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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Depending on the DNS cache length certain computers will show the old host while other computers show the new host. You can flush your cached DNS to hasten the process, but if your ISP has the old data cached too it won't make a difference.
  2. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE # 345086] [] message from complaint about Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:13 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Thu May 3 02:02:03 2013 Return-Path: < staff@hotmail.com > X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id EF0295410CA for < report@abuse.he.net >; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:02 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc4-s11.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for < abuse@he.net >; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc4-s11.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC (6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:15 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:15 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart / mixed; boundary = "C4C3B1E2-2EBB-49CA-91A3-3B43A2C8B218" Message-ID: < BAY0-XMR-017dZjfNLn0054fa5d@BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl > X-OriginalArrivalTime: 3 May 2013 09:01:15.0751 (UTC) FILETIME = [C49FD770: 01CE47DC] - C4C3B1E2-2EBB-49CA-91A3-3B43A2C8B218 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf = none (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom = sistem_kariyer_spk@ymail.com ; dkim = none header.d = ymail.com; x-Hinjack = none header.id = sistem_kariyer_spk @ ymail.com X-SID-PRA: sistem_kariyer_spk@ymail.com X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n: n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by COL0-MC3-F33.Col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC (6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 13:50:56 -0700 Received: from [] (helo = mail.domain1.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3: AES256-SHA: 256) (Exim 4.69) (Envelope-from < sistem_kariyer_spk@ymail.com >) id 1UY0T9-0006G1-Fu for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr ​​; Thu, 2 May 2013 13:50:52 -0700 Received: from gokcenur.local ([]) by mail.domain1.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with id NZZ62558 ASMTP for < info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr ​​>; Thu, 2 May 2013 23:49:58 +0300 Reply-To: kariyersistem1@mynet.com Message-ID: < 3c1fee04f9113c309f44f78a14b1ace2@ymail.com > From: "=? Iso-8859-9? B? QMH + YXL9bP0gYmlyIFn2bmV0aWNpIE5hc/1sIE9sdW51cj8 /? =" < sistem_kariyer_spk@ymail.com > To: < info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr ​​> Subject: =? Iso-8859-9? B? RXRraW4gWfZuZXRpY2lsaWsgRfBpdGltaSAtICBEVkQg3FLcTtw =? = Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 23:49:57 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text / plain; charset = "iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score = -2.1 X-Spam-Score: -20 X-Spam-Bar: - X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it is not spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: *** S? STEM KAR? PLACE INSTITUTE? T? S? *** "Y? NET? C? L? KE?? T? M / SEM? NER DVDs "The new e? Training d? Moisture ba? Layan Career Institutes system? S?, Y? Netici e? education space? ger in? add? perpetuated the? i "Y? audit Courses" ni? Now on DVD we've had a?. This DVD is your own domain? Being the first in? Zelli? Ini ta?? Yor. [...] Content analysis details: (-2.1 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 0.4 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator / Caller UID / GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - ymail.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: sistem_kariyer_spk@ymail.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 2 May 2013 20:50:56.0841 (UTC) FILETIME = [bE84CB90: 01CE4776] = 20 = 20 *** S = DDSTEM PROFIT = DDYER INSTITUTE = DDT = DCS = DC *** "Y = D6NET = DDC = DDL = DDK E = D0 = DDT = DDM / SEM = DDNER DVDs" = 20 = 20 = 20 = 20 = 20 New F0itim d = e = ba = FElayan System Career Institutes F6nemine = FCs = FC = y = e = F0itimi area = FDnda ger F6netici = E7ekle = FEtirdi = F0i "Y = F6netim = "Lessons on DVD we've had a ni = FD = FEimdi. This DVD is a first in its field = FDnda = F6zelli = to = ta = FE = FDyor F0ini. = 20 = Y = F6netici Seminar Video DCR = FCN 2 hours to 4 hours Audio = E = F0itimi Y = E = F0itim Seminar Registration F6netici and e = FD = F0itimlerimizde = used = FD = F0 = FDM = FDZ and 3000-page Word Power Point Presentations = FD = E = F0itim Document = FDndan dead = FEmaktad = FDr. = 20 ABOUT U.S. AND OUR AIM: System Career Institutes = e = F0itmenleriyle experienced FCs = FC = y = F6netici and = E7al = FD = FEanlar = FDN skills and professional development = FEimlerini = aims to increase = FDrmay = FD. This e = i = FE = F0itim = F6zellikle = F6nemli adoption of concepts and i = FE = FDN = FD = FDndaki at d = FCnyas = F0isiklikleri = = G = F6rebilme strategies F6nceden = FCzerinde stops. = 20 = Y = F6netici who DDdeal, how should FDL = FD =? Did you do = F0ulur? Or are found? = = DD = fete t = FCM = FDN answers to these questions, you will find them = FDN = FD = F0 = FDN = FDZ = "D6NET = DDC = DDL = Y = E = D0 = DDT = DDM DVDs DDK" y = F6neticinin itself, its staff, and = i = E7in how to influence performance = FDN = FD = FDL d = FC = FC = FE = FE = FCN and = act = FD = FE = FD should be E7erisinde = i = a guide to F0i = nature = 2E = F0indedir Amac = FDM = FDZ modern basic function y = F6neticili = F0in required = F0i and = telling techniques FCR = FCtmekle these functions y = y = FD = fck = FCml = FC = the development of technical knowledge F6neticilerin = FEtirilmesi side = y = FDnda = act = FD = FE = FddA was to contribute to the development of FEimlerine = FDR = 2E = 20 DDK D6NET = DDC = DDL = Y = E = D0 = DDT = DDM DVDs - Ayr = FDnt = FDlar = 20 = DCR = DCN FORMAT: DVD (computer = C7al = FD = FEmaktad = FDR) SCOPE: = 20 Y = E = F0itimi Video Seminar 2 hours to 4 hours of F6netici Voice = Y = E = F0itim Seminar Registration F6netici and e = FD = F0itimlerimizde = used = FD = F0 = FDM = FDZ and 3000-page Power Point Presentations = FD = FDK Word = E = F0itim dock = FCman = FDndan dead = FEmaktad = FDr. = 20 AMA = C7 = 20 Modern y = F6neticili = F0in the basic principles and techniques required = F0i = tell F6neticili = y = a = FEekilde F0in professional efficiency = within the implementation of a system that increases = FDracak methods = FDN FDN = FD = available = to = 2E = DD = C7ER = DDK: = 20 Leadership and implementation of the concept = FD = FD = 20 Target analysis, planning, and control functions g = F6revlendirme = FD = performing de = F0erlendirme and y = F6netimi = 20 Y = Use = FDlan problem analysis and decision-making techniques F6neticilikte = 20 FCrecindeki main functions Y = F6neticilik s = tan = FDM = FD = FDN and = with each other, the city = Feki = 20 Applied to prepare an Action Plan = FD = FD = FDrlanmas Fein Ki = FEilerarasi message = y = F6ntemleri = 20 SKILLS AREAS WHICH WILL yi = DDLER = DD DVD? = 20 Modern Techniques = D6 = Y = F6neticilik F0renecekler Team and the = y = F6nelik posts E7evresiyle = Fein will build effective and results = DDkna skills, increase = FDracaklar = 20 Problems ak = FDL = E7er = E7evesinde = E7 = F6zebilecekler = 20 Teams do = F0ru influence the desired outcome = C7al = FD = FEanlar = FDN performance = FDN = Articles = FDC FD = FD = a = FEekilde de = F0erlendirebilecekler = 20 To define the objectives required = ger = E7ekle = FEebilmesi i = E7in techniques to apply = DD = D0 = DD = DD = C7ERD ISSUES: = 20 Strategic Y = F6netim Successful Y = F6neticilerin Basic = D6zellikleri Leading Y = F6neticinin = F6zellikleri C7A = F0da = FE = Y = F6netim Techniques Olu Y = F6netici = DDmaj = FD = FEturma = DD = FEletmelerde Group Cal = FD = FD = FEMAS When Y = F6netimi Meetings Y = FD = F6netimi Target Y = F6netimi But = E7lar and Strategy B = FCT = FCnl = FC = F0 = FC E7lerle FCre = S = Y = F6netim Performance Y = F6netimi Reporting Techniques Floor = FDL = FDmc = FD Leadership Corporate Y = F6netim SME = DDlerde Government = 20 Y = F6neticilerin Snow FDklar = FD = FE = FDla = FEt = Y = F6neticiler Leadership Theories = 20 Problem = C7 = F6zme Techniques = 09 Vision Y = F6netimi = DD = FEletmelerde Protocol and Rules G = F6rg = FC = FD Crew = C7al = FD = FD = FEMAS = FD and Basar Ba = FEAR = FDs = FDZ Y = F6neticilerin = D6zellikleri Brain F = FDrt = FDnas = FD Techniques Supply Chain Y = F6netimi Y = F6neticiler and Emotional Intelligence Decision-S = FCre = E7leri = 20 Active = DDleti = Fein Techniques = C7al = FD = FD = FEanlar Motivation Techniques = 20 Performance = 20 Y = F6netimi FDN FDN = G = F6rev Tan = FDmlar = Determination = 20 Performance = FDN De = F0erlendirilmesi = 20 Y = F6neticilerin Psychology = 20 = DEantiye and factories, Y = F6neticilik When Y = F6netimi 5 SY = F6netimi = 20 Moral Y = F6neticilik Planning and Administration Focused End = E7 = FD = DD = FE Tracker Strategic Decision Making Delegation (= DD = FE speed) Delegation of Authority Using = DDnsiyatif Crisis = 20 Y = F6netimi Function Y = F6netim = DDleti = Fein Fein and Ki = FEileraras = FD = DDleti = Y = F6neticinin Planning Function Y = F6neticinin Organizing Function Delegation Model and Principles Situational Leadership Model = 20 Y = F6neticinin Control Function Principles of Performance De = F0erlendirme Decision Making and Problem = C7 = Y = F6neticinin F6zme Function Y = F6netici Increase Efficiency = F0ini = FDrmak = 20 Applied to an "action plan = FD" FDrlanmas = FD = n = FDN June Leadership = 20 = DDlham that Leadership = F0in 5 = Dearte = FD = 20 Leadership and Influence = 20 Effective challenges Ba = FEetme = 20 Harmony and Harmony Party and Generating Profit = FE = FD = 20 Y = F6neticilikte Required Ki = Feisel Programs = 20 = DD = FE Letter Writing Techniques When Minimizing H = FDrs = FDzlar = FDN = FD = 20 = DDndirme Say Hay = FDr = 20 Time to Make Meetings = FDlarda = 20 Stress Y = F6netimi = 20 M = FCzakere Techniques = 20 F = DDYATI: £ 64 ONLINE S = DDPAR = DD = DE = 20 Y = D6NET = DDC = DDL = E = D0 = DDT = DDM DVDs that DDK = FD = FCR = FCN = FCM = FCz = FC = m willing to give order = FE = FC = FEterilerimiz a = Feagin = FddA the Online = Order = FE Form sistemkariyer@windowslive.com email / order = FE = g = F6ndermek = FE can order by e-mail address. = DCR = FCN = included in the price = FDNA shipping = FCcreti. Order = FE = ge = E7ti = F0iniz Us the system will automatically e-mail address after the = FD = Order Confirmation E-Mail g = F6nderecektir = 2E ONLINE FORM S = DDPAR = DD = DE = 09 - Ba = FEvurunuz with m = FC = Feter representative call you = FDR would take FEvurunuzu = ba = 2E - T = T = FCrkiye'de = FCR = FCN address FCM has been delivered, the container = FddA cash = You can F6deme = 2E = - Order = FE form, please sistemkariyer@windowslive.com = email / address g = F6nderiniz order = FE = 2E = 09 = 09 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- = ------ = DCR = FCN: Y = D6NET = DDC = DDL = E = D0 = DDT = DDM DVDs DDK = 20 Price: £ 64 (INCLUDING SHIPPING = DDL) First and last name Al = FDC = FD = 20 E-mail address: = 09 Phone Number: = 09 Mobile Phones: = 09 Address Information: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- = ------ S = DDPAR = DD = DE AUTH = DDL = DDS = DD = 20 OZAN ​​S = DCLER = 20 order = brought good benefits i = E7in: sistemkariyer@windowslive.com *** S = DDSTEM PROFIT = DDYER INSTITUTE = DDT = DCS = DC *** = 20 = 20 Email Advertising - tan = FDT = FDM our list = E7 = FDkmak FCtfen = l = i = E7in cikar_sistem@mynet.com FDkar address = C7 = ba = Fel = FDkl = FD = an e-mail g = F6nderin. List of email ad-tan = FDT = FDM = FDR = FDlacakt = 2E = E7 = FDkar - C4C3B1E2-2EBB-49CA-91A3-3B43A2C8B218 - -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345085][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:06 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:01:53 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id D3B8A5410C5 for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:52 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc4-s1.