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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. The citext extension has been created on the usatt_usatt database.
  2. DBD::mysql has been installed.
  3. It's possible your joomla doesn't support newer versions of php. If it works on php 7.1 why not just use that?
  4. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    If you need something installed create a new post in customer service requesting it. By default most things are disabled until someone requests it.
  5. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    If paypal is detecting your country wrong, I'm sure you can go to settings and change the localization options.
  6. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

    Paypal shows $1.00 with a decimal point in the US.
  7. Did you donate via the Sparkie gofundme? If so, in order to verify your donation I will need The name that you donated underThe date you donatedThe amount you donatedSorry, I can't look up gofundme donations with a transaction id.
  8. @admins, Don't forget to tag the post with [Krydos]. Remote access enabled.
  9. The extensions mbstring, iconv, and fileinfo have been installed on Tommy's php 7.3 https://krydos.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php
  10. 3. Is Chart working now?
  11. 1. I recommend creating the database through cpanel, and then importing your .sql file with phpmyadmin. 2. Which version of php are you using?
  12. Bz2 extension has been installed on Johnny's php 7.2 https://krydos2.heliohost.org/72/phpinfo.php
  13. Which version of php are you using?
  14. Krydos

    Tommy Is Back!

    Allu62, I split your topic into its own post https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37076-krydos-allu62-tommy-requests/
  15. Krydos

    Tommy Is Back!

    Actually the exact opposite. Everyone will get moved eventually. Please continue to be patient. No one gets to move up or down on the list by whining.
  16. Krydos

    Tommy Upgraded

  17. Gettext has been installed on Ricky's php 7.2.
  18. That's not going to work because that firewall requires access to modify the php.ini which isn't allowed on a free shared hosting account. You could install this firewall on a vps though https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ where you would have free reign to modify the php.ini as much as you wanted. The recommended SFTP settings are listed at the top of the page when you click the FTP button in cpanel.
  19. Krydos

    Tommy Is Back!

    All the $100 donors are already invited/transferred. Right now if you donated $20 or more you would be at the head of the line.
  20. Well, it took about 8 hours of high load and downtime, but I managed to install fileinfo for php 7.2.
  21. Did you donate through the Sparkie fundraiser on gofundme? If so could you please provide The name you donated asThe date you donatedThe amount you donatedYou already provided #3 is $10. Sorry, I can't look up gofundme donations by transaction id. Thanks.
  22. Email limit is now 600 per day.
  23. Keep in mind that Byron can't move your account right now, because we're still in the process of working our way down the list. Once the list is done we can go back to moving donors as before. If you were on Tommy before you're already on the list and you just need to wait. If your Ricky email address matches your old Tommy email address your account will be moved automatically. If you'd rather receive an invite just make sure your Ricky email address is something different and you will get the invitation email sent to the old Tommy email address. Let us know if that doesn't make sense, and sorry about not being able to jump the line. The list was made and ordered to be as fair as possible, and it wouldn't be fair to the other thousands of users to allow people who posted on the forums to be moved up in priority. EDIT: Ignore all of the above. I just checked and you've already been sent your invite off the list. Byron you can take care of him how you were planning. Sorry for the confusion.
  24. Dedicated IP reassigned. The PTR record is actually in the DNS system which wasn't really affected by the Tommy crash so it still exists.
  25. This was solved on discord.
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