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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. For your account, the MX record should point to johnny.heliohost.org.
  2. Your account is still causing a ton of memory load... You can view this chart yourself here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/
  3. Whatever you were running was using too much memory. Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  4. Plesk does not provide a management tool for Postgres. You need to upload a tool like adminer to do it. https://www.adminer.org/ For this, you basically just upload it, and then visit in a browser and log into postgres using the username and password you created for the database.
  5. This is going to be dependent on your code and the language you use. Krydos can explain more.
  6. What plan did you mean to sign up for? If you want, we can convert this into a Johnny Plesk account with 2000MB space for you instead of a refund. Or, we can install a web server and control panel on the VPS for you so its easy to use.
  7. Please fix the load issue quickly. You can watch your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  8. The wasayit.co.uk domain has been added, and the other one is your main domain so is already on your account. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  9. Changed. It may take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  10. Moneybroz is correct. This is intentionally disabled on the shared hosting for security reasons. VPSes start at just $4/month, with a discount available if you purchase 6 months at a time. https://heliohost.org/vps/
  11. Lets see what Krydos says, but I'm fine with it. I can understand why you wouldn't want the business sharing your account, especially if they will also work on their own website...
  12. Your account has been deleted and an invite for a Tommy account has been sent to the email address on file. If you need a copy of your old account's content, you can download a backup of your old account at https://heliohost.org/backup/
  13. I guess I should have mentioned that Nezha is also too heavy to run here considering we commonly see people try to run it alongside x-ray and other proxies. This stuff is way too heavy for our free service. I've seen exactly one person get one of these work out of 50+ attempts, and I think he made it cycle vs. run continuously so it would avoid going over its limit, which kind of limits its usefulness... You'll need a VPS if you want to run this sort of stuff here continuously. We have no issue with hosting it provided it is used legally, but we can't have it slowing the shared servers down either. If you're interested in a VPS, you can get a $4/month one here: https://heliohost.org/vps/ that will run this software properly and has no load limit.
  14. I'm showing hecatos, godlazy, and sankeith matched so far, though there are possibly others (it can take time for the system to rescan accounts after they are restored). Sankeith is active, and the other two are suspended. We can just merge the suspended accounts into sankeith if you want. That way you can just continue using the same domains and content under one account, and you can add additional Plesk users if you need them for others who may also manage your sites. The two suspended accounts appear to be nearly empty, so they should fit on your existing account just fine.
  15. Unsuspended. I've also disabled node for you so it won't cause load in the meantime. It may take a few minutes to start working. Please be aware that HelioHost has a "three strikes" policy for repeat violations. This is your second. If you get a third suspension for load, you might not be unsuspended again. If that happens, you'll need to either purchase a VPS (which has no load limit) or find a new host.
  16. You're suspended for high load...again. This is your second time for this issue, and it looks like nothing has been done to solve it, considering both suspensions are for load resulting from running a node proxy (these are too heavy to run here and nearly always result in a suspension). What do you plan to do to make sure this never happens again?
  17. The account sankeith is not suspended. That said, there are several other accounts linked to this one that are suspended. You're technically not violating the TOS at the moment since only one of them is active. If you're going to maintain a website for someone else, the best method is to add extra domains to your account to avoid this issue (you can also add a second Plesk user to your account if you want the other person to be able to log in). If your relative is going to maintain it, then they should be unarchiving it and logging into it, not you. Is there a reason you created these separately? Also, we see at least 3 accounts, so what are the others if one of them is supposed to be a relative's site?
  18. This is a Krydos question. Escalating...
  19. For others who find this, the domains can take up to two hours to work after you unarchive the account.
  20. To move you to a different server, we have to delete your account and re-invite you on the other server. Do you need any of your data backed up before we continue?
  21. The account is full mostly because of a file called plastenik.csv that takes up 964.32MB of your 1000MB. Do you want me to delete it so you can access your account? Alternately, you can buy extra space for $5/1000MB, with a maximum of $25 for 6000MB (space beyond 6000MB will require a VPS). If you would like to do this, you can paypal the money to us (admin@heliohost.org) or use any of the donation links, then post the transaction ID so we can add the space to your account.
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