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:20 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc4-s1.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:20 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:20 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:20 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="C37B4641-5FDE-446A-BBD5-FF39AD015572" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-01751rMum50054fa72@BAY0-XMR-017.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:20.0283 (UTC) FILETIME=[C7535EB0:01CE47DC] --C37B4641-5FDE-446A-BBD5-FF39AD015572 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:fHNTDlzCF8Nxw6HwcfGQy+S7Ax/lqLSmNphQ3OF+T9E= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr; dkim=none header.d=yahoo.com.tr; x-hmca=none header.id=satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr X-SID-PRA: satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAlsDzEVdJOQf5UuEg4uQ7hrSpPkymhJ6Pi+NMeAXJSrtSSMOI/7hIKoDwbfzks2doLwl7e6/u00pMzj0BnFOp6HYFQvSF6KOGzlRT4xnDXKASL6n4tL2JACEo/bLjC5aUxe5iDbWoF3NL1O13lDoHjmhkR0jVn38hdk= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by SNT0-MC4-F33.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 20:45:27 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.333.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr>) id 1UY6wI-0006cR-N1 for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 20:45:23 -0700 Received: from zartzuet.local ([]) by mail.333.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id OIV67312 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Fri, 03 May 2013 06:44:12 +0300 Reply-To: dengediksiyon1@mynet.com Message-ID: <00d7d7e246bda08afbcf97c03886e79d@yahoo.com.tr> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?RGVuZ2UgRGlrc2l5b24gS3Vyc2xhcv0=?=" <satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?RGlrc2l5b251IEdlbGn+dGlybWUgRfBpdGltIENEc2k=?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 06:44:09 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.5 X-Spam-Score: -24 X-Spam-Bar: -- X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: KAMPANYA : N?SAN AYI SONUNA KADAR ?R?N F?YATI --- 59 TL D?KS?YON ve G?ZEL KONU?MA E?itim Seti - CD-ROM [...] Content analysis details: (-2.5 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.0 SPF_HELO_FAIL SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (fail) [sPF failed: Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?s=helo;id=mail.333.com;ip=;r=stevie.heliohost.org] -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0025] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - yahoo.com.tr X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: satisdengemerkez@yahoo.com.tr X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 03:45:27.0134 (UTC) FILETIME=[A65E57E0:01CE47B0] KAMPANYA : N=DDSAN AYI SONUNA KADAR =DCR=DCN F=DDYATI --- 59 TL D=DDKS=DDYON ve G=DCZEL KONU=DEMA E=F0itim Seti - CD-ROM =20 ----------------------------------------------- ''G=DCZEL KONU=DEMAK B=DDR SANATTIR'' --- D=DDKS=DDYON E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD --- Topluluk =F6n=FCnde konu=FEurken sesimizin titremesi veya kaymas=FD, = akl=FDm=FDzdan ge=E7enleri istedi=F0imiz =FEekilde ifade edememe, elimizi = kolumuzu nereye koyaca=F0=FDm=FDz=FD, nereye bakaca=F0=FDm=FDz=FD, nas=FDl = duraca=F0=FDm=FDz=FD =FEa=FE=FDrma, konu=FEtu=F0umuz ki=FEinin ilgisini = uyan=FDk tutamama... =C7o=F0u insan=FDn ya=FEad=FD=F0=FD dogal = problemler... Ancak sosyal ya=FEam=FDm=FDz=FD, kariyerimizi k=FDsacas=FD = hayat=FDm=FDz=FDn her alan=FDn=FD olumsuz y=F6nde etkileyen bu unsurlar, = alaca=F0=FDn=FDz bu e=F0itim sayesinde yok ediliyor=2E DENGE E=D0=DDT=DDM MERKEZ=DD olarak pek =E7ok =E7al=FD=FEan=FDn =F6nemli = bir eksi=F0ini kapatmak amac=FDyla yola =E7=FDkt=FDk !!! Sizin i=E7in seminerlerimizde verdi=F0imiz e=F0itimleri bir CDde = toplad=FDk!!!=20 Hepimizin =E7ok s=FDk ya=FEad=FD=F0=FD toplum =F6n=FCnde konu=FEma = engelini a=FEmak i=E7in size yol g=F6steren bu CD y=FDllard=FDr = verdi=F0imiz diksiyon seminerlerinin bir sonucudur.=20 Diksiyon, g=FCzel ve etkili konu=FEman=FDn ilk ad=FDmlar=FDndan biridir. = T=FCrk=E7e'nin ses =F6zellikleri dikkate al=FDnarak haz=FDrlanan bu = =E7al=FD=FEmada ses solunum telaffuz sorunlar=FD i=E7in =E7areler = g=F6sterilmi=FE, al=FD=FEt=FDrmalar yaz=FDlm=FD=FEt=FDr. Ayr=FDca 1 = saatlik video dosyas=FDnda uygulamal=FD olarak diksiyon = al=FD=FEt=FDrmalar=FD yap=FDlmaktad=FDr.=20 D=DDKS=DDYON ve G=DCZEL KONU=DEMA E=F0itim Seti - CD-ROM=20 FORMAT : CD-ROM (Word Dok=FCmanlar=FD, Power Point Sunumlar=FD ve Video = Dosyalar=FD) =20 KONULAR : D=DDKS=DDYON E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD ETK=DDL=DD =DDLET=DD=DE=DDM E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD JEST, M=DDM=DDK VE BEDEN D=DDL=DD ETK=DDL=DD KONU=DEMA E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD =DDNSANLARLA =DDLET=DD=DE=DDM KURALLARI SES E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD FONETIK (Ses Bilimi)=20 TELAFFUZ (Bo=F0umlama)=20 SOLUMA E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD SUNU=DE E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD TELEV=DDZYONDA KONU=DEMA HATALI S=D6YLENEN S=D6ZC=DCKLER T=DCRK=C7EN=DDN KULLANIMI=20 MET=DDN DE=D0ERLEND=DDRME=20 D=DDYALOG (Kar=FE=FDl=FDkl=FD Konu=FEma) TOPLUM =D6N=DCNDE S=D6Z S=D6YLEME=20 D=DDNLEME L=DDDERL=DDK T=DCRK=C7EN=DDN =D6ZELL=DDKLER=DD=20 VURGU / TONLAMA H=DDTABET / ANLATIM / SUNU=DE HATASIZ KONU=DEMA METN=DD YAZMAK K=DD=DE=DDSEL =DDMAJ =DD=C7ER=DDK :=20 Bu CD-ROM diksiyon ve etkili konu=FEma konusundaki ba=FEucu = kaynaklar=FDndan biridir.=20 Diksiyon, Konu=FEma ve =DDleti=FEim =FCzerine Toplam 200 sayfal=FDk Word = ve Power Point dok=FCman=FDndan ve 1 saatlik Uygulamal=FD Diksiyon Video = Filminden olu=FEmaktad=FDr. =20 FIYAT : 59 TL ***************************************************************************= ***** HIZLI SATIN ALMA FORMU =20 =DCR=DCN ADI : D=DDKS=DDYON ve G=DCZEL KONU=DEMA E=F0itim Seti - CD-ROM =20 TESL=DDMAT - =DDsim ve =DEirket : TESL=DDMAT - Adres :=20 TESL=DDMAT - Telefon :=20 YETK=DDL=DD K=DD=DE=DD : Nilg=FCn ULUSOY - sipari=FE emaili : = dengediksiyon@mynet.com F=DDYATI : 59 TL (Kargo masraf=FD bu =FCcretin i=E7indedir.) ***************************************************************************= ***** SATIN ALMA =DEARTLARI=20 D=DDKS=DDYON ve G=DCZEL KONU=DEMA E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD - CD-ROM isimli = =FCr=FCn=FCm=FCz=FCn sipari=FEinde adrese teslimde odeme yapabilirsiniz. = 59 TL olan =FCcret paketi getiren g=F6revliye yap=FDlacakt=FDr. Kargo = masraf=FD bu =FCcretin i=E7indedir. H=FDzl=FD sipari=FE i=E7in = yukar=FDdaki h=FDzl=FD sipari=FE formunu sipari=FE adresimiz olan = dengediksiyon@mynet.com adresine iletmeniz yeterlidir. =20 =DDyi =C7al=FD=FEmalar, Nilg=FCn ULUSOY - sipari=FE emaili : dengediksiyon@mynet.com Pazarlama ve Sat=FD=FE Yetkilisi=20 DENGE D=DDKS=DDYON VE =DDLET=DD=DE=DDM E=D0=DDT=DDM MERKEZ=DD NOT : Email reklam listemizden =E7=FDkmak i=E7in l=FCtfen = siparis.denge@gmail.com adresine =C7=FDkar ba=FEl=FDkl=FD bir e-mail = g=F6nderiniz. Emailiniz reklam listemizden otomatik olarak = =E7=FDkar=FDlacakt=FDr=2E --C37B4641-5FDE-446A-BBD5-FF39AD015572-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345084][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:05 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:01:53 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id DF7D85410C7 for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:52 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc2-s15.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:21 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-002.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc2-s15.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:21 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-002.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:21 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:21 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="A09F7971-76E4-482C-AFC0-707E843F802C" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-002XFlx6EI00554085@BAY0-XMR-002.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:21.0389 (UTC) FILETIME=[C7FC21D0:01CE47DC] --A09F7971-76E4-482C-AFC0-707E843F802C Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:4r51+eLowCe79NzwdU2kRyU+pBy2R9QCj0/8P6fDMVumMo6iGJG5XQGQsGw4y+KC5jGdX6A7+/ZVHRw3c8psWXtc+cAfssqe5kw3LdG9RbC+kh049fg5aL5vFishJNonRedbn/JCR2Y= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=fail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com; dkim=none header.d=mynet.com; x-hmca=fail header.id=alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com X-SID-PRA: alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com X-AUTH-Result: FAIL X-SID-Result: FAIL X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAltI9DuizMAEE7kSnli1a7smfC6dxQk/ISaahYOPNgkwXIonLy+ikyT0PNktHF6olu77sHVLjXYpmt6SljZZDDblkRlBbdPYrNy0qER2XB4URcJNTi0HZ1MZnOFaaG0obWUCUF2ywVBaF1LSdIv36rl/xYH2cxk7hWs= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by SNT0-MC2-F1.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 20:45:48 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.attr.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com>) id 1UY6we-0006hq-4S for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 20:45:44 -0700 Received: from kreatif4.local ([]) by mail.attr.