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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. What is your hosting username?
  2. I'm glad everything is working for you.
  3. The 500 error was because you had dos line endings. This usually happens when you use a windows computer to create your file, and then upload it. The best solution is to use an editor that understands line endings and can write linux line endings instead of dos. I changed them to linux line endings for you this time, but now your error is that you don'ty have a shebang line on your Jane.py script.
  4. Tommy's php 7.3 now has upload_max_filesize of 30 MB.
  5. You said 10 MB...
  6. Normally if you make a request like this please specify which version of php you're using. Since you just made another request regarding php 7.3 I went ahead and assumed you're still using that version. The php upload size on Tommy's php 7.3 has been increased to 10 MB.
  7. If you get suspended it isn't the end of the world. We generally give people three chances as long as they seem to be trying to fix the issue, and we try to help them figure out why they got suspended in the first place. If your load gets too high on the graph I linked just run the stop.py script to turn off your bot.
  8. You don't install modules yourself on the shared hosting plans. If you have a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ then you will have root access on the command line and you can install anything you want yourself. If you would like to continue using the shared hosting plans instead just post the following information: UsernameMain domainServerVersion of python you're usingModules you need installedBased on your username I'm thinking you're on Johnny so you can check to see if the modules are already installed with these pages Python 2.7 https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules27.py Python 3.6 https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py As far as making the script run 24/7 the first thing you should know is that scripts that run 24/7 tend to cause a lot of load. HelioHost provides a way for you to monitor your load though, which if you're running high load things like this, you should probably check daily at least for the first week or so that it's running. The load graph can be found at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php If you get up to or near 100 you have a high chance of being suspended for high load. In regards to how to actually make it all work on HelioHost, I recommend taking a look at this guide I wrote https://wiki.helionet.org/Discord_Bot Just basically follow that guide, but instead of connecting to discord connect to IRC. Let us know if you have any questions.
  9. Please reply.
  10. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php Also thanks for posting on the forums. I always read discord on my phone, and then I never remember to do things that people request on there later when I'm at a computer. Posting on the forums is like a todo list for me.
  11. Which version of php are you using?
  12. Unblocked.
  13. Remote access enabled.
  14. You didn't do anything wrong. That error just means your old account wasn't fully deleted yet. Try adding your domain as an alias now.
  15. I actually tested FTPS on all three servers and it worked for me. Here is an example Filezilla settings that works on Tommy. The first time you connect it will do a pop up with the certificate information, but you just review that and accept it and it works.
  16. Changing the main domain is the only way to get around the nameserver requirement. It wouldn't be "dirty" if you wouldn't refuse to change your nameservers (even for 30 seconds). If you did change your nameservers you could add the domain as an alias or an addon domain. Yes, we know the old classic website doesn't have SSL. It's so old that if we try to add SSL it breaks it completely. I need to rewrite a couple of the old pages, such as the main domain change script, on the new website format before we can retire the old site completely.
  17. Krydos

    Tommy Revival

    Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  18. You're getting that error because foti.eu isn't hosted on our server. You can fix that without updating your nameservers by changing your main domain to foti.eu. https://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain
  19. You're on Johnny so you can't use node hosted on that server, but if you moved to Tommy you could follow this guide to get started with node: https://wiki.helionet.org/Node.js Remote access enabled.
  20. You're on Tommy now. If you see a 404 error or a Johnny queued page please flush your os dns records, and clear your browser cache. Thanks for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  21. Moving...
  22. The limit is actually 50 per day, not 100. In order to raise the limit you have to provide us with some additional information to make sure the emails you're sending aren't considered spam by us. A full example of an email you would send.Where do you get your email addresses from?How do your email addresses consent to being sent email from you?How do your email addresses unsubscribe to your emails?Do you share or sell or otherwise distribute the collected email addresses with anyone else?
  23. Yeah, the servers used to run on PDT/PST time because that is where they are physically located, but it makes more sense with our global community of users to have the servers set to UTC which has the added benefit of not changing for daylight savings twice a year.
  24. You're on Tommy now, and your storage space has been doubled.
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