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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup
  2. The total disk usage of both accounts adds up to about 328 MB. Why can't you combine your accounts into one?
  3. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  4. LMGTFY: http://www.oracle.co...faq-097353.html Keep in mind that Heliohost does not have oracle database. We have MySQL, Postgresql, or sqlite http://www.heliohost.org/home/features/databases so you'll have to find some external oracle database to connect to.
  5. Your account was created 2 hours and 10 minutes ago. Here is what your email told you: You've got 21 hours and 50 minutes until the email would suggest you shouldn't see the queued message.
  6. Log into your http://co.cc/ account and set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  7. I've always wondered why registrars did everything they could to make setting up a new website as much of a pain as possible... It's like going to a car dealership and purchasing a new vehicle. They take your money, tell you that the car is yours, and then chuck your keys out into a field. Then they say that you can figure out how to get the car home on your own or you can also purchase a driver for your car for an additional cost. Sure, sure, the car belongs to you, but good luck finding the keys! It's a blatant scam in my opinion. If they won't let you set the nameservers on the domain that you purchased, and they won't let you set the A record on the domain that you pruchased you could try this. Use this tool http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your account's main domain to the .hu domain. Then try to use the registrars tools to set the nameservers and/or A record. Once they let you do that use the same tool again http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your main domain back to what it was before. Now that you have the registrar tricked into using the correct settings use this tool http://stevie.helioh...park/index.html to add the .hu domain as a parked domain. If you're willing to admit defeat and fall for their scam you can just use the redirects http://stevie.helioh...e/redirect.html like you mentioned. We're cheering for you man; fight the corporate capitalistic greed!
  8. Your account has been moved to an IP address which should be visible in China.
  9. Try creating your account now.
  10. Did you read this?
  11. Php 4 is not supported on either server. It's been 6.5 years since php 5 was released; perhaps it's time to update your code?
  12. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  13. I have no idea what byond is, but in general if something requires compiling or running an executable the answer is no; If it just uses a scripting language like php to run or something like that then the answer is generally yes. If you provide a link to the server installation system requirements or installation instructions we can take a look at it and give you a more specific answer. I did notice that you have a tag called "shell" so I can point out that Heliohost users do not have access to shell.
  14. MySQL and phpmyadmin have been working fine and quickly for all of my tests on both servers. Since you're the only account reporting any data loss out of the roughly 20,000 accounts hosted on Heliohost I'm going to guess that it is only your account. I would recommend restoring your database to a previous state from a backup, and checking your scripts for sql injection vulnerabilities, etc. that may have caused this to happen.
  15. You could try manually setting the A record http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=falcosoft.hu&rec=A to the shared IP address of your account. Once that is set try parking your domain through cPanel. Let us know if this works for you.
  16. Once an account is is deleted all files located in the home directory and all traces of the account are fully and irrevocably removed from the server.
  17. The IP address that your account is located on is dependent on your particular account. To find out which IP address your account is using log into your account http://heliohost.org/ and then on the left information panel it will say "stats" under that click "expand stats" then look for the header "Shared IP Address".
  18. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache. -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.helionet.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  19. The most common reason for that error is not closing your mysql connections properly or using persistent connections in your scripts.
  20. It looks like your nameservers are set correctly http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=falcosoft.hu&rec=NS are you still not able to park your domain?
  21. Your account was never manually deleted because your email addresses didn't match so your ownership of the account couldn't be verified. http://www.helionet....ferring-server/ Therefore the Johnny account that owns that domain hasn't been deleted. Therefore there is already another user that owns that domain just like the error message says. If you would like to delete the Johnny account use this tool http://www.heliohost.../scripts/delete Once the Johnny account is deleted you will be able to park your domain on your new account. I feel I should also point out that normally the penalty for having more than one account is they are all suspended, and then you get to choose one to be unsuspended. This clarification of the rules is mainly for the benefit of anyone else who might read this post; I wouldn't want them to get the impression that having multiple accounts is ok, but rather this is a special circumstance.
  22. Proof that sometimes too much information actually makes an issue harder to solve.
  23. I didn't even bother to try opening the domain since the creation date was so recent, but I guess that was just the modify time that he last changed it.
  24. There were actually 54 people who requested their files. At the time that Johnny crashed he had 7597 accounts total. 54 divided by 7597 is about 0.711%. I wouldn't consider less than a single percent of the total accounts requesting a backup of their files "most [of the] users", but go on. The backup contained exactly what we offered in the news post. Once your account is deleted all of your files are permanently gone, and you cannot log into an account that doesn't exist; that's true. This is where I get confused. You said you already created your backup; just use the backup you created to restore your new stevie account to the way you had it before.
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