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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Unblocked.
  2. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  3. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  4. The IP will always give the queued page because there are thousands of other websites on that same shared IP. You have to go to your domain to see your website.
  5. Deleted.
  6. Remote access kindly enabled.
  7. Your invite was sent to w************d@outlook.com.br because that is the email address we had on file for the Tommy account ryderm when Tommy went offline. I have resent the invite.
  8. What is your transaction ID?
  9. Remote access enabled.
  10. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  11. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  12. Unsuspended. The reason it kept suspending over and over is because normally you have to wait until midnight UTC for the new day to start before you can be unsuspended for sending too many emails otherwise it just counts the total emails you sent today and suspends you again.
  13. Please post the following information: Your current cPanel usernameYour current main domainThe server that you are onYour old Tommy cPanel username
  14. The iconv extension has been installed on Tommy's php 5.6.
  15. Still unlimited... until someone starts to abuse it I suppose.
  16. Your storage space has been doubled. Thanks for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  17. SoftException in Application.cpp:657: Directory "/home/mushkrot/public_html/architect/public" is writeable by group
  18. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  19. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  20. Sorry, it appears this thread got lost. Are you still needing remote postgresql access?
  21. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  22. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  23. Storage space doubled.
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