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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We recommend moving to Tommy if this is the case. The wait for Java over there is much shorter (days, if not hours). We are unable to move people to the front of the Java queue on Johnny as it is unfair to other users who have to wait. As for not needing anything else...many who use Java don't use any of the other services on their server (except maybe the mysql server).
  2. You can just use the change domain script again to set it back to something.heliohost.org It takes up to 24 hours if you're on Johnny. If on Tommy, it should work within minutes.
  3. Noticed this tonight...a bunch of my AutoSSL certs expired 8/4 ("yesterday" UTC) and only some renewed. Is this because of the testing you've been doing (I know LE's limits are stupidly low)?
  4. If it's self-signed (which it is, I just checked), its not an AutoSSL certificate. Your problem is that AutoSSL hasn't run yet or skipped it (likely, seeing it will ignore domains with LE certs installed). A valid AutoSSL certificate will be issued by "cPanel Inc. Certification Authority". Krydos can force it to run on your domain so you get a proper certificate. Be aware that .htaccess sometimes prevents it from working (the system creates a special file that needs to be reachable by Comodo's servers). Escalating.
  5. Neither IP you posted from is blocked. Are you still having an issue? If so, please post the IP address that needs unblocking. We cannot look up blocks by username.
  6. Let's see what he says, but I'm going to assume it's developershub.tk seeing that's the only domain on his account. For what it's worth, that domain works properly for me. Only the ones through Comodo's website do this. The cPanel-issued ones don't have that limitation and should renew on their own when they reach 15 days from expiration. EDIT: I may need to stand corrected here...mine expired yesterday without me knowing, though it says it will renew via AutoSSL?
  7. We've known about this. It's been around for a while. In fact, we have a Wiki article on it: http://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_a_Let%27s_Encrypt_SSL_Certificate Also, if you use Tommy, that server has AutoSSL. It hands out free DV (domain verification) SSL certificates from Comodo to every domain on the server, and renews them automatically as they expire.
  8. You have to request it and wait again. You can do so using the Java option under Software in cpanel.
  9. You need to delete your account and sign up again unless you wish to donate. Since the account has not yet been created, do you want me to cancel your pending creation so you can try again tomorrow?
  10. This is a known issue. Johnny's PHP broke last night, likely due to that maintenance we were performing (which involved rebuilding PHP and Apache). Please watch https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29106-johnny-php-does-not-work/ for updates.
  11. The account saber is listed as active.
  12. PHP is broken on Johnny. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29106-johnny-php-does-not-work/
  13. AutoSSL is already supported on Tommy and is already disabled on Johnny (the testing server). It takes up to 24 hours for a certificate to issue after adding a domain though.
  14. You found the answer already, but I just wanted to add that the minimum donation is $1 for those who find this topic.
  15. Duplicate of https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29106-homepage-problem/
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  17. Johnny php appears to be messed up, likely from the maintenance. My site on Johnny does the same thing. Not sure if that maintenance finished or not yet... Escalating.
  18. First off, do you have/can you prove you have a license for IPB? (We don't allow nulled software.) As for your concerns... Pcntl_exec is a security risk based on what I've read since it's basically just exec() that reuses process space. This one does need to go since exec is already disabled. We intentionally enabled the display_errors because we get too many complaints about 500 errors with them off. I and many others prefer them on, and 90% of other hosts also have them on by default. People expect the errors to appear if their script is broken. A regular 500 error doesn't tell you anything useful. Escalating to disable pcntl_exec()...
  19. That's not our suspended page. Our suspended page looks like http://tommy.heliohost.org/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi Also, that domain works properly for me. It's a DNS issue with your computer, network, or your ISP.
  20. It's archived. Escalating so it can be restored.
  21. You need to put the stuff that's inside the "Web Files" folder in the prometheus folder. You put the entire "Web Files" folder in http://tldgc17.heliohost.org/prometheus/, when you were only supposed to put the contents in there. You need to move everything in public_html/prometheus/Web Files/ into public_html/prometheus/, then delete the (empty) Web Files folder. As for the 500 error, there's a ton of things that can cause that. Invalid .htaccess files are the most common cause.
  22. We don't give WHM access to users, its for root admins only. Ioncube is not supported on Johnny. You need a Tommy account for it. Also, do you have a license for WHMCS? We don't allow nulled (pirated) software.
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