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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Johnny only supports 5.6. You need to move to Tommy if you need 7.1.
  2. Seeing Krydos said there wasn't any open after you stopped the game server, the game server itself is likely to blame. The connections probably reopened when you relaunched the game server. Krydos will have to confirm what he sees with the game server running again, but I suspect the game server is either buggy, broken, or poorly designed and is not closing them after use as it should...your next step would probably be to troubleshoot/update/replace the game server software.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  4. I assume you mean sudhana1, since sudhana was a Stevie account that's been gone for 7 months. That account is not suspended. If you're seeing a queued or suspended page, please clear your cache.
  5. Please check your email for a replacement invite.
  6. He has to be on paper lantern, we don't have x3 anymore. The parked domains button is now labeled "Aliases."
  7. Unblocked. It may take a few minutes to start working again.
  8. Your forgot to change the table name in my example: You need to change "table" to your table name. The table is blank because the mysqli_fetch_assoc() failed. The mysqli_fetch_assoc() failed and produced those errors because the mysqli_query() failed. The mysqli_query() likely failed because of two reasons: The connection isn't open (I don't see where you opened one in the view_paginated.php), and the query also tried to select from a non-existent table called 'table'. A lack of error checking code means you have no way of seeing the error message the mysqli_query() generates when it fails. The easiest way to check for the query failing is to put an if statement after mysqli_query() to check the value that was returned. If the returned value is false instead of a result, it failed...you can then mysqli_error() to return a string saying what the error was. $result = mysqli_query($connection,"Whatever my query is"); //Add the below if statement //This makes your script show the SQL error and stop running if the query fails. Put it after each mysqli_query() line, and be sure to change $result to whatever //variable your mysqli_query() puts its result in. if (!$result) { die(mysqli_error($conn)); }
  9. Looks good now. I don't see the forum with the illegal content anymore. Thank you for correcting this.
  10. The account mahdi199 has been unsuspended. Please remove the warez within 24 hours of this post. Also, be aware that since you're on Johnny, it sometimes takes up to 24 hours for the website become visible again after being unsuspended.
  11. That's a great way to help us. Advertising makes up the majority of our revenue each month (to get an idea, we've made roughly $397 on ads this month, compared to about $80 in donations) so disabling an adblocker is a significant contribution in its own right. Thank you for your contribution
  12. Johnny is infamous for SSL installation issues due to his slow performance/overloading. Krydos might be able to get this fixed for you, but my recommendation is to move to Tommy. Tommy is a lot faster and provides AutoSSL, which means every domain automatically gets an SSL certificate without doing anything at all. Even better, it also renews itself when needed. I'll escalate this for you, but if you want to move to Tommy instead, let me know and I'll close it.
  13. Doesn't matter who posts or publishes it. It's still illegal in the USA where we are based, and therefore is not allowed here. I'm willing to unsuspend you, but you will need to remove that forum and any references to illegal software within 24 hours. Do you want to do this?
  14. You're suspended for copyright infringement. We do not allow the hosting of warez, links to warez, or tools/resources to obtain warez.
  15. Indeed blocked for too many failed FTP logins. Unblocked. It should start working in a few minutes.
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  17. The best solution for "resetting" an account is to delete the account entirely and start over. If you don't want to do that, the closest you can get would be: Remove all addon/parked domains and any subdomains you don't needChange main domain if needed (http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain)Check that you've dropped all of your databases (both mysql and postgres)Check in your home folder for a .softaculous_backups folder and delete it (download the backups first if you want them)Check in your home folder for any backup_*.tar.gz files and delete them (these are account backups you've made from cPanel, download the backups first if you need them)Check in your home folder for a tmp folder, empty the contents (don't delete the actual folder, this is old session data and your statistics data for tools like awstats)Check in your home folder for a logs folder, empty the contents (these are well...logs)Empty the contents of the public_html folder (don't delete the actual folder)
  18. CloudFlare is broken then. I'll escalate this for you, but I'm not sure if this is on our end or not. Krydos (our root admin) may tell you to contact CloudFlare.
  19. That account is now working properly without CloudFlare. I see an empty directory listing (Index of /). Please clear your cache and see if that error is gone for you.
  20. Our recommended support is just posting on this forum. If there's something like an email address or personal info of some sort that you need to share, we can accept that via PM, but you'll need to ask when you need to share such information. All admins can accept PMs, but none of us check them unless we're working on a forum post where someone asks to send us one. As for donations, it's a one time donation of $1 or more. Please note that you need to make sure that the email address on your PayPal or skrill account doesn't already have an account or you won't receive an invite (delete your existing account first). Also, the invitation for the account doesn't come instantly since they are manually processed. They can take up to 24 hours.
  21. Please remove cloudflare and point your domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, so we can troubleshoot. If it still doesn't work with cloudflare removed, let me know and I'll escalate this.
  22. I usually do it in the SQL query with a LIMIT statement so you only retrieve certain rows at a time. SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $start,$end $start and $end are numbers of the first and last row to return. Your "next page" link would increment the $start variable. $end is usually something like ($start + 25) or however many rows you want shown at a time. The first row of the table is 0. Some example code, not tested but you should get the idea: <?php //open a DB connection called $conn up here $iRows = 25; //Show 25 rows at a time $iStart = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_GET['start']); $iEnd = $iStart + $iRows; $rData = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $iStart,$iEnd"); while ($aRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rData)) { //echo out your table rows in here } echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?start=$iStart-$iRows\">Previous Page</a>"; echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?start=$iStart+$iRows\">Next Page</a>"; ?>
  23. What account was being deleted?
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