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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Does it give an error when you try to go through the whole process? If so, what is the username you're trying to use? Krydos may need to remove it and might need to resend the invite.
  2. Add the .com domain using Alias if you want it to show the same content as the heliohost.org subdomain. Use Addon Domain if you want to show different content (it will let you specify what folder to use as the domain's root).
  3. wolstech

    Tommy Accounts

    You have to wait until midnight UTC and hope you get an account before it fills unless you can donate (the donation invite will work on a full server so you can use it any time of day). Lately they're filling for the whole day in under 2 minutes...
  4. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Byron or Krydos needs to remove that domain's DNS records. It's because the domain used to be attached to a server that crashed. Moved to customer service.
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  7. wolstech

    Tommy Accounts

    Krydos will send it when he sees the notification (they're sent manually). Usually they come within a few hours. You'll receive the email at your Paypal/Skrill email address, so be sure to look out for it, and be sure to check in spam. If you don't get it by tomorrow, start a new topic over in customer service and I'll escalate it so Krydos can resend it.
  8. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  9. Honestly, probably not all that good, especially considering the results of the first attempt. Most the stuff on the list was too damaged to recover We do recommend making backups periodically, primarily for this reason. Our servers do not have fault-tolerance for cost and disk space reasons, so crashed servers are "get what we can, redisk server, start over" as opposed to the "change failed disk and let the RAID rebuild" that large companies with entire datacenters would do. It also doesn't help that we're all 1500+ miles from the servers (we all live on the US East Coast, servers are in California...). EDIT: Krydos just said there will no further effort made: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27233-manual-backup-results/
  10. Great to hear they worked for you Let us know if you need anything else.
  11. I think this one's a new record...at least in the 6 years I've been here. I can't recall a day where signups actually opened, but didn't record on the monitor as being open for a minute or two. That monitor has a pretty good resolution, so being fast enough to not get caught by it is quite impressive. We didn't expect Johnny to fail. Nobody did. It's just as bad for the admins as it is for the users. We're spending our time helping those users move to Tommy now, after we just did it to move them to Johnny. Many of those users were already upset at losing the Stevie account, let alone a Johnny one too. It's also worth noting that it'll likely get a little easier to sign up as the days go by. The number of signups we allow per day on a new server typically increases with time. We still have bugs to work out with the signup process (which we recently redesigned with our new website). We don't know how Tommy will handle lots of users. As a result, we don't want them piling on all at once, then all complaining when their accounts didn't create right / the server crashed / etc. Once we see days where small numbers of new accounts go smoothly, we increase it. Similarly, as Johnny users finally get Tommy accounts, there's less of an initial rush, so demand drops. As a result, the registrations stay open longer. Waiting a few days for the initial rush to die down first will probably help. It took me multiple tries to get a Stevie account back in 2011...at 3AM local no less! I was an overworked college student then...the last thing I wanted to do was stay up to 3AM for a hosting account with what little sleep I was getting, especially knowing there was no guarantee I'd be successful. I finally got one after several tries though, and have no regrets. Stevie gave me ~5 years of good service, and I expect Tommy to do the same.
  12. 45 bytes is a failed backup. Unfortunately the manual recovery list has already been closed/run (the list for requests is now results), so i can't add you to that. At this point, I would assume your data is lost unless krydos announces plans for a second attempt.
  13. You can't reuse your hosting username if a hosting or forum account with the name already exists. Once you sign up again, we can change it back.
  14. ...and that's exactly what I did. Looked at Piotr's. That monitor has a resolution of just ~2m too, so those slots went extremely fast for the registrations to not be caught. Didn't actually go look for the accounts since I've never seen a server fill that fast in 4 years...
  15. Those two links are the best (free) solution right now. Just be aware that unlike paid certificates, they expire and need to be regenerated/reinstalled at 90 day intervals (I really wish they'd offer longer ones...).
  16. Registrations didn't open for some reason...maybe Krydos turned them off since he was working on fixes for some weird registration issues??? Unmarked as solved.
  17. @Krydos: That wasn't supposed to be his username. Our signup form lost the letters at the beginning...
  18. Park Domain is now called Alias. It's definitely available...http://tommy.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/paper_lantern/park/index.html
  19. The server that hosts Johnny, named Charlie, crashed. We don't know what's wrong yet, the initial reports were load on Johnny (http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27132-2017-01-05/), but some later information is pointing to a possible failure on Charlie instead. Stevie was 8 and Charlie was 6 with minimal/no repairs or other maintenance before these failures, so it wouldn't be unexpected if Charlie's failure turns out to be hardware (he was already one hard disk down when "new Johnny" came online). Tommy on the other hand lives on Eddie, which is <1 year old, and has significantly more resources than either of the two failed servers. We expect a lot more out of Eddie in the years to come, and being new, don't see any reason he'd fail in the near future. Eddie also hosts Cody, which runs this forum and our website.
  20. wolstech


    Tommy accepts free registrations as of 2 days ago. We currently are unable to provide backups from Johnny because the crash hasn't been investigated, let alone an attempt made to recover the data.
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