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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Done Just got to wait the 2 hours for it to finish activating.
  2. The domain has been added but can take up to 2 hours to start working.
  3. Correct. An alias would make both domains show the same content. Now, if your site's software is coded to redirect to one domain or the other, it may switch domains upon visiting (Wordpress will do this for example), but that can be fixed by changing the domain in the software settings.
  4. Does the squarespace domain support changing name servers? If so, we can change your main domain or add it as an alias domain.
  5. I'll send you a password reset link shortly to that herr***@gmail.com address as well as clean up the forum accounts. If you've managed to get in in the meantime, you can simply delete the reset email (I did notice the login time is now today instead of 11/30, so you might have gotten it working).
  6. We were able to find a reference to that account using that email address when the account was created in 2019. I've relinked them, though because its listed as the alternate email you can't sign in with it. If you're unable to log in using uli and your password, let us know and I can send a password reset. You also have 2 forum accounts...the other of which is called tyra under that same email address dating to 2016, and never used. Do you want me to merge them and associate this forum account with your hosting account instead?
  7. It should be from no-reply@heliohost.org and was sent to both gmail addresses on the account, one of which is the same one on your forum profile. Please check the spam folder for it. If you still can't find it in either mailbox, I'll resend it.
  8. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  9. Yes it'd be a Tommy account since it's a donation. Sent. Please let us know the username once its created so we know to ignore it if it shows up as multiple accounts.
  10. Split from Drashko's topic since its a different user. What email address are you using to log in? The email address on your forum profile does not match the one on the account if it's that one. In fact, the email shown is hosted on the account itself...which could make resetting the password impossible if you don't have a way to get into that mailbox without the main account password.
  11. Password link for Drashko has been sent.
  12. I was expecting Krydos to respond to this yesterday but he skipped over it for some reason when he went through the forum. I'm personally fine with both of these accounts existing, especially since it happened after a shared PC was used. Both have existed for 3 years prior with no other issues, no evidence of resource limit evasion, numerous other users from your area, no connection in the content, and one is personal vs. the other a business. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes for it to start working again. Have a happy new year
  13. It believe it was the node app he had me remove because it was causing high load and he couldn't get it to stop running.
  14. I just killed the processes for you and turned off nodejs on your account. You can disable node or restart the app yourself in Plesk, but if the processes won't quit when commanded, a root admin would need to kill them for you.
  15. Whatever was running on your account is too memory hungry. Node apps are especially known for this, though other things such as long-running Python or badly written PHP (like Wordpress...) can do it as well. Please fix your application quickly. You can monitor your own load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Unsuspended. It may take a little while to start working.
  16. It has finished setting up at this point, but he also had an invalid .htaccess file uploaded. I renamed that and the file is accessible now (though it's empty except for a title tag, so a blank page is to be expected). https://aggiornamentijw.heliohost.us/index2.html (note the Work_In_Progress page title).
  17. Yeah that could definitely cause a false positive (especially considering a search in the database shows we have/had plenty of other users from your part of India)...we run into that with things like university computers or family members using one PC quite a bit. Lets see what K says about it.
  18. Our systems indicate otherwise. Your exact computer and browser was seen signing into the other account. Are you on a shared device by chance? Do you have family who lives with you and also uses our service? I mean it's also possible the detection system is broken, but we've never seen a false positive that I can recall, so I doubt that's the case. I don't have access to all of the data myself though, which is why I escalated this.
  19. The other account that goes with this pair was unsuspended so this one had to be suspended again. I'll let Krydos deal with this since he handled the other one.
  20. That is in your .htaccess and not a function of Plesk. You could have removed that yourself by simply deleting the .htaccess file. I renamed that file for you and added an index.html file in your document root, your domain is no longer redirecting. I've also enabled reinstalled the HTTPS certificates for you on your main domain and added a certificate for the fotos subdomain. The changes may take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  21. Domain added. Also, the automatic HTTPS redirection and associated options such as HSTS have been removed from this domain. This is kind of an unusual request considering things like Google really hate plain HTTP these days, and odds are this site will not be indexed as a result, but nonetheless. I would recommend that even without the redirect forcing HTTPS that you install a certificate so it can still accept HTTPS connections. Both changes may take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  22. This user's account did not have an IPv6 address for some reason, only an IPv4. I added the shared IPv6 to it in Plesk and the domain added successfully after that. I think this might be a case of overzealous error checking though. Not having an IPv6 address is a valid configuration, just not a standard one for us. ACP really should just ignore this instead of producing an error... The domain will take up to 2 hours to start working.
  23. This is the website from the other account our system thought was yours: https://tarkeshwarpatil.tk/ Both created 3 years ago within 10 days of each other from the same city in India, so definitely not new users by any means, these are both migrated cPanel accounts. Krydos has additional information, so lets see what he says. It's mostly because nobody reads the terms of service. This is the first thing on the list: https://wiki.helionet.org/hosting/terms That list of terms is shown when signing up, most people just hit agree and move on without reading it like every other website.
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