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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You're making progress. New code seems to be more efficient in that it isn't slamming the memory usage, but something happened to spike it. Do you know what might have happened around 0900 that caused the jump and pushed you over the limit?
  2. That's why. The server is designed to check if the website is hosted here and disables the domain if it's not. Users on Cloudflare used to be exempt just due to using Cloudflare so you never had an issue before, but I believe Krydos updated the system to now verify these domains via file presence...which a mail-only domain will fail. I believe Krydos can exempt you so the domain cleanup script won't disable it... Escalating.
  3. Are you actually hosting your website with us or just email? Usually when we see this, it's because either the website isn't hosted here, or in a few odd cases we've found the domain cleanup script was broken...if the website itself is hosted here, I'll escalate to Krydos to check why this was disabled.
  4. Be aware that the .us.to and .uk.to domains or any other that's run by afraid.org have known issues. Afraid/FreeDNS sucks when it comes to supporting their domains properly, and you're likely going to run into weird issues like email not delivering and Lets Encrypt claiming its rate limited when it shouldn't be (the most commonly reported issue I see with these domains). These issues aren't HelioHost's fault, but rather that of Afraid, and most hosting companies exhibit some odd behaviors with their domains. For basic HTTP they're fine I suppose...
  5. You need to either: Find a complete copy of the application that's not missing that folder. Or, if it has a composer.json file, you need to use composer to assemble it. Plesk has a composer tool which can be used for this, or you can follow the application developer's directions (you'll need to do these locally on your PC as most need command line access which we don't offer), then upload the final folder structure that's output by composer.
  6. It should come with the application. That file and all the stuff it references will vary depending on the program and version. More often than not this file is generated by composer. If the app uses composer, this error could be that you either didn’t run the composer script or said script failed.
  7. Try using tommy.heliohost.org or as the host name. Using your chosen domain for this may work in some instances, but for non-HTTP services, it's not fully supported and things tend to work best when you use the server name (tommy.heliohost.org in your case) as the hostname.
  8. Please set the name servers for that domain to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Alternately, for users with external DNS servers, you can use an A record pointed to and an AAAA record pointed to 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  9. Invite sent. If you need a copy of your old account's data, it's available from https://heliohost.org/backup/ Thank you for the donation
  10. You should be able to do this by using the scheduled tasks option in plesk and having it call your .py file.
  11. See https://helionet.org/index/topic/53855-how-to-use-django-on-plesk/#comment-223034 for how to use Django without command line access.
  12. The shebang line was missing, line endings needed to be unix, and the permissions were wrong. The bot appears to be running now, but I suspect you may not have any way to stop it. You should set up a way to start and stop the process. I killed it for you. Our guide on Discord bots has an example in it of how to control long-running Python processes, the same methods should be applicable to any other long running Python scripts: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot
  13. Note that after donating, we'll need to delete your account and manually invite you to the other server. The servers do not support just moving the existing account. Please post the transaction number of the donation as well.
  14. Node has been disabled and you've been unsuspended...again. It might take a few minutes to work. Please watch your load carefully at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load when testing the python version of the bot.
  15. The default page shows until Apache restarts next, so yes it is. It restarts every 2 hours. If a Plesk page shows after 2 hours, you need to delete the index.html file as above and clear your cache.
  16. Changed. The name servers should be ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  17. Domain changed. Please make sure you configure DNS by setting the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  18. This is prohibited for security reasons. You'll need to buy a VPS if you need SSH access.
  19. It clearly wasn't enough based on that chart above. Your app is still too heavy. In order for the software to not get you suspended, it can't use more than about ~50MB of RAM continuously, which is admittedly extremely difficult to achieve with a long running node process. (node-based websites and such are much easier to accomplish here because they can rely on Passenger to stop them when there's no traffic, but a telegram bot can't do this since it has to listen to its channel continuously). Most users here who are running these sorts of bots here have chosen alternatives like Python because it's more resource efficient and won't lead to suspensions like this. If you want, I'll unsuspend you one more time, but it comes on the condition that you either rebuild the bot in something else so it doesn't slow the server down, or that you use the account for something that is not related to said bot. A future suspension after that for node-related load would be a permanent ban from our service. Do you want me to do that?
  20. You didn't fix your load issue and got suspended yet again for it (previous suspensions on the 15th and 17th). It's unfair to the other 2000 users for your account to be slowing everything else down. We have a 3 strikes policy here for suspensions, and you just struck out. Your Plesk account cannot be unsuspended due to repeated failure to manage your load. You'll need to either buy a VPS (which will isolate your software on its own server so the load won't impact other users) or find a new host for this software. If you're interested in a VPS, you can purchase that here: https://heliohost.org/vps/ (it comes as an empty Linux box with root SSH access and you can install whatever you want provided it isn't illegal, including this telegram bot).
  21. If I remember right, for Python and similar, the log files aren't specific to a given account and as such contain other users' information, so it isn't available in the UI. Some of the data may appear in the Plesk Logs tab, but these logs are usually limited to Apache and Nginx logs.
  22. I never even saw this because it was marked as solved. I'll fix this shortly...
  23. Node has been disabled on your account so the program won't start, and the account has been unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to work. Please fix the issue immediately. If this occurs again, you will not be unsuspended a second time.
  24. You're suspended because you caused such extreme load that you almost crashed Tommy. Either your app is WAY too heavy, or more likely it's broken, and either you or the server kept restarting it despite it not exiting. Either way it cannot be run here. Do you know why this may have happened?
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