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id OIW17235 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Fri, 03 May 2013 06:45:35 +0300 Reply-To: alenadanismanlik1@mynet.com Message-ID: <7696131426f60a498b7c06ed2b9c836a@mynet.com> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?Tfz+dGVyaSDdbGn+a2lsZXJpIHZlIEhhbGtsYSDdbGn+a2lsZXIgRfBpdGltIERWRA==?=" <alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?Tfz+dGVyaWxlcmluaXpsZSDdbGn+a2lsZXJpbml6aSBH/OdsZW5kaXJtZSBaYW1hbv0gR2VsZGk=?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 06:45:30 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.2 X-Spam-Score: -1 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: M??TER? ?L??K?LER? VE HALKLA ?L??K?LER E??T?M - DVD (G?R?NT?L?) - Yeni m??teriler kazanmak istiyor musunuz? - M??terilerinizin tekrar sizden sat?n almas? sizi mutlu eder mi? - M??terilerinizle yapt???n?z i? hacmini art?rmak ?irketine fayda sa?lar m?? - ?yi bir m??teriyi kaybetmek k?t?d?r de?il mi? [...] Content analysis details: (-0.2 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.7 SPF_FAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail) [sPF failed: Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?s=mfrom;id=alenadanismanlik222%40mynet.com;ip=;r=stevie.heliohost.org] -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 1.6 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - mynet.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: alenadanismanlik222@mynet.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 03:45:48.0427 (UTC) FILETIME=[b30F65B0:01CE47B0] M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER = E=D0=DDT=DDM - DVD (G=D6R=DCNT=DCL=DC) --------------------------------------------------- - Yeni m=FC=FEteriler kazanmak istiyor musunuz? - M=FC=FEterilerinizin tekrar sizden sat=FDn almas=FD sizi mutlu eder mi? - M=FC=FEterilerinizle yapt=FD=F0=FDn=FDz i=FE hacmini art=FDrmak = =FEirketine fayda sa=F0lar m=FD? - =DDyi bir m=FC=FEteriyi kaybetmek k=F6t=FCd=FCr de=F0il mi? ETK=DDL=DD M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD = =DE=DDRKETLERE B=DCY=DCK YARARLAR SA=D0LAR !!! TANIM : G=FCn=FCm=FCz=FCn yo=F0unla=FEan rekabet ko=FEullar=FD, kurulu=FE ve = m=FC=FEterileri aras=FDnda kurulan olumlu ili=FEkileri =FCst=FCnl=FCk = sa=F0lay=FDc=FD =F6nemli bir fakt=F6r olarak ortaya =E7=FDkarmaktad=FDr. = Belki de sa=F0l=FDkl=FD ve uzun d=F6nemli m=FC=FEteri ili=FEkileri = kurulu=FElar=FDn tek =F6nemli rekabet arac=FD olabilecektir. Teknolojik = geli=FEmeler ve di=F0er uygulamalar =E7ok k=FDsa s=FCre i=E7erisinde = taklit edilebilmekte ve bu durum rekabet =FCst=FCnl=FC=F0=FCn=FC uzun = d=F6nemde koruyamamaktad=FDr. Kurulu=FEun, uzun ve zahmetli = u=F0ra=FElar=FD sonucunda olu=FEturdu=F0u m=FC=FEteri ili=FEkilerinin ise = taklit edilmesi zor ve maliyetli olabilmektedir. Bu durum gelecekte = rekabetin yo=F0un bir bi=E7imde m=FC=FEteri ili=FEkileri =FCzerinde = olaca=F0=FDn=FDn bir g=F6stergesi olarak kabul edilebilir.=20 Bu ama=E7la e=F0itim yoluyla =E7al=FD=FEanlarda m=FC=FEteri kavram=FDn=FD = yerle=FEtirmek, m=FC=FEteri g=F6z=FCyle =E7al=FD=FEt=FD=F0=FD kurumu ve = i=FE alan=FDn=FD g=F6rmesini sa=F0lamak, b=F6ylece m=FC=FEteri = beklentilerini ve iyile=FEtirme f=FDrsatlar=FDn=FD kendili=F0inden = bulmas=FDna yol a=E7mak, m=FC=FEteriye y=F6nelik olumlu tutum ve = ileti=FEim becerilerini kazand=FDrarak =FEirket karl=FDl=FD=F0=FDna = katk=FDda bulunmas=FDn=FD sa=F0lamak gerekmektedir=2E Alena Dan=FD=FEmanl=FDk Hizmetleri olarak 2008 y=FDl=FDndan itibaren = d=FCzenli aral=FDklarla firmalara M=FC=FEteri =DDli=FEkileri ve Halkla = =DDli=FEkiler E=F0itimi vermekteyiz. M=FC=FEteri ve firmalardan gelen = talep =FCzerine =FEimdi de M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA = =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD seminer e=F0itim dok=FCmanlar=FDn=FD = DVDye aktard=FDk.=20 Kendi konusundaki s=FDn=FDrl=FD say=FDdaki T=FCrk=E7e kaynak aras=FDnda = bulunan bu g=F6r=FCnt=FCl=FC DVD, sadece sanayi, hizmet ve ticaret = i=FEletmeleri i=E7in de=F0il kamu kurumlar=FD ile yerel y=F6netimlerde = =E7al=FD=FEanlar=FDn da toplum ve ili=FEkilerini geli=FEtirmelerine = yard=FDmc=FD olabilecek yararl=FD bir eserdir=2E M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER = G=D6R=DCNT=DCL=DC E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi --- B=DDLG=DDLER : ----------------------------------------------------------------- =DCR=DCN FORMATI : DVD =DCR=DCN KAPSAMI : 2 SAATL=DDK E=D0=DDT=DDM V=DDDEOSU VE 500 SAYFALIK = E=D0=DDT=DDM BELGELER=DD =DCR=DCN F=DDYATI : 69 TL + KDV =DCR=DCN =DD=C7ER=DD=D0=DD - KONULAR : I. M=FC=FEterinin =F6nemi - M=FC=FEteri kimdir II. Al=FDc=FD ve sat=FDc=FDn=FDn kesi=FEme noktalar=FD III. M=FC=FEterilerle ili=FEki kurma ve ili=FEkiyi ya=FEatma IV. M=FC=FEteri memnuniyetini sa=F0lama ve m=FC=FEteri sadakati V. M=FC=FEteri sadakatini sa=F0lamak =FCzere =E7al=FD=FEanlar=FDn = davran=FD=FElar=FD VI. Halkla ili=FEkiler Nedir VII. Halkla ili=FEkilerin Temel Kavramlar=FD VIII. Halkla ili=FEkilerin Geli=FEtirilmesi IX. M=FC=FEteri =FEikayetleri ve ba=FEa =E7=FDk=FDlmas=FD X. M=FC=FEterilerin zor talepleri Grup =E7al=FD=FEmas=FD XI. =D6l=E7me de=F0erlendirme XII. M=FC=FEteri Profilleri ve Yeni Beklentiler XIII. M=FC=FEteri Odakl=FD Kurum K=FClt=FCr=FC ve Vizyon XIV. M=FC=FEteri Odakl=FD Yap=FDlanma XV. M=FC=FEteri Segmentasyonu=20 XVI. M=FC=FEteri Y=F6netim Modelleri=20 XVII. CRM (M=FC=FEteri =DDli=FEkileri Y=F6netimi)=20 XVIII. Kampanya Y=F6netimi=20 XIX. M=FC=FEteri Ba=F0l=FDl=FD=F0=FD ve Karl=FDl=FDk=20 XX. =DDli=FEki Modelleri ve Sadakat Programlar=FD XXI. M=FC=FEteri ile Y=FCz Y=FCze =DDleti=FEim=20 XXII. M=FC=FEteri ile Telefonla =DDleti=FEim=20 XXIII. M=FC=FEteri ile Yaz=FDl=FD =DDleti=FEim=20 XXIV. Kurum =DDmaj=FDn=FDn M=FC=FEteriye Yans=FDt=FDlmas=FD E=F0itimden Elde Edilecek Yararlar: Bu DVDye sahip olan =FEirket ve ki=FEiler kendi davran=FD=FElar=FDn=FDn = i=FE sonu=E7lar=FDn=FD nas=FDl etkiledi=F0ini g=F6recekler, m=FC=FEteri = g=F6r=FC=FEmelerinde iyi bir izlenim yaratmak ve ili=FEkiyi s=FCrd=FCrmek = i=E7in neler yapmak gerekti=F0ini =F6=F0renecekler, i=FE ili=FEkileri = geli=FEecek ve i=FElerini daha iyi bir i=FE birli=F0i i=E7inde = s=FCrd=FCrecekler, kurulan ili=FEkiler ve g=FCven ortam=FD sayesinde = =FEirketin do=F0ru ve daha iyi =FEekilde temsil edilmesi ve =FEirketin = hedeflerine ula=FEmas=FD sa=F0lanacakt=FDr=2E S=DDPAR=DD=DE VERMEK =DD=C7=DDN : -------------------- --- KAPIDA =D6DEME --- M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER = E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD --- DVD =FCr=FCn=FCn=FC sipari=FE vermek isterseniz = a=FEa=F0=FDdaki mail sipari=FE formunu alenadanismanlik@mail.com = sipari=FE mail adresimize email yoluyla g=F6ndererek sipari=FE = verebilirsiniz. =DCr=FCn fiyat=FDna kargo masraflar=FD dahildir. Sipari=FE = emaili taraf=FDm=FDza ula=FEt=FD=F0=FDnda =FCr=FCn adresinize adreste = =F6deme opsiyonlu olarak g=F6nderilecektir. =D6demeyi =FCr=FCn=FC getiren = kurye g=F6revlisine yapabilirsiniz.=20 =09 =09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER = E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi -- MA=DDL S=DDPAR=DD=DE FORMU :=20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =DCR=DCN ADI : M=DC=DETER=DD =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER=DD VE HALKLA = =DDL=DD=DEK=DDLER E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi=20 S=DDPAR=DD=DE FORMUNUN G=D6NDER=DDLECE=D0=DD MA=DDL ADRES=DD : = alenadanismanlik@mail.com F=DDYATI : 69 TL + KDV (KARGO DAH=DDL) TESL=DDMAT =DDS=DDM : TESL=DDMAT F=DDRMA =DDS=DDM : =20 E-MA=DDL ADRES=DD : =09 TELEFON NO : =09 CEP TEL NO : =09 TESL=DDMAT ADRES=DD : FATURA =DD=C7=DDN GEREKL=DD F=DDRMA =DCNVANI, VERG=DD DA=DDRES=DD VE = NUMARASI : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATI=DE YETK=DDL=DDS=DD : BARI=DE ADANIR (Sat=FD=FE Temsilcisi) ileti=FEim email adresi : alenadanismanlik@mail.com Alena Dan=FD=FEmanl=FDk Hizmetleri --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --E=D0=DDT=DDM TOPLULUKLARINA A=DDT TANITIM MA=DDL=DDD=DDR-- --A09F7971-76E4-482C-AFC0-707E843F802C-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345087][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:13 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:03 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id EFA955410CB for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:02 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc1-s21.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:18 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc1-s21.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:18 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:18 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:17 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="A34F0E21-829F-4A65-A626-7F33014B0B93" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-019IzpNced005525ad@BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:18.0099 (UTC) FILETIME=[C6061E30:01CE47DC] --A34F0E21-829F-4A65-A626-7F33014B0B93 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:fHNTDlzCF8Nxw6HwcfGQy+S7Ax/lqLSm0eBjyyDmyuWZaLdbzR1Q9RiCZSn42R9YxMYUCLDb2kIxJ2X9M1fz6Fojne+SjjZrrsmwRAIPdL7RHhpqtdsatBJFqYGZkreGBaBRYH7pwEc= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com; dkim=none header.d=ymail.com; x-hmca=none header.id=tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com X-SID-PRA: tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAls+BzqWhy29VNx1L32nSIZg+VUbI/3sollsuWw17ytu42eXlxlo1G00zJZkZ91/y1jqsHL8LchiliXoLoy0680iab2Znij1RY3hk3yoGNodaZeMUo+6O8I0Su7NUS51O0NGpmOeEepVfUjdnRbBOLo0TlUqkK6ZgVQ= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by COL0-MC4-F12.Col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 17:07:13 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.rt.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com>) id 1UY3X7-0000Jg-9B for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 17:07:10 -0700 Received: from hum852.local ([]) by mail.rt.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id OFJ39156 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Fri, 03 May 2013 03:06:56 +0300 Reply-To: besttanitim1@mynet.com Message-ID: <f7fa036ec4eb238094eb7eb12b90d39e@ymail.com> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?QmVzdCBUYW79dP1tIHZlIFJla2xhbQ==?=" <tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?MjAxMyBH/G5jZWwgVPxya2l5ZSBGaXJtYSBSZWhiZXJpIC0gQ0QtUk9N?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 03:06:54 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.2 X-Spam-Score: 2 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: ------- 2013 T?RK?YE F?RMA REHBER? CDsi ------- BEST TANITIM ?R?N? : Fiyat --- 70 TL + KDV [...] Content analysis details: (0.2 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.0 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60% [score: 0.5000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 0.1 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - ymail.