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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It is technically still a thing, but nobody has qualified in years. Most of the support these days is on discord, and discord traffic doesn't qualify. It's kind of a relic of days gone by at this point. Also useless posts (filler, nonsense, a post with only a smiley, etc.) don't count, nor does spam or other removed posts. Last I checked I think the entire "other discussions" forum was also excluded. Note that we may manually count the posts when approving you to verify the posts have not been deleted and are of sufficient quality.
  2. We were a post to host service back when we first started in the middle 00s. There used to be a point system. I don't really know the details though, it went away before I really started, and I've been here since 2012 (technically 2009 if you include my first account that I abandoned after a few months). I have no idea which of the testimonials you're talking about, because those are random and change each time you reload the page. I know there are some really old ones from when we first opened though still circulating in there... when I loaded, I saw one referencing Stevie...a server we haven't offered in years (Tommy was his replacement).
  3. Yes, it was for exceeding the memory limit.
  4. Added. Please make sure you configure DNS, the domain is currently showing as not hosted by us. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  5. Krydos can answer this for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "not supported" since it would require he install this manually if you wanted to use an OS that's not listed.
  6. Kind of. We didn't have as many users on the servers (especially Tommy) at the time, and I believe we also had a user recently who asked for some astronomical number of domains. Since every domain added slows the server down, it's not fair for a few users with a ton of domains to impact everyone else, so we added a limit. The same performance impact associated with domains is also why domains that are added but not actually hosted here now disable themselves after a while. Disabled domains have no performance impact.
  7. They're limited primarily because every domain added to a server decreases the performance of apache and makes it take longer to restart.
  8. <Placeholder> <Name> $SERVER$ </Name> <Content> /home/site/dbs </Content> </Placeholder> This path is wrong. Looking at where the file is currently, the path should be /home/srboylan.com/dna-tree.srboylan.com/dbs I edited the path in includes.php and it looks like its trying to work now. I can't test further because I can't log into it. I also commented out an invalid die() statement from the top of router.php that was responsible for the "unexpected variable $router_debug" message (the error was due to a missing semicolon).
  9. It's a future offering we're considering that hasn't been built or released, and has no ETA (assuming its implemented at all). Back in the cPanel days there was no domain limit. We probably should edit the footnote to say that it's a planned feature as its currently not something you can get...
  10. Just recalc'd the space and realized this account is full, which probably explains the issue...
  11. If it's just needed for installation Krydos can probably increase it temporarily, but we can't leave it that way. We wouldn't want to increase that value permanently as it would almost certainly result in your account causing too much load. WP is already a leading cause of load suspensions even with the lower limits we have set...
  12. root@tommy2 [/home/xiaotusoushu.helioho.st]# du -hs 1002M . It's full. Either you need to delete something, or if you can't, please tell me what to delete so I can do so for you. I recalculated the space in Plesk as well, so it should now also show full (Plesk doesn't recalculate in real time, so there's a delay between uploading and the statistics reflecting what's in your account).
  13. Placing a domain inside another domain is not a normal or supported configuration. While technically possible to do, placing the document root of a domain inside of another domain's root can break things (e.g conflicting .htaccess files, some features like node will not work right especially when accessed through the parent domain, etc.), requires manual configuration on our part since our system is designed to create them side by side automatically, and users don't like the fact that the content of the nested domains are accessible from the parent domain (SEO and security issues). Ironically, our old cPanel based system actually required this and people hated it...eliminating the requirement that all addon domains be inside the main domain was actually one of the major improvements provided by our switch to Plesk. People who migrated from cPanel actually still have domains running like this, and those accounts are often so broken (for a combination of reasons, not just nested domains) that we recommend resetting them... You're one of only two I'm aware of to actually ask for this. Is there a reason you really want to do this?
  14. Krydos can take a few days to respond when he's busy (we're all volunteers, so sometimes real life gets in the way of things...). He'll reply when he gets a chance to look at this.
  15. I'm not sure why the Options +Indexes doesn't seem to work on the root of the domain. (I personally miss the days back when this was enabled by default...)
  16. This issue was on our end (the IPv6 was not assigned to your domain for some reason). I've fixed the missing assignment and the account should work correctly within 2 hours. Please recreate the IPv6 record since you deleted it.
  17. I do not accept PMs for support on anything except Lily accounts. Krydos might know how to get directory listings working on this domain. I don't have any additional ideas short of the additional Apache directives and I'm not an expert on that.
  18. Maximum any user can have on the shared hosting is 6GB. If you move to another server, you would have to actually move the account, not create a second one. You would just have 6GB on the new server. Creating additional accounts will get all of your accounts suspended for having multiple accounts. Users are only allowed to have one account, so it's not possible to have an account on both servers. Users needing more than 6GB space have to buy a VPS.
  19. I have no idea on this one. The paths in the error don't look normal though, so I wonder if something broke with your account's FTP configuration. Let's see if krydos can figure this out. Escalating.
  20. Did you try my suggestion in my last post?
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