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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That IP belongs to Google...the mail came from a gmail mailbox. Google's spam filter hates mail that gets sent through a forwarder to itself (e.g. example@gmail->forwarder@cj7limited->example@gmail). If his forwarders point to a gmail address, he should try sending mail to his forwarder from a non-gmail source or a different gmail mailbox from the one that receives the forwarded mail.
  2. Create an .htaccess with the following in it: Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .py For Perl, just add another addhandler line for .pl. Also, be aware that Plesk currently does not support python3, flask, or django. Krydos is going to look into installing these at some point, but that's down the road a bit yet (he wants to fix the account creation issues first). For now the server only has Python 2.7.
  3. SPF and DKIM affect the behavior of the recipient, not the sender. These being missing would cause an issue if you were forwarding to gmail, but sending from gmail shouldn't be an issue at all (though Gmail is quirky in that I've found it sometimes doesn't like you sending email to an address that just forwards back to gmail, even if the domain that forwards the mail is properly configured).
  4. It's too old to be counted. We only count donations after July 14, 2020 for the migrations. Also, Paypal's history doesn't go back that far either. You'll need to donate again.
  5. I don't see any SPF or DKIM records, so I'd bet the mail is being discarded as spam. Without SPF or DKIM setup, most mail providers will reject your mail as spam, Google and Microsoft are especially sensitive to this and will not deliver mail that doesn't pass at least one of these checks. Krydos has to fix it since you're using our DNS. Also, since you're using forwarding, I'd bet the bounce email is going into either a mailbox on your hosting account, is bouncing back to an unmonitored or invalid mailbox like postmaster and is being discarded, or isn't being sent at all (for example, Google replies with a message about the SPF/DKIM issue above if it receives mail that fails both of the tests, but Microsoft just throws your mail out and doesn't tell you).
  6. Krydos will need to install these for you. In the meantime, are you aware that you're eligible to move to Plesk? https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=capcom If you move, you won't need to generate and install these anymore...Plesk will renew SSL certs on its own like cPanel used to do. If you want to move and didn't get or lost the email, Krydos can resend it for you.
  7. wolstech

    VPS Ports

    A VPN for family/friends to use would be fine, but I wouldn't recommend hosting a public offering like Tor (especially an exit node), because all it would take is someone to be connected through your VPS and engage in illegal activity while connected for us to get an abuse report. Abusive VPSes get turned off until you can correct the issue, or if the activity in question was intentional / user refuses to correct it, the VPS can get banned without a refund. As for other content, you can host basically anything on a VPS so long as it isn't illegal. Game servers are a common use for them, as are private VPNs as above. Things you are not allowed to host on our VPSes include things such as: scams, phishing, spambots, malware distribution or control servers, torrent seed boxes, crypto miners, porn (we prohibit adult content), infringing content like pirated movies, or stolen content such as from a data leak.
  8. I've gotten that before. Gmail requires you have either SPF or DKIM set up. Your domain appears to have neither at the moment. Since you're using our NS, Krydos needs to fix this for you since you can't edit your DNS zones yourself.
  9. The email goes to the address on the hosting account, so in this case it would have gone to a h...@...maps.com address.
  10. It's easy to use, has been around forever, and has tons of integrations and extensions available for it...the same reasons it's widely used are also the reasons it should not be used. The code base is ancient, a lot of those extensions have backdoors or are abandoned and have unfixed security issues, and it's easy to use it to do nearly anything...including phish.
  11. Wordpress gets attacked because it's so widely used. Spambots and even dedicated cybercrime groups exist that specialize in attacking WP. Spam comments are just an annoyance considering it's extremely common for a WP site to get hacked and replaced with phishing content. WP can't really be made secure in any sensible manner just due to how badly it's written. They find new security holes all the time. Keeping it updated and not using dubious extensions makes a big difference, but even then it's not uncommon to see it suddenly get hacked out of the blue. Security extensions can also help, but some of those are famous for bloating it to the point where it causes high load and has 30+ second load times.
  12. Unfortunately Moodle 4.x is not available through Plesk's application installer yet. I just ran the update check on it, and the latest offering for Moodle is 3.10.10-156. These application installer tools sometimes take a few months to catch up when applications update, and I know back with Softaculous on cPanel, sometimes it never caught up at all. You'll need to either use 3.x through the installer or manually install 4.x from their website.