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: tanitim_bestrk@ymail.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 00:07:13.0065 (UTC) FILETIME=[29B1F990:01CE4792] ------- 2013 T=DCRK=DDYE F=DDRMA REHBER=DD CDsi ------- BEST TANITIM =DCR=DCN=DC : =20 Fiyat --- 70 TL + KDV 2013 T=DCRK=DDYE F=DDRMA REHBER=DD CDsi T=FCrkiye'deki firmalar=FDn = ileti=FEim bilgilerine ula=FEabilece=F0iniz bir veri bankas=FDd=FDr.=20 15 N=DDSAN 2013 tarihinde son olarak g=FCncellenen bilgi bankam=FDz 250 = sekt=F6r kategorisine ayr=FDlm=FD=FE 300.000 firman=FDn kay=FDtlar=FDndan = olu=FEmaktad=FDr.=20 T=DCRK=DDYE F=DDRMA REHBER=DD TOPLAM 300.000 Firman=FDn sekt=F6r, adres, telefon, faks, email ve k=FDsa = tan=FDt=FDmlar=FDndan olu=FEmaktad=FDr. Rehber Excel format=FDnda = dosyalardan olu=FEmaktadir=2E Dosyalar sekt=F6r ve illere g=F6re tasnif edilmi=FEtir=2E =20 FORMAT :=20 300.000 Firman=FDn=20 - Firma =DDsmi - Sekt=F6r=FC - =DEehri - Adresi - Telefonu=20 - Faks=FD=20 - Emaili=20 - K=FDsa Tan=FDt=FDm=FD KAPSAM :=20 81 il - 300.000 Firma - 250 Sekt=F6r=20 =DCr=FCn=FC edinmek i=E7in l=FCtfen a=FEa=F0=FDdaki REHBER S=DDPAR=DD=DE = FORMUNU best.tanitim@email.com email adresimize iletiniz. Mailinize 6 = saat i=E7inde yan=FDt verilecek olup, =FCr=FCn adresinize paket fiyat=FD = (70 TL + KDV) =F6demeli olarak =FCcreti kap=FDda al=FDnmak =FCzere = taraf=FDn=FDza teslim edilecektir. =20 ------- REHBER SIPARIS FORMU ------- =20 TURKIYE SIRKET REHBERI ALICI ISIM VE ADRES :=20 TURKIYE SIRKET REHBERI ALICI TELEFON :=20 URUN FIYATI : 70 TL + KDV SIPARIS EMAIL ADRESI : best.tanitim@email.com SIRKET / MUSTERI FATURA BILGILERI SIRKET UNVANI :=20 SIRKET VERGI DAIRESI :=20 SIRKET VERGI NO : ------------------------------------------------------------ =20 SAYGILARIMIZLA, BEST TANITIM Hizmetleri=20 Arzu =D6zt=FCrk best.tanitim@email.com Listeden =E7=FDkmak i=E7in l=FCtfen remove_best_tanitim@mynet.com = adresine Remove ba=FEl=FDkl=FD bir mail at=FDn=FDz=2E --A34F0E21-829F-4A65-A626-7F33014B0B93-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345089][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:18 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:07 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id EFBB35410CC for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:02 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc3-s10.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:19 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-009.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc3-s10.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:19 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-009.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:18 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:18 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="72C659E8-E23F-4F15-8BE2-CB7E6DCBB5A0" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-009SaVkpCC005524c8@BAY0-XMR-009.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:18.0951 (UTC) FILETIME=[C6881F70:01CE47DC] --72C659E8-E23F-4F15-8BE2-CB7E6DCBB5A0 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:fHNTDlzCF8Nxw6HwcfGQy+S7Ax/lqLSmNphQ3OF+T9E= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=neutral (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=captj86887876748743@aol.com; dkim=none header.d=aol.com; x-hmca=none header.id=captj86887876748743@aol.com X-SID-PRA: captj86887876748743@aol.com X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAltI9DuizMAEE41BI5AyVQJy5WKTrkRtozy7n8uROmdGq4ZU/7l+JBtswabBu87w0G11sJRlit66zzRfr/t9iRPYqnZew19CQgLP5fHqoFo40bXpY4R0VRE1LtOlZh4xKTYP/KC0y8ZzrtS/wZac2qwG/gpTTbPGP6Y= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by BAY0-MC2-F27.Bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 19:15:12 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.stscenter.co.kr) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <captj86887876748743@aol.com>) id 1UY5Wy-0001BB-OM for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 19:15:09 -0700 Received: from User by mail.stscenter.co.kr (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id OHR88558; Fri, 03 May 2013 11:14:58 +0900 Reply-To: <iraqusaa@rediffmail.com> From: "kaptain"<captj86887876748743@aol.com> Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 05:14:57 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1251" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000 Message-ID: 1cf8257eb01d197be59938234fc4c5c0 X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=10.5 X-Spam-Score: 105 X-Spam-Bar: ++++++++++ X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: Bey, bana izin ver cunku sende yardim istiyorum,benim baska secim yoktur.Benim isim :Johny Kaptain,Bir A.B.D ni Ulke,(missisipi) dan benim koy,ben bir A.b.d askenim ama iraki dan baglanti yaptem Beni. [...] Content analysis details: (10.5 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.0 FROM_LOCAL_DIGITS From: localpart has long digit sequence 1.4 FROM_LOCAL_HEX From: localpart has long hexadecimal sequence 2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net [blocked - see <http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?>] 0.7 SPF_NEUTRAL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (neutral) 1.3 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header 0.0 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60% [score: 0.5000] 1.9 INVALID_MSGID Message-Id is not valid, according to RFC 2822 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 3.1 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook X-Spam-Flag: YES Subject: ***SPAM*** merhaba.... X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - aol.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Bcc: Return-Path: captj86887876748743@aol.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 02:15:12.0309 (UTC) FILETIME=[0AE19E50:01CE47A4] Bey, bana izin ver cunku sende yardim istiyorum,benim baska secim yoktur.Benim isim :Johny Kaptain,Bir A.B.D ni Ulke,(missisipi) dan benim koy,ben bir A.b.d askenim ama iraki dan baglanti yaptem Beni. Neden bu konu soyleyorsun sende yardim istiyorsun cunku bu is benim hayatim. Benim iraq asker da baglanti yapten cunku once ki savas zaman sok yerde kirimis ,onda dolayi tamir etmek icin A.B.D asker baskan beni irak gonderdik .sende iyi biliyorsun butun iraq binarlar tamir edicek sok yapicek tamir var onda dolayi beni irak gonderdik cunku ,benim is bu. Baska zaman da binarlar yikimak gerekiyor ,emde yeni bir plani,ben hakki veriyorum yani binarlar nasil yeni yapicek .bu is sok risk var bende cektem,cunku salisiyor erken, iraklar terrorist baskin yapten,sok asker hayattin kaybetin .Benim 12yil arkadasim hayattin kaybet,bu ay da 3 gun once oldu,2013 yil,tam 11:00 sat,ben kontrol ediyorsun haifa sokak ,neder sok uzun binarlar var,bu binarlar saddam hussein yasiyor zaman yaptek.Ben uc aske koruyorsun.Sonra sella da bir garip bisi gordum,oda eski dan,depo gibi. Ben kontrol etmek gitem, o depo kapi actem zaman delik icinde 6 tana demir kutu cikte,ama evsi kilitlendik,kilit kirimis zaman kutular icindeki gordum zaman sok sasildim bir kas kutu,icinde silah ve kursun var,bir kas kutu da uyusturucu,(heroin) var icinde. kalan iki kutu actem zaman kutular icinde .A.B.D parasi var,hesaplandin ($23.2M ) A.B.D parasi var. biz uc sat dan parayi sayiyoruz. biz bir plani yapten cunku parayi bizden kalicek emde gizli bisi yani,sadeece ben ver 3 asker bu parayi biliyor,baska kimsin bilimiyor.bu kutular eski dan bir kas terrorist var AL QAEDA VE AYMAN AL ZAWAHIRI,garanti bu teroristlar ni parasi ,ama bize helal geldik sukur allahm. Bu parayi tasimak pilani yapiyorsun,ama sok gizli yer bize lazim,neder ic kimse parayi gormesin,biz irakta parayi satladik,ama uyusturucu ve silah,ve kursun,telsim ektmis biz ,sadeece parayi bize kaldik. bu konu dan dolayi bana bir guvenlik insan lazim cuncu parayi icin irakya birakamaz neden,hergun dah fazla risk icindeiz,onur icin sen bize lazim.sen ne dusunuyorsun biliyorum onur icin benim resim ve kimlik gondericem sana sonra. sana 25% komisyon soz verdim ,ama gine bu komisyon icin anasabiliyor.lutfen bana soz ver cunku bu konu aramizdin kalicak,baskasi bilmez tamam. Saygilar Kaptain --72C659E8-E23F-4F15-8BE2-CB7E6DCBB5A0-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345088][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:18 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:07 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id 85D715410CD for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:03 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc2-s5.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:17 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-015.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc2-s5.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:17 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-015.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:17 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:17 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="82810EC2-11B0-43D6-81F7-0B375A061423" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-01523KqiRe00551084@BAY0-XMR-015.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:17.0319 (UTC) FILETIME=[C58F1970:01CE47DC] --82810EC2-11B0-43D6-81F7-0B375A061423 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:fHNTDlzCF8Nxw6HwcfGQy+S7Ax/lqLSm0eBjyyDmyuVAstsxs2rJb5Rp34HdBXihw5n83sTFAYulsxbisuOf/JFvQAGwh/Fj1+SWif7nhJQDTsh7KG7VUjdwRv4WbW2YnbLcYFPcVSk= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr; dkim=none header.d=yahoo.com.tr; x-hmca=none header.id=berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr X-SID-PRA: berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAlsDzEVdJOQf5SUyFMVJ3Iux8jlx19muVby1BkyATx84vsotFRMVfcXPK1tPWgY7eqybdhPpXQOkGg+vLBjVUd7GoqEdH6oC274OERyVfo2doOMQlF5TRStyOrQeeotB5vwmSLlQGoE/MsfCddvW0hZ8PP4kGqtuZ4A= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by BAY0-MC3-F31.Bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 15:51:01 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.domain.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr>) id 1UY2LO-0003AZ-4Q for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 15:50:58 -0700 Received: from anavds.local ([]) by mail.domain.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id NBA34336 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Fri, 03 May 2013 01:50:36 +0300 Reply-To: satisberlin1@mynet.com Message-ID: <555d14123e3363642ff883dd352902ac@yahoo.com.tr> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?QmVybGluIET9/iBUaWNhcmV0IE1lcmtlemk=?=" <berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?3WhyYWNhdCB2ZSDddGhhbGF0IEXwaXRpbWkgLSBDRC1ST00g?