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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. PhpPgAdmin hasn't worked for months on Stevie. You can use a PC program like Adminer or pgAdmin to manage postgres DBs on Stevie though, so you can still use postgres.
  2. This hasn't worked for months. Use a program on your PC to work with Postgres, or move to Johnny.
  3. The NS records should be sufficient. Our servers usually provide all the other ones you need. If you find it doesn't work, you can always add them later.
  4. We've been planning on that feature for a while. We were approved for the partner program needed for this integration, but Krydos never got around to installing the cPanel extension needed to add the button in the cPanel interface for some reason... Sorry but how do I do this, I have not seen an option to do such.I think you need to use cloudflare as a DNS provider. Set up your domain with heliohost normally. After that, you reconfigure your domain at your registrar to point to cloudflare's name servers. In cloudflare's options, add NS records pointed to NS1.heliohost.org and NS2.heliohost.org. Unfortunately, I cannot give specific instructions on this, as I have never set up Cloudflare myself. Someone else on here may be able to help more.
  5. The heliohost.org subdomains don't support cloudflare. For regular domains, set it up with us normally first (point it to us, then add it as Addon or Parked domain). Once it starts to work (takes 24 hours or so), change the NS to cloudflare and add the Heliohost NS records to cloudflare after your domain has been added in cPanel. If you use A records or CNAMEs, subdomains will not work right.
  6. You don't have an IP of your own. That is the IP of your domain, which is shared. If you want a dedicated IP, you must buy one from us for $12. That page on SSL describes the process for purchasing one. Whether you use it for SSL or for something else is entirely up to you. We just market it as SSL service since that's what most people buy them for.
  7. The only way to do that is to delete your account and recreate it.
  8. The data cannot be recovered. We may be able to release the domain so you can reuse it, but an admin needs to make that decision.
  9. That account cannot be unsuspended nor can the data be recovered (it was suspended for phishing).
  10. That account works fine...its not suspended or inactive. Please clear your cache.
  11. As expected, it was high server load...you've been suspended for this numerous times now. Removing web access to that proxy won't fix it, as your personal use is probably the cause of the load. Please remove the proxy entirely; we normally only give people 2 chances to fix load issues, and this is easily your fourth or fifth. You may not get unsuspended if this happens again. Your account has been unsuspended again.
  12. You were suspended for sending spam. The abuse report shows that one of your forum's registration emails got reported. I'd recommend disabling the email functions on your forum. Also, be sure that the user listed in the report does not receive any more emails. Your account has been unsuspended.
  13. You can't. It requires rebuilding PHP, which the root admin would need to do, and which would impact everyone on the server. The software you're trying to install is not supported. We might add it in the future if we ever upgrade PHP and if there's enough demand, but seeing that we've never upgraded PHP in the 2 years I've been here and you are the first one to ever ask for this, I wouldn't expect this to be installed. The easiest solution is to use the non-geographic version of drupal, which does not require this extension as far as I am aware.
  14. Stevie is more reliable and uptime is far better than Johnny. However, Johnny has more functionality like Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET (up .NET 3.5), and Java. Stevie is limited to 250 signups/day to help control load. Johnny is unlimited. On both plans, space is capped at 500MB and cannot be increased. On Stevie, the limits on server load are lower. No bandwidth limit on either server. Stevie SSL and Johnny SSL are the same thing as the normal Stevie and Johnny packages, but cost $12 because we require a dedicated IP address for SSL (HTTPS / "padlock icon" in most browsers). That $12 is our cost for the IP address, which we just pass along to you. You'd need to buy SSL certificates from a certificate authority as well to enable SSL (or use a self-signed one, which work but make browsers spit out scary warnings). Most get the free Stevie or Johnny account now, and add the dedicated IP address later if they end up needing it. Long answer short: Aside from the dedicated IP address on the SSL accounts, the free and paid accounts are the same.
  15. That domain is working for me. Please clear your cache. I'd recommend removing the links in the music section though or you might get suspended for copyright infringement again. The content that caused your previous account to be suspended is no longer present.
  16. I not sure what else could be wrong...maybe an admin will know. Moved to customer service.
  17. Stevie's database server was down around the time of your post. Try again. Also, to eliminate the user issues, try using your cpanel username and password (you can change to another user for security once you get it to work). Localhost is correct, so don't change that. Database name should be in the form 'nui177_dbname'.
  18. That's something you'd need to ask the developer of whatever software you're running. In many cases you just need to visit it without the port number, but you might need to adjust a Config file somewhere on certain programs.
  19. Configure your app to be available on port 80 (or if ssl, 443). Port 12862 is not supported. I see a forbidden page at phoenix17.heliohost.org
  20. Your site shares an IP with hundreds of other sites. That shared IP can be seen in cpanel on the left side when you log in.
  21. Just create another account. You don't need to delete the suspended account to create a new one.
  22. Because we don't have any extra servers to put it on...not to mention complexity and the fact that many people don't have any problems or have mitigated them already.
  23. The problem isn't the server, it's the data. We could probably fix this quickly by just dropping everything that used innodb, but then users will complain they lost their data. Also, when it initially crashed, i don't think we were using a cpanel distribution of MySQL. Cpanel was upgraded at some point after the crash. Db4free was the one I was going to recommend too.
  24. Set the .eu.org domain as your main domain with this script: http://heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain After that, you can use an A record pointed to the server's shared IP (its shown in cpanel on the left side). Changes may take 24-48 hours to take effect.
  25. This has been a known issue since February. There is no fix expected in the near future as far as I know. Your only choices are to use myisam tables and tolerate the downtime, switch to Johnny, which has working innodb but the downtime is even worse, or find a separate MySQL host and use that instead of our database server, which will be stable and up, but noticeably slower. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/ has info about modifying .sql files and using myisam tables. Mediawiki is also known to one of the more troublesome programs to run on our service (especially upgrades).
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