  13. His WP install was reaching out to that CDN despite the fact he doesn't use it. May or may not be malicious, but I don't know of many legitimate Wordpress plugins that would use something like that. Google didn't find any prebuilt integration for WP for it either.
  14. I'm curious to what Krydos thinks about that error, but considering WP loves to get infected, I wouldn't be surprised if it was. That said, since it seems to be basing that error solely on the fact it timed out, I'd be more likely to believe that server load caused the error.
  15. Plesk on Lily is going to be a nightmare considering the custom stuff running on that server (insomuch that my stuff will likely need to go elsewhere in order for it to eventually get Plesk, there's way too many custom modifications and insecure settings on it to let it run wide open as a Plesk server...for example, I have 4 custom daemons and exec enabled in PHP...). I kind of use Lily as a VPS with the understanding that users needing ASP.NET can share it. We have very few ASP.NET users, I think we have like 4-5 active ones at the moment. It supports .NET 4.8, .NET Core, and even Classic ASP (I have one user running a classic site). If you want to try running your stuff there, let me know and I could create an account for you. There's no UI as Krydos said above, just FTP for files (and phpmyadmin for database access). You can configure a lot of IIS's settings using web.config files in your folders, but I'd need to set certain things up for you like server-wide changes (if they don't conflict with other users). You'll need to provide your own DNS since cPanel is gone (Cloudflare works fine with Lily). If you need email, you'd need to provide a mail server as well. Back in the cPanel days, I had Tommy configured to send Lily's mail, but I haven't figured out how to make that work with Plesk Tommy.
  16. You're still in line: https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=microst0 At number 2072, you've likely still got a few months to wait. You're in the free account group, which is scheduled to go last behind all donors, including those getting new accounts. The line is currently not moving at all since the next person in line is a donor needing a new account, and new accounts aren't implemented yet. If you want to move quickly, you'll need to become a donor. Since all donors with an existing account went first, you'll be sent an email to let you move within 24-48 hours if you donate. If you're a donor already and your donation is not showing on that page, post the transaction ID and we can get that fixed so you can move. Please note that only donations made after July 14 2020 will count. If the donation is older than that, you'd need to re-donate.
  17. Python on Linux requires unix line endings. Your line endings were in Windows/DOS format. I changed them to unix endings and it works now. If you're editing on Windows, my suggestion is to use an editor like Notepad++. You can author files using Unix endings using Edit->EOL Conversion->Unix in that editor.
  18. Both of those scripts work for me. I see a hello world message from the first "ola mundo" from the second.
  19. If we turn them off globally, people who want them won't be able to see them. As it stands, users who don't want the listings can just put an index.html in the folder to effectively turn them off.
  20. Options -Indexes (and a few other directives) is not supported on Plesk. Just put a blank index.html file in the folders instead.
  21. It's because you're a non-donor: https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=jio We're working on moving donors for the time being, including new account donors which haven't even started yet (hence the 0 per day moving, all donors with existing accounts were moved already). Free users aren't being moved yet. I believe Krydos has been moving new donors though (we had another free user like you donate, he moved within 24 hours). If you donate, please post the transaction info and I'll escalate this to see if we can get you moved. You can donate as little as $1, though more is appreciated if possible.
  22. I'm not sure if that could be made to work or not. The domain and those two mailboxes is all I would need to put on the server, Krydos would need to add + to the SPF for your zone. I think from there you'd be able to send email from them by using localhost as the SMTP server. I'll see if I can set this up when I have a free moment...
  23. You should be able to use whatever SMTP service you wish. If you can't, we can fix that Lily actually has a local mail server itself, but it's restricted to sending notifications for the server at the moment. Lily was meant to be used with the defunct cpanel mail servers so I never bothered to fully set up a mail server on Lily. If you want I can add your domain as an allowed sender on the local mail server, but I need to know what domain will be in the "From" field of your emails. Also, you (or Krydos if we host your DNS) need to edit your domain's SPF record and add Lily's IP as a server allowed to send mail for your domain.
  24. This has been turned on with a max size of 2MB for the pictures. @sylvain See if you have a button for uploading a cover photo on your profile now
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