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 01:50:34 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.8 X-Spam-Score: 8 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: ############################################### ** ?hracat ve ?thalat E?itimi - CD-ROM ** ################################################ [...] Content analysis details: (0.8 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1.2 FUZZY_CREDIT BODY: Attempt to obfuscate words in spam -1.1 BAYES_05 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 1 to 5% [score: 0.0248] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 0.6 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - yahoo.com.tr X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: berlindis_ticaret@yahoo.com.tr X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 May 2013 22:51:01.0098 (UTC) FILETIME=[84972CA0:01CE4787] ############################################### ** =DDhracat ve =DDthalat E=F0itimi - CD-ROM ** ################################################ --- DI=DE T=DDCARET E=D0=DDT=DDM=DDN=DD B=DDLG=DDSAYARINIZA GET=DDRD=DDK --- D=FD=FE Ticaret hakk=FDnda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen =FCst d=FCzey = y=F6neticiler ve patronlar !! D=FD=FE ticareti meslek olarak se=E7mek isteyenler, d=FD=FE ticaret = firmalar=FDnda cal=FD=FEan ama uygulama konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip = olmayan ve kendilerini geli=FEtirmek isteyen d=FD=FE ticaret elemanlar=FD !! =DDHRACAT ve =DDTHALAT hakk=FDnda merak etti=F0iniz t=FCm bilgileri tek = bir CD de toplad=FDk !!! =20 =DClkemizde d=FD=FE ticaret alan=FDnda cal=FD=FEacak kalifiye elemana = duyulan ihtiya=E7 g=FCn ge=E7tikce artmaktad=FDr. Bu alanda profesyonel = bir e=F0itimin al=FDnmas=FD ve d=FD=FE ticaretin do=F0ru bir =FEekilde, = uygulamal=FD olarak ve gerekli teorik bilgiler e=FEli=F0inde = =F6=F0renilmesi =E7ok =F6nemlidir=2E Bu ama=E7la, sekt=F6rde y=FDllar boyu edindi=F0imiz deneyimleri ve = bilgileri sizler i=E7in bir CD de toplad=FDk. =DDHRACAT ve =DDTHALAT = E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD CDsi =FCr=FCn=FC d=FD=FE ticaret hakk=FDndaki hemen t=FCm = bilgileri ve uygulamalar=FD i=E7ermektedir. Bu =FCr=FCn D=FD=FE Ticaretle = u=F0ra=FEan ya da bu konuda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen t=FCm firmalarda = bulunmal=FDd=FDr. =20 =DCr=FCn=FCn i=E7eri=F0i a=FEa=F0=FDda belirtilmi=FEtir.=20 =DDHRACAT ve =DDTHALAT E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD CDsi :=20 * DI=DE T=DDCARETE G=DDR=DD=DE VE TEMEL KAVRAMLAR =A7 =DDthalat ve =DDhracat Temel Kavramlar=FD =A7 =DDthalat ve =DDhracat =DD=FElemleri =A7 =DDhracat Fiyat=FD Olu=FEturma =A7 =DDhracat Modelleri =A7 D=FD=FE Ticarette Taraflar * DI=DE T=DDCARET BELGELERI =A7 Proforma Fatura =A7 Ticari Faturalar =A7 G=FCmruk Faturas=FD=20 =A7 Navlun Fatura ve Beyannameler =A7 Kon=FEimento, Hamule Senedi, CIM ve CIV=20 =A7 Ta=FE=FDma Belgeleri =A7 Poli=E7eler =A7 Sigorta Belgeleri =A7 Men=FEe Belgeleri =A7 Men=FEe =FEahadetnamesi =A7 Dola=FE=FDm Belgeleri =A7 Ambalajlara =DDli=FEkin Belgeler =A7 =C7eki Listesi =A7 Koli =DD=E7erik Listesi =A7 Sertifika Belgeleri =A7 Kalite ve Sa=F0l=FDk Uygunluk Sertifikas=FD * DI=DE T=DDCARETTE =D6DEME =DEEK=DDLLER=DD=20 =A7 Pe=FEin =D6deme =A7 Vesaik Mukabili=20 =A7 Mal Mukabili=20 =A7 Di=F0er =D6deme =DEekilleri =A7 =DDthalat-=DDhracat Finansman=FD * DI=DE T=DDCARETTE TESL=DDM =DEEK=DDLLER=DD =A7 Ta=FE=FDmac=FDl=FDk ve Sigorta Uygulamalar=FD=20 =A7 Akreditif Nedir =A7 Akreditif T=FCrleri ve Uygulamal=FD =D6rnekler * DI=DE T=DDCARET MUHASEBES=DD ve UYGULAMALAR =A7 =DDhracat ve =DDthalat =DD=FElemleri Muhasebesi =A7 D=FD=FE Ticarette Tahsilat ve =D6deme =DD=FElemleri Muhasebesi =A7 Serbest B=F6lgeler ve Muhasebesi =A7 KDV =DDadesi ve Mahsubu =A7 D=F6nem Sonu De=F0erleme =DD=FElemleri=20 =A7 =DDhracatta KDV =DD=FElemleri Muhasebesi ve Beyanname Duzenleme =A7 Devlet Yard=FDmlar=FD ve Muhasebe Kay=FDtlar=FD * G=DCMR=DCK MEVZUATI VE =DD=DELEMLER=DD =A7 G=FCmruk Rejimi =A7 Antrepolar * SERBEST B=D6LGE UYGULAMALARI =A7 Serbest B=F6lge Avantajlar=FD ve Dezavantajlar=FD =A7 Serbest B=F6lgeye Yap=FDlan Sat=FD=FElar =A7 Serbest B=F6lgeye Yap=FDlan Al=FD=FElar =20 * DI=DE T=DDCARETTE TE=DEV=DDK VE DEVLET YARDIMLARI =20 =A7 Dahilde =DD=FEleme Rejimi=20 =A7 Hari=E7te =DD=FEleme Rejimi =A7 Finansman Destekleri =A7 =DDhracatta Devlet Yard=FDmlar=FD=20 =A7 Devlet Yard=FDmlar=FDn=FD Nas=FDl Alabilirsiniz?=20 * ULUSLARARASI P=DDYASALAR VE PAZARLAMA=20 =A7 =DDhracat Fiyat=FDn=FDn Belirlenmesi =A7 D=FD=FE Piyasalarda Fiyatland=FDrmaya Etki Eden Fakt=F6rler =A7 Fiyatland=FDrma Stratejileri =A7 =DDhracat Maliyet Analizi =A7 Uluslararasi Pazarlama =20 =20 * DI=DE T=DDCARET MEVZUATI =A7 =DDhracat ve =DDthalat Mevzuat=FD =A7 Kotalar ve Tarifeler =A7 =DDthalatta G=F6zetim ve Koruma =D6nlemleri=20 =A7 Standardizasyon ve Denetleme Mevzuat=FD - YURTDI=DEINDAKI =DE=DDRKETLERLE YAZI=DEMA =D6RNEKLER=DD - =DCLKELER VE T=DDCARET =DEEK=DDLLER=DD HAKKINDA B=DDLG=DDLER - DI=DE T=DDCARET DERSLER=DD VE SUNUMLARI - TEMELDEN =DDLER=DD D=DCZEYE DI=DE T=DDCARET E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD - TOPLAM 5000 SAYFALIK DOK=DCMAN (WORD, PDF VE POWER POINT SUNUMLARI) =DCCRET : 65 TL (KARGO =DCCRET=DD DAH=DDL) =DDHRACAT VE =DDTHALAT E=D0=DDT=DDM CDsi - S=DDPAR=DD=DE B=DDLG=DDLER=DD = :=20 - =DCr=FCn=FCm=FCz=FC T=FCrkiye'nin her yerinde kap=FDda =F6deme yoluyla = sipari=FE edebilirsiniz=2E - Bu =F6zel hizmet i=E7in ekstra bir bedel uygulanmamaktad=FDr. Bu yolla = sipari=FE vermek i=E7in a=FEa=F0=FDdaki Sipari=FE =DDstek Formunu = satisberlin@mynet.com eposta adresimize iletmeniz gerekmektedir.=20 - =DCr=FCn=FCn adresinize teslim s=FCresi en ge=E7 48 saattir.=20 S=DDPAR=DD=DE =DDSTEK FORMU : =20 ###########################################################################= ######## =DCR=DCN Ad=FD : =DDHRACAT VE =DDTHALAT E=D0=DDT=DDM CDsi =DCR=DCN Fiyat=FD : 65 TL (KARGO =DCCRET=DD DAH=DDL) =DCR=DCN=DCN Teslim edilece=F0i isim, adres ve telefon :=20 =20 ###########################################################################= ######## Sayg=FDlar=FDm=FDzla, AT=DDLLA M=DDMARO=D0LU - BERL=DDN DI=DE T=DDCARET VE E=D0=DDT=DDM = H=DDZMETLER=DD eposta : satisberlin@mynet.com --82810EC2-11B0-43D6-81F7-0B375A061423-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345083][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:06 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:01:53 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id D39235404B9 for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:52 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc1-s5.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:26 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc1-s5.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:26 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:26 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:25 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="A961FD8A-E177-4F90-AF21-1730B0AFB3D0" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-019Blgb8hM005525d9@BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:26.0099 (UTC) FILETIME=[CACAD230:01CE47DC] --A961FD8A-E177-4F90-AF21-1730B0AFB3D0 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:fHNTDlzCF8Nxw6HwcfGQy+S7Ax/lqLSmNphQ3OF+T9E= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com; dkim=none header.d=yahoo.com; x-hmca=none header.id=akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com X-SID-PRA: akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com X-AUTH-Result: NONE X-SID-Result: NONE X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAltI9DuizMAEEwWqjyF8008Vebrxj1+jvSJnBp+SShLkmKT8aOfZE5izs8HD33m+H+pOQIl2U2dSXJ2Zzx39UN4y8Qo2ouAfwk767wzYaj05nQXVOL4Yzt8kXRgEcXj88xYFFEGoSRaEBDFrPzIjdFubG5mvp1RKihY= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by BAY0-MC1-F20.Bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Wed, 1 May 2013 22:19:27 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.rt.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com>) id 1UXlvi-000712-S6 for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Wed, 01 May 2013 22:19:24 -0700 Received: from hum852.local ([]) by mail.rt.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id NKR12534 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Thu, 02 May 2013 08:15:34 +0300 Reply-To: akademidil1@mynet.com Message-ID: <8e68f4486acab2da043e891f2c7d4ec2@yahoo.com> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?SP16bP0gdmUgS29sYXkg3W5naWxpemNlINbwcmV0aW1p?=" <akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?R2FyYW50aWxpIN1uZ2lsaXpjZSBF8Gl0aW0gU2V0aQ==?= Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 08:15:33 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.1 X-Spam-Score: 11 X-Spam-Bar: + X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: AKADEM? D?L H?ZMETLER? / E??T?M CDLER? MARKET? ?R?N DUYURUSU --- GARANT?L? ?NG?L?ZCE VCD E??T?M SET? --- ?ngilizce Oxford - Institute Dil E?itimi CD Seti - 10 CD-ROM - 69 TL [...] Content analysis details: (1.1 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 2.3 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD 'From' yahoo.com does not match 'Received' headers -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 1.3 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - yahoo.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: akademi_dil_egitimi@yahoo.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 May 2013 05:19:27.0465 (UTC) FILETIME=[9DDACD90:01CE46F4] AKADEM=DD D=DDL H=DDZMETLER=DD / E=D0=DDT=DDM CDLER=DD MARKET=DD =DCR=DCN = DUYURUSU --- GARANT=DDL=DD =DDNG=DDL=DDZCE VCD E=D0=DDT=DDM SET=DD --- =DDngilizce Oxford - Institute Dil E=F0itimi CD Seti - 10 CD-ROM - 69 = TL =09 =09 =09 =DDngilizce'yi hi=E7 bilmeyenler ve =DDngilizcesini geli=FEtirmek = isteyenler !!! =DD=FEte size bulunmaz bir f=FDrsat. Bu setle, =DDngilizce'yi detayl=FD = olarak =F6=F0renebilirsiniz. 10 CD-ROM dan olu=FEan=20 bu set tam size g=F6re ...Bu setin en =F6nemli =F6zelli=F0i s=FDn=FDf = ortam=FDnda ve =F6gretmen anlat=FDm=FDyla olmas=FDd=FDr.. Anlat=FDm dili = T=FCrk=E7e'dir.. =D6=F0renci bu seti almakla birlikte kursta alaca=F0=FD = t=FCm bilgileri, 4 farkl=FD e=F0itmenden al=FDnan bir e=F0itim ile evine = ta=FE=FDm=FD=FE olur. =D6=F0rencilerin en b=FCy=FCk sorunu olan kelime = telaffuz problemlerini de bir =DDngiliz e=F0itmen (native speaker) = taraf=FDndan do=F0ru ve ak=FDc=FD =FEekilde =F6=F0renerek a=FEar=2E =20 Oxford Dil Enstit=FCs=FCne ba=F0l=FD dilbilimcileri taraf=FDndan = haz=FDrlanan =DDngilizce =F6grenim seti sayesinde, =DDngilizce'yi =E7ok = daha kolay =F6=F0renecek, konular=FD =E7abuk kavrayacak, okuma-yazma ve = dinleme yetilerinizi geli=FEtirip, gramerinizi g=FC=E7lendireceksiniz.=20 B=F6ylelikle yabanc=FD bir dili =E7aba harcad=FD=F0=FDn=FDz=FDn fark=FDnda = bile olmadan =E7abucak ve rahatl=FDkla =F6=F0renmenin keyfini = ya=FEayaks=FDn=FDz=2E 10 CD-ROM Paketi i=E7inde tam 9 Ders Anlat=FDm=FD VCDsi ve i=E7inde 2 = farkl=FD S=F6zl=FC=F0=FCn bulundu=F0u S=F6zl=FCk CDsi yer almaktad=FDr.