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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Krydos

    MoneyBroz Promoted

    Everyone please welcome the newest addition to our HelioHost staff, MoneyBroz. A question that we get a lot is how to get promoted to admin. You need to do exactly what MoneyBroz did by helping out on the forums and Discord with simple questions that don't require admin access. Since he continued helping out we took notice and offered to give him access to the admin tools so he can help out even more. Here at HelioHost we all started as regular users helping out like MoneyBroz, and eventually got promoted.
  2. This domain has been removed from your account.
  3. You were probably following a guide for cPanel where your home directory is your username. On Plesk the home directory is your main domain.
  4. Krydos

    New Uptime Monitor

    We now have a new uptime monitor that you can find at https://status.heliohost.org/ This page uses the open source project Upptime which uses Github cron jobs to monitor the status of our servers, and then hosts the results on Github pages. Since the system is fully external to our servers, if there is some catastrophic event that takes all of our servers offline at the same time, the status page will still be accessible and you'll be able to read updates for what is going on. The page also attempts to automatically determine what the reason is for the downtime. In the case of Johnny and Tommy the short downtimes are usually scheduled Apache restarts to load new settings.
  5. The start.py file in your cgi-bin directory is not 755 permissions. It should be rwxr-xr-x.
  6. The module python-telegram-bot has been installed on Tommy's Python 3.10. You can see the current list of installed modules at https://krydos.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  7. Thanks for the donation. One of the things we frequently do during fundraisers is give people 1 month inactivity immunity for each $5 that they donate. We don't have an active fundraiser going right now, but since you gave us $10 I gave you 2 months of inactivity immunity. That means you won't go inactive until 2024-03-02 and you won't get archived until 2024-04-02. You should also check your spam filters to make sure you're receiving emails from us. We send an email at 28 days reminding you to login in the next 2 days, and then we send you another email at 30 days when your websites are taken offline. If you check your email at least once every couple days you can avoid being suspended at all by just logging in when you get the reminder. Another thing we can mention is we're going to release a new server soon named Morty that will start at $1 per month, and as long as the $1 per month gets paid you don't have to remember to login ever again.
  8. Another consideration for Django is Johnny and Tommy both use server side caching to reduce load, so if you make a change to your Django code it could show old code still for up to 2 hours which can be kind of annoying if you haven't finished your site yet and are making lots of changes still. On a VPS your changes would appear instantly as they do on localhost, and you don't have to worry about high load suspensions.
  9. Your $21.60 donation was used to purchase a Windows Server 2016 VPS for 6 months from 2020-10-14 until 2021-04-14, and then you declined to renew the VPS and it was deleted. If you'd like to increase your storage space you can go to https://heliohost.org/donate/ and use any of the listed methods to send us $5.00 USD for each 1000 MB you'd like to gain. The maximum storage you can get currently is 6000 MB which would require a $25 USD donation. Once the donation is submitted please provide the transaction ID if it's via PayPal, otherwise let us know the cryptocurrency you used, the date of the donation, and the amount.
  10. I upgraded your storage to 6000 MB and fixed the bug that caused it to be 5000 MB. I also changed your main domain, but then I noticed that you haven't purchased it yet https://nic.entorno.es/checkdomain/listado.php?data[DomainSearch][tld]=com.gt&dominio=batzgalindo.com.gt&ext=.com.gt&locale=en Once you purchase it set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org and we can host it for you.
  11. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  12. HelioHost has limited amount of server space, and our mission is to provide free hosting to as many people who can't afford paid hosting as we can. Does it make sense to host 1 Wordpress site for you, or 1000 websites with reasonable load? If we had an unlimited number of servers like paid hosting companies we'd just put like 3 Wordpress sites on the same server, and the non-Wordpress server could have like 3000 accounts. Wordpress causes the same amount of load no matter what company hosts it. The for-profit hosting companies just make tons of money hand over fist for hosting the Wordpress sites so they don't complain about it, they just monetize it. I created a full backup which can be downloaded from https://heliohost.org/backup/ if you need it. You probably just need to edit your .htaccess and remove the line that says "Deny from all". If I remove that line for you and you don't notice for a few hours you will probably get suspended again before you have a chance to backup your site.
  13. For the last few hours both Johnny and Tommy users have been unable to login to their dashboard or control panel. This was due to an automated update that failed on both servers this morning. The corrupted update has been fixed and you should be able to login as normal again. Websites on both servers continued to work during the control panel downtime. The load on both servers will probably be a little high for the next few hours as we continue to run the repair utilities to make sure there are no other issues. There may be a few short Apache, Nginx, and database downtimes as the repair utility works on each system. Let us know if you're still having issues logging in.
  14. Did you check your spam folder and your promotions tab?
  15. Krydos

    Simplified Signups

    We've simplified the signup page a bit. There were a lot of old cPanel servers and unavailable servers listed that had a tendency to confuse people. The signup page hasn't been updated since 2021 so it was overdue for an overhaul. Since the Morty fundraiser was a success, we bought the new server, we're working on getting Morty ready to go, and hope to get him released soon we've left him on the signup page. We also listed the 10 domain limit, 100 GB memory limit, and 10k CPU limit up front on Johnny and Tommy so people understand ahead of time that they can get suspended for causing too much load. We also plan on adding a more detailed table view on the signups page so people can compare all of our servers in great depth if they want to. Let us know what you think of the new changes.
  16. The reason http shows Wordpress install and https shows 503 is because of the Django config file only proxies requests over https. You can remove Wordpress and use Django by deleting the files in public_html and redirecting all requests to use SSL. You can remove Django and use Wordpress by deleting or renaming the Django config file and restarting Apache. Let us know if you need help with that.
  17. The module django-environ has been installed on Tommy's Python 3.10. You can see the current list of modules and their versions with this link https://krydos.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  18. It looks like your VPS rebooted 3 days ago. The way I had the Django app running doesn't automatically restart after a reboot as it was just a simple example to help you get started. Are you going to switch that domain to Wordpress?
  19. The module django-environ has been installed on Johnny's Python 3.10. You can see the current list of modules and their versions with this link https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  20. Well, you're welcome to pay $4 per month to get a VPS to use SQLite, but I suspect MariaDB or PostgreSQL would be easier to set up and better performance for free.
  21. Except you do have a cron job running every 30 minutes. 5,35 * * * * /opt/plesk/php/8.0/bin/php -f 'httpdocs/wp-cron.php' We only recommend running Wordpress on VPS because it uses so much memory and CPU. You'll find that Wordpress, especially with all the worst plugins you could possibly install, will run quite slowly on Tommy, plus you'll slow down everyone else's websites, and we'll have to suspend you to keep everyone else's websites online. Here's some numbers to help you visualize the load that Wordpress causes
  22. If you need a newer version of SQLite you have to get a VPS or Morty which isn't released yet. Why do you need SQLite anyways? Why not use MariaDB or PostgreSQL?
  23. We should also mention that you can monitor your own load and see this graph on your own at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/
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