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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We cannot reinstall the OS on a VPS that was deleted due to a paypal dispute.
  2. The VPS comes as an empty linux VM. You have to install Apache/PHP/mysql/etc., or install something like Hestia or Keyhelp, which includes all that and gives you a web interface to make it easier to use. Then you have to move your data and set the website up. With a VPS have you can use all of its resources with no real risk of suspension as long as you pay the bill and don't violate the terms of service. Krydos is the expert on VPSes, and he has both installed Hestia and helped users migrate to their VPS in the past. He may be able to do so for you as well if you're interested, so I'll escalate this for you to see what he has to say
  3. For Plesk service, that's coming soon. It will be called Morty and will charge you monthly based on the amount of resources used. Not sure when it'll be released though as we still have quite a bit of work to do in developing it. We've never offered paid shared hosting in the ~19 years we've existed, so it'll be a first for us. In the meantime, you could buy a VPS instead (https://heliohost.org/vps/) if you need more resources, and we can install something like Hestia on it to give it a web interface if you don't want to spend a bunch of time configuring it from a command line.
  4. Added. I also set up SPF for you so mail from mehla.heliohost.us will actually deliver to people...
  5. Added. > set type=txt > mehla.heliohost.us Server: UnKnown Address: 2601:41:c080:e21:1691:82ff:fec5:a840 Non-authoritative answer: mehla.heliohost.us text = "google-site-verification=jFQNsEZglV_KcRm9uSjlhGtH3D9KX7ALm0EpZXLh0b0" >
  6. See https://helionet.org/index/topic/59742-solved-account-suspended/
  7. You're suspended for high load. Please watch your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ This was your load over the past 24 hours...whatever is on your account started causing a ton of load around 21:00 UTC yesterday. Please fix it quickly. Unsuspended.
  8. You have to ask us for additional domains if you need them. There is no way to do it yourself without violating the terms of service. There is also a maximum of 10 domains per person. Technically you shouldn't even be unsuspended at this point since you've done this 3 times already, but I'll be nice and give you one more chance. If you are seen creating or using more than one account again for any reason, you will be permanently banned. Unsuspended...again. Now, are there any domains that you need added to your tenantproject202 account?
  9. I agree with Krydos. You did not learn your lesson the first two times you did this, and I don't think you'll learn the third time either. You also haven't explained to us why you keep creating multiple accounts. The Terms of Service explicitly state that you can have exactly ONE account. Can you explain why you refuse to follow the rules?
  10. Try using johnny.heliohost.org as the incoming and outgoing mail server instead of your domain. SPF and DKIM are needed and if they are not set up, mail from your account won't deliver to others. I'll escalate that for Krydos to set up for you.
  11. Krydos is the only one who can install this. Escalating.
  12. I am going to mark this for Krydos as well just to check in this because I had to re-enable sccart.heliohost.org too, which should never have been disabled as it is definitely hosted here and has valid DNS.
  13. The domain was likely disabled because it was determined to not be hosted here (which appears to be true considering the site is working while disabled, implying it's hosted elsewhere). If the A records in CF do not point to our servers, the domain will not validate when our server checks if it's hosted here, and it subsequently gets disabled to improve server performance. The domain has been re-enabled. Please make sure DNS is pointing to our servers or it will get disabled again automatically. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  14. Also, we are unable to provide assistance for servers that are not ours. As a result, we’re not able to assist with a local development installation of Apache on your computer.
  15. Name servers are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  16. Removed. Thank you for doing your part to help keep our servers fast
  17. Reverse DNS should have zero impact on the availability of a website hosted on the box. All reverse DNS does is map an IP to a name (as opposed to a name to an IP). It's basically just an entry in a backwards phone book...you have a number and want to know the domain it belongs to. It's mostly used for things like mail spam prevention. The fact the site is working for me only over plain HTTP makes me think either the site is not configured to accept HTTPS. I got a security warning earlier, but now it just automatically redirects to plain HTTP. Also, a browser configured to only allow HTTPS connections (I know Firefox has this as an option) would see your site as unacceptable... You may want to check the configuration for HTTPS and also renew the certificate if needed. EDIT: After clearing cache, I now just get connection refused over HTTPS, so yeah, it's not responding on 443. Either apache/nginx misconfigured or port possibly blocked in firewall?
  18. I spoke with Krydos on this, he confirmed this issue does not look to be on our end, but rather an issue with DNS propagation of the name server settings from in.eu.org. He was able to show that some servers around the world are reporting cloudns as the DNS provider, which is obviously incorrect. You'll need to contact the admins who handle in.eu.org for assistance with this issue (note that in.eu.org has a different admin from eu.org).
  19. Are you using Cloudflare for your domain? If so, turn off strict SSL if it's enabled. The site is working for me when accessed via its service URL: http://vps36.heliohost.us/ and https://vps36.heliohost.us/ (it lets me ignore the cert warning then redirects to plain HTTP...).
  20. I'll let Krydos take a look at this as I don't see anything wrong on our end. Zone files look fine, check fine, and resolve when queried directly. He's the expert on these name servers though. I did correct missing A records for your subdomains on Cody (my fault as when I restored this for you I didn't know the DNS servers don't actually talk to each other...), but that didn't resolve the fact the root domain itself still won't resolve. As for this morning (on a different computer), I get this. The major DNS providers just return nothing at all for your domain. At work last week they returned an NXDOMAIN. C:\Users\Owner>nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org ns1.heliohost.org Server: UnKnown Address: 2001:470:1:1ee::3 Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org Address: C:\Users\Owner>nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org ns2.heliohost.org Server: UnKnown Address: 2001:470:1:1ee::2 Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org Address: C:\Users\Owner>nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org Server: one.one.one.one Address: Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org C:\Users\Owner>nslookup sgnetworks.in.eu.org Server: dns.google Address: Name: sgnetworks.in.eu.org
  21. The server still has nginx running even if apache is turned off. Nginx can support PHP without Apache.
  22. To use CF, you just add the domain in CF, it will try to copy the needed records. If that succeeds, you can just change the name servers at your registrar to what they give you and it will work. If you want to configure manually in cloudflare, you just set the A and AAAA records for the base domain to the IPs shown in Plesk, and create a CNAME for www that’s pointed to your domain. If you need email to work, there’s additional records needed as well (an MX, and 2 TXT records for SPF and DKIM).
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