=20 * Bu =FCr=FCn sadece bilgisayarda =E7al=FD=FEacak =FEekilde = haz=FDrlanm=FD=FEt=FDr=2E =09 * =DCr=FCn=FC alan t=FCm m=FC=FEterilerimize 500 bin kelimelik Oxford = Dictionary =DDngilizce- T=FCrk=E7e CD S=F6zl=FCk hediyemizdir=2E Bu =FCr=FCn, katalo=F0umuza 1 MART 2013 tarihinde eklenmi=FEtir=2E =DCr=FCn Sipari=FEini T=FCrkiye'nin her yerine =FCcretsiz olarak = g=F6ndermekteyiz. =D6demeyi sipari=FEi getiren g=F6revliye teslim = ald=FDktan sonra yapabilirsiniz.=20 Sipari=FE i=E7in a=FEa=F0=FDdaki k=FDsa formu doldurup = siparis.akademi@mynet.com e-mail adresine yollaman=FDz yeterlidir.=20 ***************************************************************************= *********** =DCr=FCn Ad=FD : =DDngilizce Oxford - Institute Dil E=F0itimi CD Seti (9 = VCD) + =DCcretsiz Oxford Dictionary =DDngilizce - T=FCrk=E7e CD = S=F6zl=FCk=20 Fiyat : 69 TL =DCr=FCn=FCn teslim edilece=F0i ki=FEi : =DDngilizce D=FCzeyi :=20 L=FCtfen birini se=E7in --- Temel / Orta / Ileri=20 =DCr=FCn=FCn teslim edilece=F0i adres : =DCr=FCn=FCn teslim edilece=F0i telefon numaras=FD : ***************************************************************************= *********** Sipari=FE icin : siparis.akademi@mynet.com Elif S=F6zen - sat=FD=FE koordinat=F6r=FC AKADEM=DD D=DDL H=DDZMETLER=DD / E=D0=DDT=DDM CDLER=DD MARKET=DD Tan=FDt=FDm email listemizden =E7=FDk=FD=FE i=E7in l=FCtfen = cikar_akademidil@yahoo.com adresimize Remove ba=FEl=FDkl=FD bir email = g=F6nderin. Epostan=FDz listemizden otomatik olarak = =E7=FDkar=FDlacakt=FDr.= --A961FD8A-E177-4F90-AF21-1730B0AFB3D0-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345091][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:23 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:14 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id C6A545410C5 for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:12 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc2-s1.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:20 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc2-s1.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:19 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:19 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:19 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="20E70F09-01D9-46EB-A39F-8424782F9CED" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-018s0qtvDd00551667@BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:19.0809 (UTC) FILETIME=[C70B0B10:01CE47DC] --20E70F09-01D9-46EB-A39F-8424782F9CED Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:4r51+eLowCe79NzwdU2kRyU+pBy2R9QCj0/8P6fDMVumMo6iGJG5XQGQsGw4y+KC5jGdX6A7+/ZVHRw3c8psWXtc+cAfssqe5kw3LdG9RbC+kh049fg5aL5vFishJNonRedbn/JCR2Y= Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=fail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=vizyondil102@mynet.com; dkim=none header.d=mynet.com; x-hmca=fail header.id=vizyondil102@mynet.com X-SID-PRA: vizyondil102@mynet.com X-AUTH-Result: FAIL X-SID-Result: FAIL X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAltohrpOQn+8U3Dg55gPa+2kwrnp3eiTct1uC0BzCH7Sei/CfESBAzy02R9nr+2r6h58X63wj4QNV/khf16XGCXilVR1gXE2PmfqD5Sh3v7lKD1ZcaY8Ei260sQs51m2isjCQmDXXCn8iiytdwSNWAjSrMKgXdGLSbE= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by COL0-MC1-F3.Col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 19:25:15 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.444.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <vizyondil102@mynet.com>) id 1UY5gf-0004hq-7e for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 19:25:10 -0700 Received: from shinesun3.local ([]) by mail.444.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id OHA60959 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Fri, 03 May 2013 05:23:59 +0300 Reply-To: vizyondil1@mynet.com Message-ID: <a8e6168cfa6e9c17e673d8102b9c69bd@mynet.com> From: "=?iso-8859-9?B?UnVz52EgR/Zyc2VsIGXwaXRpbSBEVkQ=?=" <vizyondil102@mynet.com> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?UnVz52Eg1vByZW5tZWsgaXN0ZXIgbWlzaW5pej8/?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 05:23:58 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.9 X-Spam-Score: -8 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: AY SONUNA KADAR ?ND?R?ML? F?YAT --- 55 TL RUS?A E??T?M DVDsi RUS?A E??T?M? --- DVD [...] Content analysis details: (-0.9 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.7 SPF_FAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail) [sPF failed: Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?s=mfrom;id=vizyondil102%40mynet.com;ip=;r=stevie.heliohost.org] -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 0.9 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - mynet.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: vizyondil102@mynet.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 02:25:15.0389 (UTC) FILETIME=[725852D0:01CE47A5] AY SONUNA KADAR =DDND=DDR=DDML=DD F=DDYAT --- 55 TL RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi ------------------ RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM=DD --- DVD =20 ---- RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi Rus=E7ay=FD s=FDf=FDrdan ba=FElayarak = =F6=F0reten, kapsaml=FD bir Rus=E7a e=F0itim paketidir. =20 ---- RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi Temel Rus=E7ay=FD =F6=F0renme = olana=F0=FDn=FD evinize, i=FEyerinize, okulunuza getiriyor=2E ---- RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi nin T=FCrk ve Rus =F6=F0retmenleri bu = =F6zel DVDnin tasarlan=FDp ger=E7ekle=FEtirilmesinde g=F6rev ald=FDlar=2E ---- Art=FDk Rus=E7ay=FD kesinlikle =F6=F0reneceksiniz! FORMAT :=20 RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi i=E7inde toplam 8 Video bulunmaktad=FDr. = S=F6zkonusu Rus=E7a Video Dersleri VCD format=FDnda olup gramer, = konu=FEma, telaffuz, vocabulary gibi konular=FDn Dil Enstit=FCs=FCnde = s=FDn=FDf ortam=FDnda T=FCrk ve Rus =F6=F0retmenler taraf=FDndan = ayr=FDnt=FDl=FD anlat=FDm=FDndan olu=FEmaktad=FDr. =20 Konular : - Rus alfabesine giri=FE - Rus=E7ada vurgu - Tonlama t=FCrleri - =DD=FEaret ve =FEah=FDs zamirlerinin kullan=FDm=FD.=20 - Rus dilinde Kim? Ne? Nerede? soru kelimeleri - =DDsimlerde canl=FD/cans=FDz ayr=FDm=FD - Rus=E7a sesbilgisi: Alfabe, okuma kurallar=FD, vurgu, tonlama - Temel Rus=E7a Gramer bilgileri - Okuma Becerisinin Geli=FEtirilmesi: c=FCmle ve k=FC=E7=FCk metinlerin = okunmas=FD - Yazma Becerisinin Geli=FEtirilmesi: hece, kelime ve c=FCmlelerin = yaz=FDlmas=FD - Konu=FEma ve Duyma Becerilerinin Geli=FEtirilmesi: =F6=F0renilen = konu=FEma kal=FDplar=FDn=FDn k=FC=E7=FCk dialoglarda kullan=FDlmas=FD.=20 - Kelime hazinesinin geni=FEletilmesi FAYDA :=20 =D6=F0renci bu DVDyi almakla kursta alaca=F0=FD tum bilgileri, 2 farkli = e=F0itmenden al=FDnan bir e=F0itim sayesinde evine ta=FE=FDm=FD=FE olur. = =D6=F0rencilerin en b=FCy=FCk sorunu olan kelime telaffuz problemlerini de = bir Rus e=F0itmen ( native speaker) taraf=FDndan do=F0ru ve ak=FDc=FD = =FEekilde =F6=F0renerek a=FEar. Video dosyalar=FDn=FD izleyerek kelime = hazinenizi geli=FEtirecek, kelimelerin anlamlar=FD, okunu=FElar=FD ve = yaz=FDl=FD=FElar=FD hakk=FDnda da bilgi sahibi olacaks=FDn=FDz=2E Fiyat : ---- 55 TL --- Sipari=FE prosed=FCr=FC : Sipari=FE i=E7in a=FEa=F0=FDdaki bilgileri = vizyonrusca@mynet.com email adresimize iletmeniz yeterlidir. = =DCr=FCn=FCm=FCz belirtti=F0iniz adrese T=FCrkiye'nin her yerine 2 = =FCcretsiz olarak teslim edilecek ve =F6deme sipari=FEi getiren = g=F6revliye yap=FDlacakt=FDr=2E ------------------------------------------------------------------ =DCr=FCn Ad=FD : RUS=C7A E=D0=DDT=DDM DVDsi Fiyat : ---- 55 TL --- Sipari=FEin Teslim Edilece=F0i =DDsim : Teslim Adresi : Teslim Telefon Numaras=FD : ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sayg=FDlar, Esin Uzel / M=FC=FEteri Temsilcisi E-POSTA : vizyonrusca@mynet.com V=DDZYON D=DDL H=DDZMETLER=DD =20 ---------------------------------------- --20E70F09-01D9-46EB-A39F-8424782F9CED-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345092][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:23 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:14 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id C7B065410C7 for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:12 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc1-s19.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:25 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc1-s19.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:25 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:25 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:25 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="20D5101B-F3F1-4B6A-9C1A-52F69A152D6D" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-019tnr6eDI005525d7@BAY0-XMR-019.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:25.0364 (UTC) FILETIME=[CA5AAB40:01CE47DC] --20D5101B-F3F1-4B6A-9C1A-52F69A152D6D Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:4r51+eLowCe79NzwdU2kR3P+ctWZsO+J Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=softfail (sender IP is; identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) smtp.mailfrom=arweb.reklam@live.com; dkim=none (identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) header.d=live.com; x-hmca=fail X-SID-PRA: arweb.reklam@live.com X-AUTH-Result: FAIL X-SID-Result: FAIL X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00 X-Message-Info: fp3V/SmXfVQ/7wq8k/LjxRm1ijzmtLJYR+lrbX6Xua1scpLsmk2Y74vAfb2L7nq2QzEXRsU7uyTvFIOyS0a+nMtimmJ3QcxzwtJq6kPoZHZ0WkOq4D6LerC9U3/8i4ov8rhzOgknIS/hWsOE1JnvBjP9dcupE5LZ Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by SNT0-MC4-F44.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Wed, 1 May 2013 21:18:17 -0700 Received: from [] (helo=mail.444.com) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtps (SSLv3:AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <arweb.reklam@live.com>) id 1UXkyW-0003eH-I7 for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Wed, 01 May 2013 21:18:14 -0700 Received: from shinesun3.local ([]) by mail.444.com (IceWarp 9.3.1) with ASMTP id NJT76547 for <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr>; Thu, 02 May 2013 07:17:47 +0300 Reply-To: medyaweb1@mynet.com Message-ID: <d68ef35d3c5f6c6688b64c642ba87022@live.com> From: "Arweb Reklam" <arweb.reklam@live.com> To: <info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr> Subject: =?iso-8859-9?B?VPxya2l5ZSBTZWt09nJlbCBFTWFpbCBSZWhiZXJpIENEc2kgLyAgMjAxMw==?= Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 07:17:46 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-9" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.6 X-Spam-Score: -5 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: ########################################### T?rkiye Sekt?rel EMail Rehberi CDsi - 2013 ########################################### ........ T?RK?YE EMAIL REHBER? - 2013 ......... ''2013 'DE ??RKETLER EL?N?Z?N ALTINDA OLSUN !!! '' [...] Content analysis details: (-0.6 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.6 SPF_SOFTFAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (softfail) -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS 1.3 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - live.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: arweb.reklam@live.com X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 May 2013 04:18:17.0511 (UTC) FILETIME=[12644370:01CE46EC] ########################################### T=FCrkiye Sekt=F6rel EMail Rehberi CDsi - 2013 ########################################### ........ T=DCRK=DDYE EMAIL REHBER=DD - 2013 ........=2E ''2013 'DE =DE=DDRKETLER EL=DDN=DDZ=DDN ALTINDA OLSUN !!! '' SAYIN Yetkili, T=FCrkiye'deki binlerce farkl=FD sekt=F6rde firmay=FD bir tu=FE kadar = yak=FDn=FDn=FDza getiriyoruz. Gerek ki=FEisel, gerekse kurumsal bir=E7ok = ihtiyac=FDn=FDz i=E7in haz=FDrlad=FD=F0=FDm=FDz T=FCrkiye Sekt=F6rel EMail = Rehberi CDsi - 2013 art=FDk elinizin alt=FDnda.=20 Pazarlama stratejisi geli=FEtiren firmalar bir ad=FDm =F6ne ge=E7mek = i=E7in yeni bilgi kaynaklar=FDn=FD kullan=FDyorlar. Bu bilgi = kaynaklar=FDn=FDn ba=FE=FDnda gelen T=FCrkiye Sekt=F6rel EMail Rehberi = CDsi - 2013 T=FCrkiye'nin en kapsamli i=FE dunyas=FD e-mail bilgi = bankas=FDd=FDr.=20 Rehberimiz ARWEB REKLAM H=DDZMETLER=DD uzman kadrosu taraf=FDndan = haz=FDrlanm=FD=FE olup sadece belli ba=FEl=FD kategorileri de=F0il, = y=FCzlerce farkl=FD sekt=F6r=FC tarayarak bir tu=FE kadar yak=FDn=FDn=FDza = getiriyor.=20 S=FCrekli el alt=FDnda bulunacak bir ba=FEvuru kayna=F0=FD olmas=FD = amac=FDyla haz=FDrlanan bu rehberin, gerek ki=FEisel, gerekse kurumsal = bir=E7ok ihtiyac=FDn=FDza cevap verece=F0ini =FCmit ediyoruz.=20 =20 Amac=FDm=FDz, bilgi =E7a=F0=FDn=FDn yeni g=FC=E7lerini kullan=FDm=FDn=FDza = sunarak hayat=FDn=FDz=FD kolayla=FEt=FDrmakt=FDr=2E =20 REHBER CD-ROM FORMATI :=20 - Rehberimiz CD format=FDnda olup bilgisayarlarda kullan=FDlmak =FCzere = olarak haz=FDrlanm=FD=FEt=FDr=2E =20 - Toplam 1 Milyon E-mail adresi Domain ve Sekt=F6rel isimlere g=F6re = kategori edilmi=FEtir. = Bilgisayar,dan=FD=FEmanl=FDk,e=F0itim,e=F0lence,finans,hobi,ileti=FEim,in= =FEaat,kitap,medya,otomobil,sa=F0l=FDk,sanat,sanayi, spor,turizm ve pek=E7ok alt sekt=F6r=FC kapsamaktad=FDr.=20 REHBER CD-ROM =DD=E7eri=F0i :=20 N=DDSAN 2013 de G=FCncellenmi=FE Toplam 1 M=DDLYON SEKT=D6REL E-MAIL DATA =DEehirler : =DDstanbul - Ankara - =DDzmir ve Di=F0er =DDller Sekt=F6rler :=20 =20 - Tekstil - Konfeksiyon - Makine - Sa=F0l=FDk - D=F6k=FCm - Kimya - = Otomotiv - Makine =DDmalat=E7=FDlar=FD - K=FDrtasiye=20 - Emlak - =DDn=FEaat - Toptanc=FDlar - Ambalaj - Metal ve Metal = =DD=FEleri - Bilgisayar - G=FDda - Perakende=20 - =DDnternet - Turizm - Ma=F0aza ve Marketler - E=F0lence - Nakliye - = Al=FD=FEveri=FE Merkezleri ve daha bir =E7ok sekt=F6r grubunu = i=E7ermektedir. CD de toplam 200 sekt=F6r bulunmaktad=FDr.=20 Ayr=FDca 100.000 Firman=FDn : =DEehir Semt/=DDl=E7e Sekt=F6r=FC Firma Ad=FD Yetkili Ki=FEi =DDsmi Adresi Telefonu Faks=FD Email Adresi Web Site Adresi Fiyat=FD: 250 TL De=F0il Sadece : 69 TL=20 Hepsi 1 CD'de !!! =D6deme Opsiyonu : - Adrese Teslimde =D6deme Opsiyonu : T=FCrkiye'nin her taraf=FDna adrese = teslimde =F6deme opsiyonu bulunmaktad=FDr=2E (Bu opsiyonu kullanmak istiyorsan=FDz bize isim, adres, telefon = bilgilerinizi ge=E7meniz yeterlidir. =D6deme sipari=FEi getiren = g=F6revliye yap=FDlacakt=FDr.) - Adrese Teslimde =D6deme Opsiyonu i=E7in l=FCtfen a=FEa=F0=FDdaki k=FDsa = bilgi formunu doldurarak arwebreklam@mynet.com adresine g=F6nderiniz.=20 ########################################################### S=DDPAR=DD=DE FORMU :=20 Al=FDc=FD Ki=FEi/Firma :=20 Al=FDc=FD Adres : Al=FDc=FD Telefon :=20 =DCr=FCn Ad=FD : T=FCrkiye Sekt=F6rel EMail Rehberi CDsi - 2013 Fiyat=FD : 69 TL (KARGO =DCCRET=DD DAH=DDLD=DDR) ########################################################### Sayg=FDlar=FDm=FDzla, ARWEB REKLAM TANITIM Burak AVCI arwebreklam@mynet.com =DCr=FCn tan=FDt=FDm email listemizden =E7=FDkmak i=E7in l=FCtfen = remove.arweb@mynet.com adresimize Remove konulu bir email g=F6nderiniz. = Emailiniz listemizden =E7=FDkar=FDlacakt=FDr=2E --20D5101B-F3F1-4B6A-9C1A-52F69A152D6D-- -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HE ABUSE #345090][] complaint about message from Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:18 -0700 (PDT) From: no-reply@abuse.he.net To: abuse@connexinternet.com We have received a complaint about your account. Please investigate and fix within 24 hours. Hurricane Electric Abuse Department support@he.net From staff@hotmail.com Fri May 3 02:02:07 2013 Return-Path: <staff@hotmail.com> X-Original-To: report@abuse.he.net Delivered-To: report@abuse.he.net Received: from he.net (he.net []) by abuse.he.net (Postfix) with SMTP id 8621F5410CE for <report@abuse.he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:02:03 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bay0-omc1-s25.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by he.net for <abuse@he.net>; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 Received: from BAY0-XMR-004.phx.gbl ([]) by bay0-omc1-s25.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-004.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:01:16 -0700 From: staff@hotmail.com Subject: complaint about message from To: abuse@he.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="68165CF6-A957-4659-A0BC-69127C4B1F30" Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-004CuyzC0b005547fa@BAY0-XMR-004.phx.gbl> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 May 2013 09:01:16.0432 (UTC) FILETIME=[C507C100:01CE47DC] --68165CF6-A957-4659-A0BC-69127C4B1F30 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient: gulaykundakci@hotmail.com X-Reporter-IP: x-store-info:4r51+eLowCe79NzwdU2kR3P+ctWZsO+J Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=softfail (sender IP is; identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) smtp.mailfrom=a.bhr@hotmail.com; dkim=none (identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) header.d=hotmail.com; x-hmca=fail header.id=a.bhr@hotmail.com X-SID-PRA: a.bhr@hotmail.com X-AUTH-Result: FAIL X-SID-Result: FAIL X-Message-Status: n:n X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD0w X-Message-Info: 3c21WZ1hAlv9hC/v+9LYneAEVMO+BN/NVogpixEqhy7BllhWDU4dIvBEye6j6DOKHj79IeE2WXoK114HiGJnFehbqrqrdMRqlcV3p2bz427WJI+Kpj1InLkx4xVuXbUFIRRfCYRdujnxqRaS0a+SJwP6oAhfvmsD87nSDQocth8= Received: from stevie.heliohost.org ([]) by BAY0-MC2-F3.Bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900); Thu, 2 May 2013 15:26:00 -0700 Received: from dub0-omc2-s36.dub0.hotmail.com ([]) by stevie.heliohost.org with esmtp (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <a.bhr@hotmail.com>) id 1UY1xA-0002yQ-88 for info@antalyaafetacil.gov.tr; Thu, 02 May 2013 15:25:57 -0700 Received: from DUB105-W37 ([]) by dub0-omc2-s36.dub0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Thu, 2 May 2013 15:25:48 -0700 X-EIP: [4YmASGLZgqNjq3BWu7Kf7gfJHxJlnbDa] X-Originating-Email: [a.bhr@hotmail.com] Message-ID: <DUB105-W37170D2CC91D156055E478F8BD0@phx.gbl> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_bdbd6edb-c709-498c-9b74-984ea3074c79_" From: Bahar albahar <a.bhr@hotmail.com> Subject: =?windows-1254?Q?H=DDT_MEZUNL?= =?windows-1254?Q?ARI_G=D6REVE?= =?windows-1254?Q?_HAZIR=2C_DE?= =?windows-1254?Q?STEKLER=DDN=DD?= =?windows-1254?Q?Z=DD_BEKL=DDYO?= =?windows-1254?Q?RUZ?= Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 01:25:48 +0300 Importance: Normal MIME-Version: 1.0 Bcc: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 May 2013 22:25:48.0896 (UTC) FILETIME=[FF3F7600:01CE4783] X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.2 X-Spam-Score: 32 X-Spam-Bar: +++ X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "stevie.heliohost.org", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: Say?n Yetkili; Bizler 4291 nitelik kodlu Halkla ?li?kiler Lisans B?l?mleri mezunlar?y?z. ?leti?imin profesyonelleri olan b?l?m?m?z mezunlar?,ba?ta kurumunuz olmak ?zere kamuda kendilerine f?rsat verilmesini beklemektedir. Say?n Yetkili,bilindi?i ?zere ?lkemiz sahip oldu?u yap? sonucu s?k s?k do?al afetler ya?amakta ve bunun sonucu olarak da b?y?k can ve mal kayb?na u?ramaktad?r.Kurumunuzun kriz d?nemlerinde uygulad??? ''Kriz Y?netimi'' modeli, kriz d?nemi ?ncesini ve sonras?n? da kapsayan ''Risk Y?netimi'' modeli ve g?n?m?z?n en etkin y?netim modeli olan ''B?t?nle?ik Y?netim Sistemi'' biz Halkla ?li?kiler mezunlar?n?n olduk?a a?ina oldu?u modellerdir.Bizler ?niversite ??renimimiz boyunca bu y?netim modelleriyle ilgili ald???m?z teorik ve pratik derslerle kurumunuza b?y?k katk? sunabilece?imizi belirtmek isteriz. Siz de?erli y?neticilerimizden beklentimiz, kamu personeli tercihlerinde 4291 kodlu Halkla ?li?kiler Lisans mezunlar?na ?ncelik vermenizdir.Ba?ar?l? ?al??malar?n?z?n devam?n? diler,sayg?lar?mla arz ederim.HALKLA ?L??K?LER L?SANS MEZUNLARI [...] Content analysis details: (3.2 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 2.1 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals -0.0 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record 1.3 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] 1.8 MIME_BASE64_TEXT RAW: Message text disguised using base64 encoding 0.7 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list X-Spam-Flag: NO X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - stevie.heliohost.org X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - antalyaafetacil.gov.tr X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - hotmail.com X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: Return-Path: a.bhr@hotmail.com --_bdbd6edb-c709-498c-9b74-984ea3074c79_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1254" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 U2F5/W4gWWV0a2lsaTsNCiBCaXpsZXIgNDI5MSBuaXRlbGlrIGtvZGx1IEhhbGtsYSDdbGn+a2ls ZXIgTGlzYW5zIEL2bPxtbGVyaSBtZXp1bmxhcv15/XouIN1sZXRp/mltaW4gcHJvZmVzeW9uZWxs ZXJpIG9sYW4gYvZs/G38bfx6IG1lenVubGFy/SxiYf50YSBrdXJ1bXVudXogb2xtYWsg/HplcmUg a2FtdWRhIGtlbmRpbGVyaW5lIGb9cnNhdCB2ZXJpbG1lc2luaSBiZWtsZW1la3RlZGlyLg0KIFNh ef1uIFlldGtpbGksYmlsaW5kafBpIPx6ZXJlIPxsa2VtaXogc2FoaXAgb2xkdfB1IHlhcP0gc29u dWN1IHP9ayBz/WsgZG/wYWwgYWZldGxlciB5Yf5hbWFrdGEgdmUgYnVudW4gc29udWN1IG9sYXJh ayBkYSBi/Hn8ayBjYW4gdmUgbWFsIGtheWL9bmEgdfByYW1ha3RhZP1yLkt1cnVtdW51enVuIGty aXogZPZuZW1sZXJpbmRlIHV5Z3VsYWT98P0gJydLcml6IFn2bmV0aW1pJycgbW9kZWxpLCBrcml6 IGT2bmVtaSD2bmNlc2luaSB2ZSBzb25yYXP9bv0gZGEga2Fwc2F5YW4gJydSaXNrIFn2bmV0aW1p JycgbW9kZWxpIHZlIGf8bvxt/Hr8biBlbiBldGtpbiB59m5ldGltIG1vZGVsaSBvbGFuICcnQvx0 /G5sZf5payBZ9m5ldGltIFNpc3RlbWknJyBiaXogSGFsa2xhIN1saf5raWxlciBtZXp1bmxhcv1u /W4gb2xkdWvnYSBh/mluYSBvbGR18HUgbW9kZWxsZXJkaXIuQml6bGVyIPxuaXZlcnNpdGUg9vBy