this from happening again.
  16. There is no module named genshim, with an m, but there is a module named genshin, with an n, but the latest version is 1.5.2 not 4.3.1.
  17. Not currently, but that is something we could look into. For now you would need a VPS to run Rust apps. https://heliohost.org/vps/
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