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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Look for an email shortly with a link to finish resetting the account. You'll be able to set the main domain yourself when you create the new account. Let us know once its created and we'll add the extra domains.
  2. I just looked into this further, and considering this was a cPanel migration account, it's usually better to reset the account entirely to fix strange issues like this. Those migrated accounts have tons of weird issues including problems with domains going corrupt. Resetting your account deletes it and reinvites you, so you'll need to set everything up again, and restore your data from a backup (we can make a backup for you if needed before resetting it). Would you like to do that? If not, we can try adding the domains back but I can't guarantee that will work as we don't know for sure what caused them to disappear. If you want to try that instead of resetting it, please list the domains and the document roots for each.
  3. This is a known issue. PHP is not working on Tommy at the moment. Escalating.
  4. Something is wrong with Tommy at the moment. Based on some other posts, PHP isn't working either. The main domain wasn't working because it was disabled as well. I've re-enabled that, it should work again in the next 2 hours. Krydos will need to research the missing subdomains. The fact the main was disabled makes me wonder if the server's domain cleanup task malfunctioned... Escalating.
  5. Something looks to be broken on tommy at the moment. A bunch of users are reporting this issue... Escalating.
  6. Escalating. Looks like every PHP site on Tommy may be doing it. Mine is as well...
  7. No problem. I'll go ahead and mark this solved for now. Let us know if you decide you do want those added.
  8. WP is so inefficient internally that people routinely get suspended for the load during installation/setup (notably when they add extensions, Woocommerce, Elementor, and Wordfence being the 3 biggest offenders), let alone actually having traffic to the site. I'm not sure how it would handle with content served externally. You're welcome to give it a shot, just make sure to watch your load (https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/) to avoid being suspended. The chart updates every few minutes. Do you still want those 2 subdomains added?
  9. The account andresmarquez has been unsuspended Groovemedellin1 was unsuspended yesterday so you should be set. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  10. High memory usage. 100.20 GB of memory You're suspended for using too much memory. Node is extremely heavy on RAM and is notorious for this issue. The best way to solve this is to use passenger so node doesn't run continuously (though some applications don't support it), or replace with something like a static HTML website or PHP (avoid Wordpress if you go that route, it has the same issue). Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended. This is your memory usage for the past day (you can see this chart yourself at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ ). (The drop to zero occurred when you got suspended).
  11. Our system does not know this and cannot tell what you're doing, so unless you let us know ahead of time to whitelist you, this will happen. Our system just sees more than one account being created or accessed from the same network and computer, and flags it as a TOS violation. As a result, when buying an account for someone else, best practice is to forward the invite email to the person its for and let them set it up. Thank you for recommending our service by the way Groovemedellin1 has been unsuspended, please give it to the person you bought it for and do not access it any further from your device or network. That said, you also have 2 accounts that do look to be yours (andresmarqueza, and andresmarquez). For the two andresmarquez accounts, which one do you want to keep?
  12. Also, considering the domains requested, please be aware that Wordpress usually gets the user suspended for high load, so I would advise not using that for your blogging software.
  13. Our system tells users apart by the device and network you log in from. If you share a computer or network, you're considered one person to our system. The account irlhaiku has been unsuspended. I'll let Krydos decide on the other one.
  14. It's WordPress. WordPress is notorious for excessive load and poor performance, especially when extensions are installed (woocommerce, wordfence, and elementor being 3 especially bad ones). Removing extensions can help, but the typical solution for WordPress being so heavy is to replace WordPress with something else entirely.
  15. Domains added. They can take up to 2 hours to work.
  16. He can provide something like a screenshot of him logged into the website where he purchased it showing he owns the item instead of that works. The Chatnet progam you were using looks like it is sold on Codecanyon and similar sites, so if he can sign into the site where he purchased it and show a screenshot of the product in his account, that will work for proof he bought it if he can't find a receipt or anything. https://codecanyon.net/item/chatnet-php-ajax-chat-room-private-chat-script/28419241 appears to be what you're using if you need to buy a license for it. As for buying a VPS, if you cannot use Paypal or the like, we can take crypto, but you must buy in 6 month blocks because it requires manual processing on our end. I would suggest we get the license thing figured out first though to make sure you can run your software here.
  17. Before we do anything, can you please provide proof of purchase for a license for the chat software? That is paid software (https://codecanyon.net/item/chatnet-php-ajax-chat-room-private-chat-script/28419241). We do not permit pirated/nulled software (copyright infringement). As for a solution, this sort of software is going to be extremely heavy just by nature. The UI of chat software has to constantly hit the server to check for new messages. If it has the option, setting it to poll (reach back to the server) less often will help load greatly. If it's being hit by spambots, blocking them with something like the .htaccess file will also help reduce load. That said, if you're looking for a paid option, this would run well on our $4/month VPS plan, and we can install a control panel like Hestia for free if you're not comfortable administering a linux server from the command line. VPSes don't have any load suspensions, it runs as long as you pay the bill and don't violate the terms of service (which includes buying a license for that chat software).
  18. You're suspended again because you failed to fix the issue. My guess is that the chat software you're using is too heavy to run here. Each time your account causes load, you cause a performance impact and/or downtime for thousands of other websites. Considering this is your second time for the same issue (and looking in your account, it looks like you didn't change anything after the first one), what do you plan to do to ensure this never happens again? (Some examples could include trying different software, not hosting a chat program here, buying a VPS which has no load limit, etc.)
  19. The mgxweb.cf is your main domain. To remove it, one of the other domains will need to be set as your main domain. Do you want me to make zero or aterny your main domain? (The other will be added as an addon).
  20. I replied on discord as well... Whatever your account was running started using too many resources. Node apps and Wordpress are common causes for this, but other software can easily cause the same issue if it's poorly written. Please fix this quickly. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  21. Whatever you're running is WAY too heavy to run here, as this is the second highest usage I've seen all time. The memory limit is 100GB a day (measured as a sum of memory usage measurements taken every 30 seconds over the course of a day). You were more than double that in 12 hours. You can monitor your own load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Please either rewrite that node app to reduce its memory consumption, or remove it from your account. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to work.
  22. You were suspended for having more than 1 account, though this account (justwanted500) has already been unsuspended. Please let us know if you still have any issues accessing your account.
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