ZW5pbWltaXogYm95dW5jYSBidSB59m5ldGltIG1vZGVsbGVyaXlsZSBpbGdpbGkgYWxk/fD9bf16 IHRlb3JpayB2ZSBwcmF0aWsgZGVyc2xlcmxlIGt1cnVtdW51emEgYvx5/Gsga2F0a/0gc3VuYWJp bGVjZfBpbWl6aSBiZWxpcnRtZWsgaXN0ZXJpei4NCiBTaXogZGXwZXJsaSB59m5ldGljaWxlcmlt aXpkZW4gYmVrbGVudGltaXosIGthbXUgcGVyc29uZWxpIHRlcmNpaGxlcmluZGUgNDI5MSBrb2Rs dSBIYWxrbGEg3Wxp/mtpbGVyIExpc2FucyBtZXp1bmxhcv1uYSD2bmNlbGlrIHZlcm1lbml6ZGly LkJh/mFy/Wz9IOdhbP3+bWFsYXL9bv16/W4gZGV2YW39bv0gZGlsZXIsc2F5Z/1sYXL9bWxhIGFy eiBlZGVyaW0uSEFMS0xBIN1M3d5L3UxFUiBM3VNBTlMgTUVaVU5MQVJJIAkJIAkgICAJCSAg --_bdbd6edb-c709-498c-9b74-984ea3074c79_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="windows-1254" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4NCjxzdHlsZT48IS0tDQouaG1tZXNzYWdlIFANCnsNCm1hcmdpbjowcHg7 DQpwYWRkaW5nOjBweA0KfQ0KYm9keS5obW1lc3NhZ2UNCnsNCmZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTJwdDsNCmZv bnQtZmFtaWx5OkNhbGlicmkNCn0NCi0tPjwvc3R5bGU+PC9oZWFkPg0KPGJvZHkgY2xhc3M9J2ht bWVzc2FnZSc+PGRpdiBkaXI9J2x0cic+U2F5/W4gWWV0a2lsaTs8YnI+IEJpemxlciA0MjkxIG5p dGVsaWsga29kbHUgSGFsa2xhIN1saf5raWxlciBMaXNhbnMgQvZs/G1sZXJpIG1lenVubGFy/Xn9 ei4g3WxldGn+aW1pbiBwcm9mZXN5b25lbGxlcmkgb2xhbiBi9mz8bfxt/HogbWV6dW5sYXL9LGJh /nRhIGt1cnVtdW51eiBvbG1hayD8emVyZSBrYW11ZGEga2VuZGlsZXJpbmUgZv1yc2F0IHZlcmls bWVzaW5pIGJla2xlbWVrdGVkaXIuPGJyPiBTYXn9biBZZXRraWxpLGJpbGluZGnwaSD8emVyZSD8 bGtlbWl6IHNhaGlwIG9sZHXwdSB5YXD9IHNvbnVjdSBz/Wsgc/1rIGRv8GFsIGFmZXRsZXIgeWH+ YW1ha3RhIHZlIGJ1bnVuIHNvbnVjdSBvbGFyYWsgZGEgYvx5/GsgY2FuIHZlIG1hbCBrYXli/W5h IHXwcmFtYWt0YWT9ci5LdXJ1bXVudXp1biBrcml6IGT2bmVtbGVyaW5kZSB1eWd1bGFk/fD9ICcn S3JpeiBZ9m5ldGltaScnIG1vZGVsaSwga3JpeiBk9m5lbWkg9m5jZXNpbmkgdmUgc29ucmFz/W79 IGRhIGthcHNheWFuICcnUmlzayBZ9m5ldGltaScnIG1vZGVsaSB2ZSBn/G78bfx6/G4gZW4gZXRr aW4gefZuZXRpbSBtb2RlbGkgb2xhbiAnJ0L8dPxubGX+aWsgWfZuZXRpbSBTaXN0ZW1pJycgYml6 IEhhbGtsYSDdbGn+a2lsZXIgbWV6dW5sYXL9bv1uIG9sZHVr52EgYf5pbmEgb2xkdfB1IG1vZGVs bGVyZGlyLkJpemxlciD8bml2ZXJzaXRlIPbwcmVuaW1pbWl6IGJveXVuY2EgYnUgefZuZXRpbSBt b2RlbGxlcml5bGUgaWxnaWxpIGFsZP3w/W39eiB0ZW9yaWsgdmUgcHJhdGlrIGRlcnNsZXJsZSBr dXJ1bXVudXphIGL8efxrIGthdGv9IHN1bmFiaWxlY2XwaW1pemkgYmVsaXJ0bWVrIGlzdGVyaXou PGJyPiBTaXogZGXwZXJsaSB59m5ldGljaWxlcmltaXpkZW4gYmVrbGVudGltaXosIGthbXUgcGVy c29uZWxpIHRlcmNpaGxlcmluZGUgNDI5MSBrb2RsdSBIYWxrbGEg3Wxp/mtpbGVyIExpc2FucyBt ZXp1bmxhcv1uYSD2bmNlbGlrIHZlcm1lbml6ZGlyLkJh/mFy/Wz9IOdhbP3+bWFsYXL9bv16/W4g ZGV2YW39bv0gZGlsZXIsc2F5Z/1sYXL9bWxhIGFyeiBlZGVyaW0uPEJSPkhBTEtMQSDdTN3eS91M RVIgTN1TQU5TIE1FWlVOTEFSSTxCUj4gCQkgCSAgIAkJICA8L2Rpdj48L2JvZHk+DQo8L2h0bWw+ --_bdbd6edb-c709-498c-9b74-984ea3074c79_-- --68165CF6-A957-4659-A0BC-69127C4B1F30--
  3. I tried testing this out for you creating new directories all over the place (inside addon domains and elsewhere) and trying all sorts of random directory names. I couldn't get that ajax error to pop up a single time. Do you have any particular process that always causes it to come up?
  4. I've never used outlook, but every email client I've ever used has worked just fine with my stevie account. I don't see anything wrong with your account's email or email accounts. Maybe this link will help you http://www.likoma.com/setting-up-email-using-cpanel-and-outlook/ I know one thing to keep in mind is that our SSL certificates are self-signed so sometimes browsers and email clients have issues with that. Self-signed certificates offer the same level of encryption, and as long as you trust the people running the server that is using the certificate it's the same thing; it's just free instead of having to give boatloads of money to some certificate signing company and the only real benefit is that the warning message will be gone. A lot of browsers and email clients will pop up an error the first time you try to use a self-signed certificate to connect securely saying something along the lines of "this could be bad..." Perhaps your email client is set up to just refuse these types of connections without even giving you a chance, but that doesn't explain why the non-ssl connection doesn't work for you either.
  5. You could create your folders and upload files with FTP, or web disk, or the other cPanel file manager, or etc etc. If the tool you're using bugs you so much try a different tool.
  6. It looks like it's working now. If you're still seeing the queued page please clear your cache again.
  7. Deployed. http://infopar.heliohost.org/infopar_catechesi/ It was doing the same thing as the last one since infopar.heliohost.org/catchesi/css/default.css didn't exist so I created the folders for you and copied the file.
  8. Our log files only go back so far so I can't tell you exactly when or why your IP got blocked. Probably related to FTP as Shinryuu said. Try connecting to your account now.
  9. Your account is showing up as clean now. Thank you for taking care of this.
  10. That username and/or domain is not located on our system. Most likely it was deleted due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new account and restore any backup data you may have, because Heliohost does not keep any backups of your data once your account has been deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to automatically delete inactive accounts to make room for users who are still active otherwise our servers would soon be overloaded. To prevent this from happening again in the future don't forget to log into your account at least once every 30 days.
  11. I'm guessing your site was affected by the first reason in my list: Exceeding the process limit. FTP clients with the default settings generally try to get files uploaded and downloaded in the absolute fastest way possible. Those are the settings that we were testing to fix the firewall. The way FTP clients do this is by running as many concurrent FTP threads connected as many concurrent FTP connections as they can. Each FTP connection to the server uses on of your limited number of processes available. The reason we have to limit the number of processes is because if we didn't or if the limit was higher (as it is on Johnny) then one user would either maliciously or unintentionally be able to cause slow performance or downtime for all the other accounts on the server. If your site shows a 500 error, log out of cpanel, close all FTP clients, shut down your email clients, etc. and it should clear up on it's own in a few minutes.
  12. Your account does not appear to be afflicted with brute force protection, but I agree with Shinryuu that you probably did have it at one point and then it cleared on it's own with time. Are you able to log into your account now, or reset the password? Keep in mind that if you are unable to log into your account you shouldn't continue guessing passwords because that just locks you out of your account for longer. If you are still unable to log in, and password resets still aren't working either let us know so we can do a manual password reset for you.
  13. SMTP on Stevie is working fine for me. Have you tried using the SSL settings on port 465 and url stevie.heliohost.org instead of port 25 and mail.yourdomain.com? If it's still not working for you you could provide your username and domain so we can take a look specifically at your account and your settings.
  14. Since we made some progress on your other struts application, and you posted a deploy request for catechesi not webcat I'm going to mark this as solved. Please create a new topic if you do decide to switch back to webcat again.
  15. You could try making a new .war with an absolute reference to the default.css such as infopar.heliohost.org/css/default.css. I'm not sure why it's not finding the .css file.
  16. Ok, GLaDOS was able to help me test this out, and I made some changes to the firewall. It seems to be working better now. Let us know if anyone is still having issues getting disconnected/banned during the middle of an FTP transfer. Are you able to connect again?
  17. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain Your queued subdomain The server that you are on
  18. Alright, I've never been able to duplicate this, but a lot of people have reported the same thing happening to them. Since I can never get it to ban any of my test computers I am assuming it has something to do with the network or ISP that people connect with in addition to their FTP client, etc. If anyone is willing to be my guinea pig to test this out please let me know. Basically I would just want you to download or upload a ton of files or whatever it is that causes the bans to happen, and I will watch the log files to see if we can finally get this solved once and for all.
  19. I made some changes to the way the server deploys your old catechesi java application http://infopar.heliohost.org/ which now does more than just show a 404 error. Let me know if you still want to go ahead with the new deployment. I thought it might provide some useful troubleshooting information for you to see this first.
  20. I've been trying different server settings for deploying your catechesi application, and I came up with http://infopar.heliohost.org/ that seems to do more than just a 404 error.
  21. Date CPU MEM ------------------ 2013-05-03 3 1 2013-05-02 1 1 2013-05-01 1 1 2013-04-30 3 2 2013-04-29 5 1 2013-04-28 2 1 2013-04-27 5 1 1=highest cpu/mem, 2=second highest etc. Also this list doesn't take into consideration suspended accounts. Perhaps your account was second highest load, but the highest load account was suspended in which case you should really be a 1 not a 2. I posted this link for another account recently that was using a lot of memory in php scripts. Perhaps you will also find it useful http://v1.srcnix.com/2010/02/10/7-tips-to-prevent-php-running-out-of-memory/
  22. Reading through the logs it looks like Java was enabled on your account on April 9th, and then on April 21st it was removed for abuse. Java can only be enabled on a limited number of accounts at once, and each account that it is enabled on increases the system resources that tomcat uses. Your account was using the same resources as roughly 20 normal accounts, so it was automatically removed. You can request java again http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/74-java-requests/ if you would like, and we can give you another chance.
  23. Since you still seem to be using a lot of memory I thought this link might be useful to you http://v1.srcnix.com/2010/02/10/7-tips-to-prevent-php-running-out-of-memory/
  24. To prove ownership of a Helionet account prior to deletion you must be able to accept and reply to an email sent to the address that you registered the account with. Failure to reply to the deletion verification email means that the account will not be deleted. Once a reply is received the account will be deleted.
  25. Your password has been manually reset, tested, and emailed to your contact email address. Let us know if you're still having trouble accessing your account.
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